“UGOL” MAGAZINE - 85 years

UDC 622.33(05)«1925/2010» © I.G. Tarazanov, 2010

Tarazanov Igor Gennadevich
The deputy editor-in-chief "Ugol" magazine,
mining engineer

85 years together with readers (by an anniversary of “UGOL” magazine)

The 85-years history of “Ugol” magazine is presented: origin of the magazine, the first decades, years of Great domestic war, post-war years, 1970-1980-å years, years of reorganization and the modern period, plans and problems of magazine.

“Ugol” magazine, history, coal industry, achievements and awards.

Contact information

KuzGTU – 60 yers

UDC 378.661(571.17)«KuzGTU»«1950/2010» © E.K. Eshchin, 2010

Eshchin Evgenie Konstantinovich
The rector of the Kuzbass state technical university,
doctor tech. sciences, professor

To the Kuzbass state technical university - 60 years

The brief historical information on the events connected with the basis of the Kemerovo college of mines is given. The characteristic of a modern condition of the Kuzbass state technical university is given. On materials of publications about the Kemerovo college of mines, the Kuzbass polytechnical institute, the Kuzbass state technical university.

History, mining, KuzGTU, anniversary.

Contact information

UDC 378.661(571.17)«KuzGTU» © V.G. Kashirskih, 2010

Kashirskih Veniamin Georgievich
The dean of mining-electromechanical faculty KuzGTU,
doctor tech. sciences, professor

History and results of work of mining-electromechanical faculty KuzGtU

The brief historical information and the characteristic of a modern condition of mining-electromechanical faculty of the Kuzbass state technical university is given. On materials of publications about the Kemerovo college of mines, the Kuzbass polytechnical institute, the Kuzbass state technical university.

History, mining, KuzGTU, anniversary.

Contact information

UDC 378.661(571.17)«KuzGTU»:622.22 © A.V. Ugljanitsa, 2010

Ugljanitsa Andrey Vladimirovich
The dean of faculty of ground and underground construction KuzGTU

Faculty of ground and underground construction KuzGTU

The brief historical information and the characteristic of a modern condition of faculty of ground and underground construction of the Kuzbass state technical university is given. On materials of publications about the Kemerovo college of mines, the Kuzbass polytechnical institute, the Kuzbass state technical university.

History, mining, KuzGTU, anniversary.

Contact information

UDC 622.271.32 © V.F. Kolesnikov, A.I. Korjakin, V.G. Pronoza, A.V. Seljukov, 2010

Kolesnikov Valery Fedorovich
Managing faculty of surface mining KuzGTU,
doctor tech. sciences, professor

Korjakin Anatoly Ivanovich
The professor of faculty of surface mining KuzGTU,
doctor tech. sciences, professor

Pronoza Vladimir Grigorevich
The professor of faculty of surface mining KuzGTU,
doctor tech. sciences, professor

Seljukov Alexey Vladimirovich
The senior lecturer of faculty of surface mining KuzGTU,
cand. tech. sciences

Methodical positions on a substantiation of criteria of an estimation of complexity of working off of career fields of coal deposits of Kuzbass

The general characteristic of career fields of Kuzbas with allocation coal and anti-coal zones is resulted. The basic concepts describing technological complexity of career fields from a position of their working off are entered. Methodical positions by their definition are resulted.

Career fields, coal and anti-coal a zone, technological complexity.

Contact information


UDC 331.6:658.3-05:622.33(571.17) © G.S. Trushina, M.S. Shchipachev, 2010

Trushina Galina Semenovna
The doctor econ. sciences, professor (KuzGTU)

Shchipachev Michael Sergeevich
The post-graduate student of faculty of branch economy KuzGTU

Influence of a labour market on formation of a manpower of the coal industry of Kuzbass

Dependence of formation of personnel potential of the coal-mining enterprises on a condition of a labour market of the Kemerovo area is shown. The basic ways of strengthening of personnel potential at the enterprises of the coal industry are resulted.

The coal industry, labour market, staff, problems, methodical approaches.

Contact information


UDC 622.33 (470)«313» © Ju.A. Plakitkin, 2010

Plakitkin Jury Anatolevich
The deputy director
Institute of power researches of the Russian Academy of Science,
The valid state adviser of the Russian Federation III class,
professor, doctor econ. sciences,
the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Possible scripts of the long-term Program of development of coal industry up to 2030

In article possible scripts of development of the coal industry in view of forthcoming calls and threats of laws of development of world power and world technological development are presented prepared by Institute of power researches of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The program of development, the coal industry, world consumption TER, power, the price, export of coal.

Contact information


UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2010

Glinina Olga Ivanovna
The leading editor of “Ugol” magazine,
mining engineer

XVII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining” and the first specialized exhibition “Protection, safety of work and ability to live”: results, events, the facts

In June, 1-4, 2010 Novokuznetsk there passed XVII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining”, recognized by an exhibition ¹1 in the world on technologies of a underground coal mining, and 1-st specialized exhibition-fair “Protection, safety of work and ability to live”. Organizers of actions - exhibition company “Kuzbass fair”, working in exhibition business with 1992 and “Ìåññå Dusseldorf GmbH” (Germany). The high level of a coal forum proves to be true signs on the largest exhibition communities: UFI - the World association of the exhibition industry and RSVYA - the Russian union of exhibitions and fairs. With 2003 the exhibition passes under home nursing of Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation. The review of firms - participants of an exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining” and exhibits - the equipment presented at an exhibition is presented.

Mining equipment, mining firms, exhibition, winners.

Contact information

UDC 622.232.83«KP21»-519 © S.A. Kalashnikov, A.I. Danilevich, 2010

Kalashnikov Sergey Anatolevich
The assistant to the main designer
OJSC “Kopeyskij a machine-building factory”

Danilevich Adolf Iosifovich
The chief of a bureau of the electric drive
OJSC “Kopeyskij a machine-building factory”

Operational experience of combines KP21 with remote control

In article it is told about equipment miner a combine KP21 of manufacture of Kopeyskij a machine-building factory system of electrohydraulic management with remote control.

The miner a combine, remote control, system of electrohydraulic management.

Contact information


UDC 338.94:[621.311.22:662.6/.8].001.57 © S.À. Kazakov, A.V. Bortnevsky, S.A. Petelin, 2010

Kazakov Sergey Aleksandrovich
The chief of Analytical management of company "SUEK",
cand. tech. sciences

Bortnevsky Artem Vladimirovich
The adviser of the assistant of the general director,
directors on industrial operations of company "SUEK"

Petelin Sergey Aleksandrovich
The head technological
Departmentofcompany "SUEK"

Imitating model of power station - the tool of selection of an optimum fuel mix

In article the imitating model of coal power station intended for an estimation of influence of various technical and financial decisions on its economic efficiency is presented. Are described methodology and the purposes of application of this model.

Fuel mixes, power stations, imitating model of a coal state district power station, caloric content of fuel.

Contact information
phone: +7(495)795-2538, add. 3976, e-mail:
phone: +7(495)795-2538, add. 3385, e-mail:
phon: +7(495)795-2538, add. 3956, e-mail:


UDC 622.732:621.926.22 © V.A. Kovtushenko, 2010

Kovtushenko Vladimir Anatolevich
The chief of design office of OJSC "EZTM"

Design decisions from EZTM

In article new design decisions of OJSC "EZTM" in manufacturing crushers for the mining and cement industry are presented.

A crusher, a new design, mining technics.

Contact information

UDC 622.7:622.33.012OF © À.P. Starikov, N.I. Kanev, L.V. Bajsarov, A.N. Redjka, 2010

Starikov Alexander Petrovich
Chairman of Board of directors of JSC MPO "Kuzbas",
cand. econ. sciences

Kanev Nikolay Ivanovich
Director of Management on the concentrating equipment
JSC MPO "Kuzbas"

Bajsarov Leonid Vladimirovich
General director of company “Ugolnaja company
"Mine "Krasnoarmejskaya-Western 1”,
cand. tech. sciences

Redjka Anatoly Nikolaevich
The chief engineer of branch “Concentrating factory”
JSC "Donetsksteel" - a metal works”

Progressive technologies of enrichment - a basis of operational reliability and efficiency of coal manufacture

Application of the advanced technological schemes of enrichment on the basis of the modern equipment allows to increase an output of a concentrate, to raise labour productivity and to minimize number of the personnel of factory. Mine “Pokrovskoe” - dynamically developing industrial complex of coal branch equipped by high-efficiency mining technics, specializing on underground extraction and enrichment of high-quality coal of mark "K" which is widely applied as a basis by manufacture coke a concentrate to an iron and steel industry of Russia, Ukraine and a lot of foreign countries. In considered article experience of creation and operation of concentrating factory "Sv-Barbara", as standard of a modern complex on processing and delivery of excellent raw material for metallurgical manufacture is stated.

Coal mining, progressive technology of enrichment, manufacture coke a concentrate of high quality.

Contact information
å-mail:, å-mail:


UDC 614.2:622.33(571.17) © S. Shevchyuk, 2010

Svetlana Shevchyuk

Centre of science-clinical of health protection of miners

In article Ministry for the Power Generating Industry of the Russian Federation is told about work of Federal state treatment-and-prophylactic establishment “Centre of science-clinical of health protection of miners”. This large, versatile specialized medical, scientific and educational establishment (works in a Leninsk-Kuznetsk the Kemerovo area) does not fall under definition "provincial" as by results of the work already for a long time has left on a level of leading European clinics.

The medical center, health of miners, medical aid, brigades of emergency reaction.

Contact information


UDC 333:338.94:622.85 © I.V. Zenkov, 2010

Zenkov Igor Vladimirovich
FGOU VPO “The Siberian federal university”,
cand. tech. sciences

Economic estimation of efficiency of agriculture in coal-mining regions with intensive withdrawal of the grounds of agricultural purpose

In article results of an economic estimation of change of efficiency of agricultural activity of the enterprises of agriculture on fields, adjacent with mining taps of large coal cuts of Krasnoyarsk region are resulted. New strategy of restoration of the grounds is economically proved, allowing essentially to lower payments for the grounds agriculture, withdrawn under mining works and simultaneously to raise efficiency of economic activities of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex in areas with an intensive coal mining in the surface mining.

The coal-mining region, the surface mining, withdrawal agricultural, efficiency of agriculture, an economic estimation.

Contact information


UDC 621.879.3:622.271.4:621.86.064.2 © A.A. Grabsky, V.P. Svinarchuk, 2010

Grabsky Alexander Adolfovich
The professor of faculty GMO MGGU,
cand. tech. Sciences

Svinarchuk Vasily Petrovich
The mining engineer, post-graduate student MGGU

Substantiation of parameters of "arms" of working bodies of the career equipment

Features of wear process of "arms" of a ladle career a dredge are investigated. The design of "arms" of a ladle of the dredge, keeping a constant corner of a point of a tooth during the long period of its operation is developed.

Career a dredge, "arms" of a ladle, process of digging, effect of self-sharpening.

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