UDC 622. © E.A. Razumov, P.V. Grechyshkin, A.S. Matveev, A.S. Pozolotin, D.F. Zayatdinov, 2014

Evgeny A. Razumov
Technical Director, LLC «RANK 2»

Pavel V. Grechyshkin
Researcher of Institute of Coal, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,
Candidate of Engineering

Andrey S. Matveev
Rock Anchor Engineer, LLC «RANK 2»

Alexandre S. Pozolotin
Director for Prospect Development, LLC «RANK 2», Candidate of Engineering

Damir F. Zayatdinov
Deputy Director for Prospect Development, LLC «RANK 2»

Design Procedure for Roof Bolting in Permafrost Coal Mine Underground Workings

The paper presents a methodical reference for designing a double-level roof bolting of coal mine development workings performed in permafrost rocks. In order to provide resistivity of enclosing rock of the workings and to slowdown the rock melting and sheeting, the use of roof bolting in combination with frost-protection material is studied.

Coal Mine, Permafrost, Roof Bolting, Ampoules with Mineral Compound, Development Workings, Frost-protection Materials.

Contact information

UDC 622.26:622.232.7 © N.G. Chernykh, 2014

Nikolai G. Chernykh
Chair of the Board of Directors of JSC “Gidrouglestroy”,
The Winner of the USSR State Prize for Science and Engineering,
Candidate of Engineering

Improvement of Mining Machines

The paper presents the results of the author]s research work concerning the creation of heading machines (combines, complexes and mountings) using his own developments on roof formation directly both  in the mine fore-breast, by application of rock bolt erection technique, where the roof bolt — it is also an anchor with disposable chisel and with resin from pump plants instead of ampoules, and on the combine’s side. Superimposition of power-driven breaking with drilling and blasting operations when conducting mine workings by mixed face using a single combine aggregated complex without operator at site of drilling and rock bolt template erection is achieved, according to certification of conducting and anchoring of mine workings. Îñóùåñòâëåíî close-together timberman arrangement within the limits of heading machine dimensions, which enables mobility of complexes when conducting mine workings with twofold productivity improvement is implemented.

Synchronous Remote Rock Anchor Mounting, Roof Bolt-Anchor, Template Drilling, Close-together Arrangement, Optimum Attaching Point, Timberman Self-centring, Technical Performance, Rate.


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UDC 622.235 © E.B. Shevkun, À.V. Leshchinsky, A.I. Dobrovolsky, A.A. Galimyanov, 2014

Evgeny B. Shevkun
Doctor of Engineering, Professor (Tikhookeansky State University)

Àlexander V. Leshchinsky
Doctor of Engineering, Professor (Tikhookeansky State University

Alexander I. Dobrovolsky
CEO, OJSC «Urgalugol», Candidate of Engineering

Alexey A. Galimyanov
Mining Engineer (OJSC «Urgalugol»)

Improvement of Blasting Operations at Bureinsky-2 Split-Pit of OJSC «Urgalugol»

The article examines the results of experimental coyote blasts using blasthole charges with subdrilling air cushion. During well-by-well initiation using anelectric systems, such blasts enable reaming of the bench toe at a depth of the well.

Blasting Charge, Coyote  Blast, Air Cushion.

Contact information
phone: +7 (42149) 3-51-30; 5-23-38

UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © Ugol, 2014

IV International Conference «TEKHGORMET-21 CENTURY» – Innovations 
on Efficiency’s Service

Every mid-November, Saint Petersburg becomes for a few days the national central site for discussion of issues concerning innovative development of mining industry. The 4-th International research and practical conference «Tekhgormet-21th Century» – «Ways of Effectivization of Mineral Deposit Development Techniques» took place From November 14 to 5, 2013 in the National University of Mineral Raw Materials «Gorny» under the auspices of Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Nature of Russia and Rostekhnadzor. The forum covered urgent questions in the industry and proposed advanced experience of their solution, including those using the future technologies, which may already today be duplicated in the Russian mining facilities. The press-release about the this meeting, basic conclusions and recommendations are resulted in the paper.

Mining Equipment, Mining Companies, Open Workings, Exploitation of Mineral Deposits, Conference.

Contact information


UDC 625:622.33(571.17) © R.M. Isroilov, 2014

Ramshid M. Isroilov
Postgraduate of 2-nd course of speciality «Economics and Management of the National Economy»,
Siberian State University of Transport Routes

Kuznetsk Coal Field: Coal Transport Problems and Prospects

The paper considers the prospects of development the Western-Siberian railway providing the Kuzbass coal transportation. Over the last 10 years the significant scope of works on infrastructure modernization and development, transportation process improvement, implementation of innovative technologies enabling to increase carrying capacities due to the operation of trains with higher weights and lengths.

Coal Field, Coal Transportation, Electric Locomotives, Carrying Capacity, Transportation Capacity.

Contact information


UDC 662.742.1:662.84:66-932.2:66.021.4 © V.I. Kotelnikov, 2014

Valery I. Kotelnikov
Academic Secretary, Chief of Laboratory of TuvIKOPR, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science

Special Carbon Material Process

The paper presents the research results and a bituminous coal pyrolysis plant in conditions of thermally loaded layer with production of high porosity carbon material.

Coal, Pyrolysis, Carbon Material.

Contact information
phone: +7 (394) 226-62-32; e-mail:

UDC 621.3.078:622.3.002.5 © Flowrox Group, 2014

LLC «Flowrox»

FLOWROX — Company No 1 Manufacturing Valves and Pumps –
Provides Local Service to Russian Customers Now

Flowrox Group specializing in manufacture of the hi-tech valves and pumps designed for application in severe industrial conditions opened its branch in Moscow. The Moscow representative office of Flowrox started its activities in mid-September 2013. The new facility will make itself useful for clients in Russia and will enable the very company to increase the sales of new valves and pumps and to offer post-purchase service in the local market.

Hi-tech Valves; Hose Peristaltic Pumps; Gate Valves and Pumps for Abrasive, Corrosion and Other Processes Requiring Shutdown, Adjustment, Control, Pumping over or Dosing; Quality Reliability and Durability of Equipment.

Contact information

UDC 622.411.33:622.33 © E.V. Kraynin, 2014

Efim V. Kraynin
Chief Researcher, Research Technical Center «Mastering of Nonstandard hydrocarbon resources»
OJSC «Gasprom Promgaz»

Metal-Coal Beds and New Technique of Their Integrated Development

The characteristic feature of some Kuzbass and Far Eastern coal deposits is that the coal ash contains rear-earth metals (zirconium, germanium, yttrium, uranium compounds etc). Extraction of coal accompanying metals is performed either using surface wells - underground leaching, or by dissolution of rare metals from the ash dumps accumulated in immediate proximity of coal power plants. This paper examines the new technology of development metal and coal layers, consisting first in their underground gasification, and then in rare metals leaching out of the ash dump mass left in the exhaust underground gas generator after completion of coal gasification. Thus, new technology succeeds to minimize environmental consequences.

Underground Coal Gasification, Metal and Coal layers, Coal-Uranium Layer, Blasting Wells, Underground ãGas Generator, Burned-out Space, Physical and Chemical Geotechnologies.

Contact information

UDC 622.272+541.1 © A.A. Gayday, V.I. Sulaev, 2014

Alexander A. Gayday
Assistant Professor, Chair of Underground Mining of the State higher educational institution
«Natsionalny Gornyi Universitet», Dnepropetrovsk, Candidate of Engineering

Viktor I. Sulaev
Assistant Professor, Chair of Underground Mining of the State higher educational institution
«Natsionalny Gornyi Universitet», Dnepropetrovsk, Candidate of Engineering

Technique for Adhesive-Chemical Lumping of Coal Sludge and Dust,
Brown Coal and Peat

The article analyzes formation and accumulation technogenic solid fuel deposits. It considers the new sludge and coal dust lumping technology, which is effective when developing technogenic deposits, and presents. the equipment implementing this new lumping technology.

Lumping, Coal Sludge, Plant, Equipment, Technogenic Deposit.

Contact information


UDC 061.62:622.8 © OJSC «NTs VostNII», 2014


VostNII Research Center - 67 Years Defending Industrial Safety of Russia

The article presents the history of creation, becoming and current situation of the Eastern Research of Mining Industry Operational Safety – to date OJSC «NTs VostNII». It describes range of activities of the Scientific Centre and prospects of its development.

Mining Operation Safety, Research Activities, NTs VostNII.

Contact information
phone: +7 (3842) 34-23-37

UDC 622.812:551.242:553.9 © À.V. Mavrenkov, 2014

Ànatoly V. Mavrenkov
Honoured Geologist of the Russian Federation

Geological Features of Mine Coal Bed Self-Ignition and Goaf Ventilation Flow
Gas Dynamics

The analysis of present-day coal mine accidents, fires and causes of methane gas explosion is continuously performed with absolutely unprofessional approach to geology, this is the main reason that will always lead to a repetition of hazardous situations, with the subsequent decision to close or mothball hazardous coal mines. Based on the study of the real geological space it is proposed to analyze the up-to-date technique of fire seat suppression in the coal mines. The basic schemes of gas dynamics related to the massif mass are identified during coal bed self-ignition under conditions of the local mineralization of active chemical elements.

Self-Ignition Fire Seat, Tectogenesis, Squash/Stretch Localized Areas, Fracture Permeability, Local Coal Bed Mineralization.

Contact information
phone: +7 (38475) 2-28-07; +7 (905) 072-43-24; åmail:


UDC 622.411.39:533.17 © V.S. Rogalis, A.A. Shilov, N.I. Gribanov, A.V. Burakshaeva, 2014

Viktor S. Rogalis
Chief of Laboratory of NULPNEM MGGU,
Doctor of Engineering

Anatoly A. Shilov
Assistant Professor, Chiar of IZOS MGGU, Candidate of Engineering

Nikolay I. Gribanov
Senior Researcher, Chiar of IZOS MGGU

Anastassia V. Burakshaevà
Senior Expert, LLC «NPK «TekhServis»

Radioactive Radon Gas in Mine – Serious Hazard to Miners

The article provides the information on radioactive gases which are in the mine atmosphere, being escaping from coal and rocks. It results the data on permissible value of an irradiation of miner organism exposure and normative documents. It gives recommendations for preventive actions for minimization of human irradiation level.

Radiation, Radon, Coal Gamma-Radiation, Enclosing Rocks, Radiating Safety Production Control, Ionization Radiation of Miner Irradiation Exposure.

Contact information
phone: +7 (499) 230-24-80


UDC 622.268.7+622.524 © À.F. Borzykh, V.O. Fomin, E.V. Kukuyashny, 2014

Ànatoly F. Borzykh
Professor of Chair, RMPI of Donbas State Technical University, Doctor of Engineering

Vladimir O. Fomin
Postgraduate of Chair, RMPI of Donbas State Technical University

Eduard V. Kukuyashny
Engineer of State enterprise
«Obosoblennaya Direktsia «Luganskuglerestruturizatsia»

Coal-Bed Open-Cut Mining Effect on Stability of Abandoned Vertical Wellhead
Bore Area

On the basis of field studies and computer simulation, the nature and a degree of impact of the coal layer open-cast working near the liquidated vertical table on wellhead stability are determined.

Pit Shafts, Cavings, Finite-Element Technique, Open-cast Workings.

Contact information

UDC 622.831.3:622.33.012.2 © G.A. Pak, N.A. Drizhd, V.N. Dolgonosov, 2014

Gennady A. Pak
Engineer-Mining Surveyor, Chief Mining Surveyor of Saranskaya Mine

Nikolay A. Drizhd
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Chair at RMPI KarSMU

Viktor N. Dolgonosov
Doctor of Engineering, Assistant Professor,
Chiar of «Mine Surveying and Geodesy» KarSMU

Main Roof Breakdown - Gas-Dynamic Phenomena Relation in Coal Mines

Gas-dynamic phenomena occuring when conducting mining operations in mines, have uniform technogenic nature. Development of the uniform theory will allow to forecast and prevent rock bumps and sudden emissions by detection of hazardous areas, proper organization and planning of mining operations.

Rock Bump, Sudden Emission, Gas-dynamic Phenomena, Massif, Main Roof.

Contact information

UDC 622.411.33:622.861.764 © G.D. Frolkov, A.G. Frolkov, 2014

Gennady D. Frolkov
Director of Shakhty Branch NTs VostNII, Candidate of Engineering

Arkadiy G. Frolkov
Mathematician of Shakhty Branch NTs VostNII

Mechanochemical and Sorbate Mechanisms of Coal Methane Formation and Emission 

The paper essentially justifies new representations about the coal methane nature. The methane content of coal layers is represented not as some volume of the methane accumulated in the porous structure of coal organic massl (COM) during metamorphism in the course of the geological history of the layer and retained in the coal by sorption strengths, butd as a result of mechanochemical destruction of COM with formation of the gas phase during change of stressed-deformed state of layer when conducting mining operations. It is shown that the natural coal methane content and sorption methan capacity have essentially distinguished physical and chemical essence.

Methane, Natural Methane Content of Coal Layers, Sorption Methan Retention Capacity of Coals, Mining Operations.

Contact information
phone: +7 (8636) 23-73-44

UDC 658.512:622.22:622.33(083.75) © A.G. Shulgin, O.G. Logachev, 2014

Alexander G. Shulgin
Chief Engineer of Project of LLC «Coralina Engineering»

Oleg G. Logachev
Chief Engineer of Project of LLC «Coralina Engineering»

On Basic Legislative Requirements to Fulfillment of Design Documentation
for Construction of Mining and its Associated Refining Facilities, Undergoing
of State Expertise Review and Approvals with Rosnedra or its Territorial Body

The article about the requirements raising questions of both the resources’ users and designers with reference to the structure of the design documentation, determined by the Provision approved by the Resolution n of the Government of the Russian Federation dated of February 16, 2008 No 87, and the Requirements approved  by the order of Ministry for Natural Resources of Russia dated of 25.06.2010 No 218 for construction of enterprises of the mining industry.

Designing of Mining and Conversion Facilities.

Contact information


UDC 631.618.40 © A.T. Lavrinenko, V.À. Androkhanov, À.B. Kilin, 2014

Alexey T. Lavrinenko
Chief of Laboratory of land reclamation
GNU NIIAP of Rosselkhozakademia of Khakassia

Vladimir À. Androkhanov
Chief of Laboratory of soil reclamation, IPA of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science

Àlexey B. Kilin
Executive Director, LLC «SUEK-Khakassia»

The Current Status of Regulatory Support for Design of Construction and
Development of Coal Producers with regard to Mined-Land Reclamation

The new scientifically proved technologies of reclamation of the lands disturbed by open-cast mining of minerals, do not meet the GOSTs (fertile soil layer removal and storage are not always justified - PSP). The article justifies the necessity of changing the normative documents on designing of construction and development of extractive facilities.

Mined-land Reclamation, Open-cast Mining of Minerals, Designing of Mining Facilities, Ecological Expert Evaluation of Projects, Normative Documents, Fertile Soil Layer.

Contact information


UDC 061.3:622.7 © Ye.L. Chanturya, Yu.B. Rubinshtein, M.V. Davidov, 2014

Yelena L. Chanturya
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of FGBOU “MGGU”

Yuliy B. Rubinshtein
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of JSC “IOTT”

Mikhail V. Davidov
Candidate of Engineering, Senior Researcher of JSC “IOTT”

Plaksin’s Readings — 2013

From September 16 to 19, 2013 in Tomsk on the basis of National research polytechnical university has passed the regular international meeting dedicated to the outstanding researcher, founder of domestic school iof mineral benefication and hydrometallurgy I.N.Plaksin  «Innovative Processes of Complex and Deeper Conversion of Mineral Raw Materials». The press-release of the past meeting is resulted.

Coal Processing, Coal Benefication, Flotation, Ecology.

Contact information


UDC 622.794.42:622.332:543.812 © I.M. Vorobieva, M.Yu. Medvedevskykh, 2014

Irina M. Vorobieva
Chief Specialist on Coal Quality and Conversion OJSC “Primorskugol”

Mariya Yu. Medvedevskykh
Chief of Laboratory of Humidity Metrology and Standard Samples FGUP “Uralsky NII Metrologii”

Study of Brown Coal Moisture Content Determination

This article discusses the problem of inconsistency of the results of moisture mass fraction measurements received when drying to stationary mass and using accelerated method in high moisture content brown coals. It considers the usefulness for measurement of drying in inert gas flow. It proposes adjustment of modes of drying using accelerated method during analysis of high moisture content brown coals.

Brown Coal, Moisture Mass Fraction, Gravimetric Method.

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