UDC 622.261(571.17).001.86 © V.P. Baskakov, M.S. Dobrovolsky, 2011

Baskakov Vladimir Petrovich
Vice-president on coal industry of JSC Holding Company "SDS" -
operating director of Holding Company "SDS-Ugol"

Dobrovolsky Maxim Sergeevich
Head of a department on anchor to fastening
of Holding Company "SDS-Ugol"

The experience of rapid development workings tunneling of technology of stage-by-stage fastening

As a result of the lead researches it has been revealed, that stage-by-stage fastening is not only effective, but also safe means of increase of rates of carrying out of preparatory developments. The increase in rates is reached due to division in space and in time of operations on fastening developments.

Anchor, stage-by-stage fastening, the control, researches, safety.

Contact information

UDC 622.647.2:622.281.74 © A.V. Samok, G.V. Rajko, A.S. Pozolotin, P.V. Grechishkin, 2011

Samok Alexey Vladimirovich
Engineer-technologist of Company “RANK 2”

Rajko Galina Viktorovna
Engineer-technologist of Company “RANK 2”

Pozolotin Alexander Sergeevich
Director on perspective development of Company “RANK 2”

Grechishkin Paul Vladimirovich
Scientific employee of Laboratory of geotechnology development
of coal deposits Institute Uglya the SR of the RAS, cand. tech. sciences

Rope anchor AK01: strengthening system for work of a lava without mechanized system interfaces

Article is devoted to experience of strengthening system and their interfaces to a lava by rope anchors ÀÊ01 for maintenance of safe conditions of effective work of a complex without mechanized system interfaces.

Rope anchor ÀÊ01, strengthening system, interface with the lava, mechanized system interfaces.

Contact information


UDC 622.33.012.2 © OJSC “SUEK-Kuzbass”, 2011

The press-service of Company “SUEK-Kuzbass”

The first All-Russia

From August, 8 till, 12th, 2011 on mine "Taldinskoe-Zapadnoe" of Company “SUEK-Kuzbass” the First All-Russia miner's Olympiad of professional skill took place. It is told about the last miner's Olympiad, winners and prize-winners of Olympiad are presented.

Mining equipment, underground extraction, competition, safety, efficiency, winners.

Contact information

UDC 622.33.012.2(571.17) © Mine of a name on 7th November, 2011

The press-service of Company “SUEK-Kuzbass”

With a revolutionary name:
Mine of a name on 7th November of Company "SUEK-Kuzbass" - 80 years!

The history, modern condition and plans for immediate prospects of mine of a name on 7th November, are presented to Company “SUEK-Kuzbass”. It is told about the advanced brigades of mine and their achievements.

Mine, underground extraction, achievements, the mining equipment.

Contact information


UDC 621.879.3:622.271 © A.R. Ganin, T.V. Donchenko, 2011

Ganin Andrey Romanovich
General director of Company “IZ-KARTEKS” it. P.G. Korobkova” LLC

Donchenko Taras Valerievich
Head of department of marketing of Company “IZ-KARTEKS it. P.G. Korobkova” LLC,
cand. tech. sciences

A new modelling number of modern career dredges of manufacture
of Company "IZ-KARTEKS" for a mining industry

In article the basic information on activity of the largest in territory of Russia and the CIS the manufacturer of career dredges of Company "IZ-KARTEKS" contains. Differences dredges the market of Russia and the CIS countries from the world market, and also the reasons explaining these differences are resulted. The information on growth and change of demand at the coal enterprises contains. Strategy of development modelling of some dredges of Company IZ-KARTEKS for a mining industry and a course of its realization is described.

Company “IZ-KARTEKS”, career dredges, an electrocardiogram, the market, demand, the coal industry, a new modelling number, strategy.

Contact information


UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2011

Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer

Sums of XVIII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Russii and Mining 2011” and of the II specialized exhibition “Protection, safety of work and vital activity”

In June, 7-10, 2011 Novokuznetsk there passed XVIII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Minijng”, recognized by an exhibition ¹1 in the world on technologies of a underground coal mining, and II specialized exhibition-fair “Protection, safety of work and ability to live”. Organizers of actions - exhibition company “Kuzbass fair”, working in exhibition business with 1992 and “Ìåññå Dusseldorf GmbH” (Germany). The high level of a coal forum proves to be true signs on the largest exhibition communities: UFI - the World association of the exhibition industry and RSVYA - the Russian union of exhibitions and fairs. With 2003 the exhibition passes under home nursing of Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation. The review of firms - participants of an exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining” and exhibits - the equipment presented at an exhibition is presented.

Mining equipment, mining firms, exhibition, safety.

Contact information


UDC 622.675.42-592.2 © T. Neumann, 2011

Neumann Thomas
Chief of sales the East Europe
firms EMG Automation GmbH (Germany)

Three weighty reasons for application of the high-quality brake systems which are let out by firm EMG!

The principal causes are considered, allowing to choose high-quality brake systems for mines of manufacture of German firm EMG Automation GmbH.

Brakes, pushers, reliability, safety, efficiency.

Contact information
e-mail:; phone: + 7 (916) 100-24-72


UDC 622.411.33 © V.I. Klishin, M.V. Kurlenja, 2011

Klishin Vladimir Ivanovich
Director Institute Coal the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,
doctor tech. sciences, the professor

Kurlenja Michael Vladimirovich
Adviser of the Russian Academy of Science, the Academician of the RAS

Creation of the equipment for decontamination of coal layers on a principle of hydrobreak of rocks

The complex of the equipment is developed for hydrobreak of a coal layer with the purpose of decontamination and the subsequent extraction of methane, and its trial tests in Kuzbass which have shown high efficiency and reliability at operation are executed.

Coal layer, methane, decontamination, the chisel machine tool, cracks, lubricants station.

Contact information


UDC 622.33:621.31(100) © G.S. Trushina, M.S. Shchipachev, 2011

Trushina Galina Semenovna
The professor of faculty of economy GOU KuzGTU,
doctor econ. sciences

Shchipachev Michael Sergeevich
The post-graduate student GOU KuzGTU

Value of the coal industry in development of world power

Dependence of a current consumption and power resources in the world from growth of the population and development of economic is analysed. Are shown a role of coal in manufacture of the electric power, prospect of development of power and the coal industry in the world.

The analysis of development of world power, stocks of power resources, prospects of manufacture of the electric power, a coal mining, the basic power resources.

Contact information

UDC 658.152.011.46:622.33:621.31.001.24 © D.G. Zakirov, 2011

Zakirov Danir Galimzyanovich
Main scientific employee of the Mining Institute of Ural branch
the Russian Academy of Science, doctor tech. sciences

Development of scientifically-methodical bases of increase of energy efficiency in the coal industry

In article it is paid attention of necessity of development additional of some methodical recommendations in which should be considered specificity of coal manufacture, presence of additional sources of fuel and energy resources, mine methane, the secondary power resources, renewed energy sources, and also necessity of creation of own energy sources in view of ecological and power problems of coal industry. It is noted, that scientifically-methodical bases of power efficiency should define the general approach, methodology, a substantiation and calculation of specific sizes of norms of consumption and the losses having the specificity at a coal mining in the underground, open, hydraulic way and at preparation of coal.

Power efficiency, the coal industry, energy audit, renewed energy sources.

Contact information

UDC 621.892:669 © D.A. Sobol, D.S. Kolesnichenko, 2011

Sobol Dmitry Aleksandrovich
Technical expert of Company “TOTAL VOSTOK”,
cand. tech. sciences

Kolesnichenko Dmitry Sergeevich
Technical expert of Company “TOTAL VOSTOK”

Lubricants for modern-day career, mining and off-road equipment

In article the important role of maintenance service of career, mining and building technics, and the importance of application of lubricants is marked, especially at operation of the equipment in severe conditions. Universal lubricants of mark TOTAL for modern career, mining and off-road technics are considered, their advantages are specified. Recommendations by definition of an interval of replacement of oils under the schedule reflecting dependence of an operating time of engine oil in hours from percentage of sulfur in diesel fuel and alkaline number of engine oil are given.

Mining equipment, lubricants, TOTAL, viscosity of lubricants, diesel fuel, sulfur, interval of replacement of lubricants.

Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 937-37-84; +7 (812) 449-23-44


UDC 622. © V.G. Haritonov, A.V. Remezov, S.V. Novoselov, 2011

Haritonov Vitaly Gennadevich
General director of company UK "Zarechnaya”, cand. tech. sciences

Remezov Anatoly Vladimirovich
Doctor tech. sciences, the professor of faculty RMPI PS GOU KuzGTU

Novoselov Sergey Veniaminovich
Scientific employee of company INP "Impulse", cand. econ. sciences

Preconditions of genesis of innovative projects of mine technical systems of type: SDS, RTS, MFMS
(SDS - highly dynamical mine-system; RTS - highly profitable diversification mine-system; ÌFMS - multipurpose mine-system)

In article questions of creation diversification technologies of extraction and processing of coals are briefly stated, and necessity of their creation is proved.

Results of re-structuring, multipurpose technologies, coal and energy complexes, diversification technologies of extraction and preparation processing of coals.

Contact information
phone: +7 (905) 908-95-82; +7 (3842) 39-69-09; +7 (950) 273-31-86


UDC 658.386.3:622.33:622.8 © Collective of authors, 2011

Artemyev Vladimir Borisovich
Deputy to the general director – director on the production
operations of company "SUEK", doctor tech. sciences

Kilin Alexey Bogdanovich
General director of Company "SUEK-Khakasia”, cand. tech. sciences

Azev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Assistant to OJSC “SUEK”operating Chernogorskiy branch - technical director,
assistant to the general director - technical director of Company “SUEK-Khakasia”

Kostarev Andrey Sergeevich
Assistant to the general director on economy and the finance -
financial director of Company “SUEK-Khakasia”

Shapovalenko Gennady Nikolaevich
Director of coalpit "Chernogorskiy”

Kuznetsov Andrey Nikolaevich
Chief of a department of capital construction and investments
of Company “SUEK-Khakasia”

Galkin Vladimir Alekseevich
General director of OJSC "STC - NIIOGR"

The conceptual approach to formation of system of continuous increase of efficiency and safety of coal output on the basis of development of motivation and qualification of the personnel

In article the concept of formation of system of continuous increase of efficiency and safety of coal output on the basis of development of motivation and qualification of the personnel of the enterprises which realization is carried out in Company “SUEK-Khakasia” is presented.

System, motivation, qualification, the personnel, the responsibility, interaction, development, the head, the expert, the organization, the enterprise, structure.

Contact information

UÄÊ 331.87:622.33.012:658.511.3:658.3.018:622.8 © A.I. Dobrovolsky, N.P. Zolotaryov, 2011

Dobrovolsky Alexander Ivanovich
General director of OJSC "Urgalugol”

Zolotaryov Nikolay Petrovich
Assistant to the general director -
the head of service OT and PK of OJSC "Urgalugol”

Organizational preparation of safe and high-efficiency work of the personnel in Company "Urgalugol"

In article results of the analytical modelling seminar lead with the key personnel of Company "Urgalugol" with the purpose of study of representations of the supervising personnel of various levels of management about ways of the decision of problems of increase of safety and a production efficiency are presented.

Efficiency and safety of manufacture, risks trauma, unnecessary work, the price and value of the worker, communication of a payment with its results, the labour contract and the contract.

Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (42149) 5-23-38

UDC 658.3-052.24:622.33.012.3 © E.M. Evtushenko, M.Ju. Zavyalov, 2011

Evtushenko Evgenie Mihajlovich
Chief engineer of Coalpit “Borodinsky”

Zavyalov Michael Jurevich
Deputy chief of an industrial-dispatching office
services of Coalpit “Borodinsky”

Functional the mining master of a coalpit

In article results of an estimation functional mining masters of a coalpit "Borodinsky" by representatives of all levels of management and the basic directions of updating for its reduction conformity with the purpose of perfection of manufacture are described.

Coalpit, the mining master, functional, perfection of manufacture.

Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (39168) 3-33-90


UDC 658.8.03:622.33(100) © A.B. Sukachyov, T.R. Badalova, 2011

Sukachyov Alexey Borisovich
Cand. econ. sciences (JSC "Rosinformugol")

Badalova Tatyana Rubenovna
The post-graduate student of the All-Russia Academy of foreign trade

Resource base and preconditions of change of structure of international trade in coal

Resource base and preconditions of change of structure of international trade coal makes the analysis of regional distribution of world taken stocks, manufactures and consumption of coal. The estimation of frequency rate of stocks of coal of the largest countries-exporters is given, preconditions of change of structure of international trade are considered by coal.

Taken stocks of coal, factor of frequency rate of the stocks, not renewed energy carriers, international trade in coal, exporters of coal.

Contact information


UDC 622.852:622.271 © I.V. Zenkov, E.V. Kirjushina, 2011

Zenkov Igor Vladimirovich
Cand. tech. sciences (Krasnoyarsk centre of science of the Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science, Special design technological bureau "SCIENCE")

Kirjushina Elena Vasilevna
The senior teacher (the Siberian federal university)

Substantiation of structure ground a layer formed in mine technical re-cultivation of the grounds on open pits of Kansk-Achinsk coal basin

In article it is spoken about problems re-cultivation the grounds on coal pits of Kansko-Achinskiy coal basin. Results of researches of efficiency re-cultivation a soil layer are resulted. On the basis of the complex ecology-economic analysis of results re-cultivation on a coalpit "Borodinsky" it is drawn a conclusion on perspectivity of a direction of creation of cultural landscapes with drawing on a surface ground the technogenic mix consisting of a fertile layer of ground and loams, capacity up to two meters.

Surface mining, re-cultivation the grounds, a soil layer, ecology-economic efficiency.

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