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"Ugol" magazin


Original Paper

UDC 622.063:658.012.2«313»© V.A. Azev, D.V. Popov, 2022

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 2, pp. 14-21

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-2-14-21



Justification of process parameters in mining stratified deposits with inconsistent occurrence and quality characteristics of coal



Azev V.A.1, Popov D.V.2

1“SUEK-Khakassia” LLC, Chernogorsk, 655162, Russian Federation

2“Vostochno-Beisky Open-pit mine” LLC, Kirba village, Republic of Khakassia, 655796, Russian Federation


Authors Information

Azev V.A., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Deputy General Director – Technical Director, e-mail: AzevVA@suek.ru

Popov D.V., Executive Director, e-mail: Priemnaya_VBR@suek.ru



The article discusses topical issues in mining stratified deposits with inconsistent occurrence and quality characteristics of coal. The article presents a methodological approach to manage the quality of coal products for mining operations that develop stratified deposits with inconsistent characteristics of occurrence and quality of the mineral. The methodological approach to manage the quality of products is based on justification and assurance of the mining process parameters using the reduced heat value of coal combustion. Validation of the developed approach in conditions of the Vostochno-Beisky coal mine produced positive results, which are expressed in improved product quality and the economic efficiency of the enterprise.



Management of product quality, Stratified deposits with inconsistent occurrence and quality characteristics of coal, Process parameters, Efficiency of technological solutions.



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For citation

Azev V.A., Popov D.V. Justification of process parameters in mining stratified deposits with inconsistent occurrence and quality characteristics of coal.Ugol’, 2022, (2), pp. 14-21. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-2-14-21.

Paper info

ReceivedDecember 27, 2021

Reviewed January 13, 2022

Accepted January 18, 2022


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