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Original Paper

UDC 336.012.23  © V.E. Ponamorenko, G.A. Nasyrova, G.S. Kodasheva, T.V. Schyukina, N.N. Konovalov, 2022

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 4, pp. 61-66

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-4-61-66





Ponamorenko V.E.1, Nasyrova G.A.2, Kodasheva G.S.2, SchyukinaT.V.1, Konovalov N.N.1

1 Institute of Management Technologies, MIREA - Russian Technological University, Moscow, 119454, Russian Federation

2Gumilyev Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, 010008, Republic of Kazakhstan

Authors Information

Ponamorenko V.E.,Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Applied Law, e-mail: vladpon@inbox.ru

Nasyrova G.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences,Professor, Head of the Finance Department, e-mail: gnassyrova@yandex.ru

Kodasheva G.S., DoctorPhD, Associate Professor of the Finance Department,e-mail: kodasheva@mai.ru

Schyukina T.V., Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Law, e-mail: shukina-tv@mail.ru

Konovalov N.N., PhD (Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Law,e-mail: konowalownn@gmail.com



The publication addresses the impact of cryptocurrency mining on the energy security of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, two of the top three countries in the world in terms of cryptocurrency mining. The article analyzes statistical data that reflect the dynamics of increasing cryptocurrency mining in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, reviews expert opinions on the advantages and downsides of the dramatic growth of mining activity in the two countries, and considers the regulatory solutions proposed by regulators and the expert community in both countries. Conclusions are made regarding the need to streamline the legal regulation of cryptocurrency mining in Russia and Kazakhstan, including the issues of its taxation.



Mining, Cryptocurrency, Energy, Security, Bitcoin, Taxation.



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2. China’s share of global bitcoin mining plunges while Kazakhstan climbs to third place. Available at: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/15/china-share-of-bitcoin-mining-falls-while-kazakhstan-surges.html(accessed 15.03.2022). 

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5. The minister complained to Tokayev about the illegal miners. Available at:https://forbes.kz/process/energetics/ministr_pojalovalsya_tokaevu_na_seryih_maynerov/?utm_source=forbes&utm_medium=incut&utm_campaign=262146(accessed 15.03.2022). (In Russ.).

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13. Two challenges for the Russian energy industry due to crypto-mining. Available at:https://www.bfm.ru/news/483693 (accessed 15.03.2022).(In Russ.).

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16. Residential energy consumption in Russia may grow by 2.5 times due to crypto-miners. Available at:https://www.banki.ru/news/lenta/?id=10957767(accessed 15.03.2022).(In Russ.).

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20. Russian Association of Cryptoeconomics, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain proposed a taxation scheme for crypto-currencies and crypto-mining. Available at: https://www.forbes.ru/finansy/455029-associacia-blokcejna-predlozila-minfinu-shemu-nalogooblozenia-kriptovalut-assotsiatsiya-kriptovalyut-i-blok(accessed 15.03.2022).(In Russ.).

21. The State Duma announced the minimum amount of taxes for crypto-miners. Available at:https://forklog.com/v-gosdume-nazvali-minimalnyj-razmer-nalogov-dlya-majnerov/ (accessed 15.03.2022). (In Russ.).

22. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation proposed to consider crypto-mining equal to entrepreneurship.Available at: https://forklog.com/torgovo-promyshlennaya-palata-rf-predlozhila-priravnyat-majning-k-predprinimatelstvu/ (accessed 15.03.2022). (In Russ.).

23. Russian power engineering experts presented measures to control illegal crypto-miners.Available at:https://forklog.com/rossijskie-energetiki-predstavili-predlozheniya-dlya-borby-s-nelegalnymi-majnerami/ (accessed 15.03.2022). (In Russ.).

For citation

Ponamorenko V.E., Nasyrova G.A., Kodasheva G.S., SchyukinaT.V. &. KonovalovN.N. Topical issues of the cryptocurrency mining impact on energy security of the Eurasian region (as exemplified by the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation). Ugol’, 2022, (4), pp. 61-66. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-4-61-66.

Paper info

Received February 2, 2022

Reviewed February 16, 2022

Accepted March 22, 2022


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