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Original Paper

UDC 622.271(73):550.814 © I.V. Zenkov, Trinh Le Hung, Yu.P. Yuronen, V.N.,Vokin, E.V. Kiryushina, E.V. Cherepanov, E.I. Gerasimova, K.A. Shtresler, 2023

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 9, pp. 105-108

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-9-105-108


Investigating into dynamics of coal mining and electricity generation capacities in the State of Victoria

using Earth's remote sensing data


Zenkov I.V.1,2, Trinh Le Hung3, Yuronen Yu.P.1 Vokin V.N.4,Kiryushina E.V.4, Cherepanov E.V.4, Gerasimova E.I.4, Shtresler K.A.4, 2023

1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation

2Siberian Research Institute of Mining and Surveying, Krasnoyarsk, 660064, Russian Federation

3Le Quy Don Technical University (LQDTU), Hanoi, 11355, Vietnam

4Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation

Authors Information

Zenkov I.V., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific Work, e-mail: zenkoviv@mail.ru

Trinh Le Hung, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor

Yuronen Yu.P., PhD (Economic), Associate Professor

Vokin V.N., PhD (Engineering), Professor

Kiryushina E.V., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor

Cherepanov E.V., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor

Gerasimova E.I., Senior lecturer

Shtresler K.A., Senior lecturer


The article provides the results of assessing the main technological indicators of mining transport equipment in coal mining pits in the State of Victoria (Australia). A decrease in production capacities for coal mining and electricity generation at thermal power plants has been revealed based on the satellite imagery data. A conclusion is made that the economies of production scale help to keep electricity tariffs for coal-fired power generation in the state at very low levels.


Earth remote sensing, Australia, State of Victoria, Coal pit mines, Thermal power plants, Coal mining capacity, Economies of scale, Generation of electricity at thermal power plants.


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The study was performed within the framework of international cooperation in expanding the use of remote sensing technologies.

For citation

Zenkov I.V., Trinh Le Hung, Yuronen Yu.P., Vokin V.N.,Kiryushina E.V., Cherepanov E.V., Gerasimova E.I. & Shtresler K.A. Investigating into dynamics of coal mining and electricity generation capacities in the State of Victoria using Earth's remote sensing data. Ugol’, 2023, (9), pp. 105-108. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-9-105-108.

Paper info

Received June 3, 2023

Reviewed August 14, 2023

Accepted August 25, 2023


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