УГОЛЬ № 02-2010


UDC 622.826.2 © A.A.Tverdov, A.B.Yanovsky, S.B. Nikishichev, G. Apel, 2010

Tverdov Andrey Aleksandrovich
Mining engineer IMC Montan, cand. tech. sciences

Yanovsky Anatoly Borisovich
Deputy minister of power of the Russian Federation,
doctor econ. sciences

Nikishichev Sergey Borisovich
Director on development IMC Montan,
cand. econ. sciences

Gunter Apel
Doctor, the head of management of mining services
DMT (Germany)

Preventive maintenance and liquidation of burning pedigree rocks

Recently the increasing problem is created with a significant amount rocks. Untimely and insufficient re-cultivation, shortage of means for conducting monitoring and protection frequently result in occurrence of fires, that not only negatively influences ecology, but also creates threat of ability to live of nearby regions. Many institutes and the organizations prosecuted a subjects of the duly decision of the given problems, but their urgency inevitably raises. In present article experience of the Russian and international companies that will allow to struggle most effectively with a problem of ignition pedigree rocks, and, probably is incorporated, to receive additional profit as a result of secondary use of breeds.

Extraction of minerals, coal, rocks, suppression and preventive maintenance of fires, processing rocks, improvement of ecology, a problem of coal-mining regions, increase of efficiency of struggle against ignition burning pedigree rocks.

Contact information
e-mail: niks@imcgroup.ru; www.imcmontan.ru

UDC 519.876.5 © A.N. Starodubov, V.V. Zinovev, M.Ju. Dorofeev, 2010

Starodubov Alexey Nikolaevich
Leading engineer-programmer of Laboratory of problems economy of energy,
the Kemerovo centre of science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Kemerovo

Zinovev Vasily Valentinovich
Scientific secretary, the Kemerovo centre of science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Kemerovo

Dorofeev Michael Jurevich
Engineer of Laboratory of problems economy of energy,
the Kemerovo centre of science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Kemerovo

Definition of a rational lay-out power and technological a complex of Kuzbass a method of imitating modeling

In article stages of computer modelling power and technological a complex (PTC) on deep processing coal developed in the Kemerovo centre of science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science into which enter are resulted: development of mathematical model on the basis of the theory of mass service, realization of the given model by means of software product - Extend.6.0. And carrying out of the experiments, allowing to find and eliminate "bottlenecks", to define ways of increase of productivity complex of power and technological.

A complex of power and technological, the program, imitating model, transport and warehouse system, deep processing of coal, the software.

Contact information
e-mail: staraleksei@rambler.ru

UDC 553.042:621.315+662.6.004.18 © G.F. Balakina, M.P. Kulikova, V.I. Kotelnikov, 2010

Balakina Galina Fedorovna
Deputy director on scientific work the Tuva institute
of complex natural resources developments of the Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science, cand. econ. sciences

Kulikova Marina Petrovna
Senior scientific employee of the Tuva institute complex natural resources developments
of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,
cand. chem. sciences

Kotelnikov Valery Ilich
The scientific secretary of the Tuva institute complex natural resources developments
of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science

Problems of use power resources of Republic Tyva

In article necessity of formation power of cluster in Republic Tyva as one of strategic directions of development of region is proved. The basic characteristics of coal of the Ulug-Hemskij coal basin, material structure of organic weight of coal of layer Ulug are stated. The basic directions of processing of the Tuva coals are described: gasification, pyrolysis, hydrogenezation.
Authors consider opportunities of use of renewed energy sources, in particular, application of multisilicon for solar power, use of thermal pumps, development of researches on economy power.

Power cluster in Republic Tyva, coals of the Ulug-Hemskij coal basin, renewed energy sources, the economy power.

Contact information
e-mail: balakina@tikopr.sbras.ru; e-mail: mpkulikova@mail.ru; e-mail: tikopr@mail.ru


UDC 622.831.325.3:622.411.33.004.8 © V.B. Artemyev, A.D. Ruban, V.S. Zaburdjaev, E.P.Jutjaev, 2010

Artemyev Vladimir Borisovich
Assistant to the general director of OJSC "SUEK" -
Director on industrial operations, doctor tech. sciences

Ruban Anatoly Dmitrievich
Deputy director URAN IPKONthe Russian Academy of Science,
doctor tech. sciences

Zaburdjaev Victor Semenovich
Leading scientific employee URAN IPKONthe Russian Academy of Science,
doctor tech. sciences

Jutjaev Evgenie Petrovich
Assistant to the general director,
Technical director of OJSC "SUEK-Kuzbass"

The industrial rules of technology of extraction and recycling of mine methane in development of highly gas coal layers by underground way

Elimination of negative influence of "the gas factor” at working off highly gas coal layers is carried out by application in concrete mining-geological conditions of optimum technological schemes of preparation and working off of coal layers, ways of ventilation and decontamination of collieries and recycling of mine methane. The Industrial rules of technology of extraction and recycling of mine methane is developed for a choice and a substantiation of rational technical and technological decisions on extraction and recycling of mine methane within the limits of the state project of Federal agency on a science and innovations “by intensive development highly gas coal layers”. The initiator of the project is Company “SUEK”, the executor – URAN IPKON the Russian Academy of Science. The industrial rules is the basic technological document for development of projects of decontamination of mine or lava, defining a technological mode, the procedure of stages and operations of technology, performance of requirements on preservation of the environment and output (mine methane) the appropriate quality corresponding requirements of process of its recycling. Tests of the Industrial rules are executed on mine by it. S.M. Kirov of OJSC "SUEK-Kuzbass". Essentially new elements of the developed Industrial rules are use of the automated monitoring system of parameters MVS in mine decontamination to system, technologies of revealing of local collectors of methane in coal and rocks a file, the technological modules of decontamination integrated into typical schemes of preparation and development gas coal of layers and a number of others.

The state project, gas coal layers, mine methane, extraction, recycling, technology, the industrial rules, mine tests.

Contact information
e-mail: ruban_ad@mail.ru

UDC 622.831.325.3(571.17):622.411.33.004.8 © Collective of authors, 2010

Patskov Evgenie Alekseevich
Doctor tech. sciences, OJSC "Gazprompromgaz"

Storonsky Nikolay Mironovich
Deputy the general director OJSC "Gazprompromgaz",
cand. physics and mathematics sciences

Hrjukin Vladimir Timofeevich
Cand. tech. sciences, OJSC "Gazprompromgaz",

Falin Alexey Aleksandrovich
The engineer, OJSC "Gazprompromgaz"

Korjaga Michael Georgievich
The engineer, OJSC "Gazprompromgaz"

Rational use of taken mine methane on mines of Kuznetsk

One of ways of maintenance stable conditioner concentration of methane in MVS is the organization of industrial extraction of coal methane by the chinks drilled from a surface. The forecast resources of coal methane comparable to stocks of gas deposits, allow to consider methane of coal deposits as the nonconventional energy carrier and to put problems of its industrial extraction. Development of domestic technology of extraction of coal methane by the chinks drilled from a surface in coal layers, not broken by mining, with 2002 is engaged in OJSC "Promgaz” under orders of company "Gazprom". Now volume gas of chinks of the experimental range which is settling down in territory of the Kemerovo area, makes 3500-4000 м3 of day, concentration of methane is equal 96-98%.

Coal methane, chink, decontamination, methane and air mix, coal output, safety, ventilation.

Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 504-43-60

UDC 622.272.6 © T.A. Kirjaeva, R.I. Rodin, 2010

Kirjaeva Tatyana Anatoljevna
Senior scientific employee IUUthe Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,
cand. tech. sciences

Rodin Roman Ivanovich
Post-graduate student IUUthe Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science

To a question on the mechanism of occurrence of heats by development of coal layers

In article the review of publications on change of temperature of a coal layer in a zone of conducting mining works and its communication with gas dynamics processes is executed at working off of coal layers, down to sudden emissions of coal and gas.

Temperature, methane coal layer, gas dynamics, danger of emissions of gas, mechanical destruction.

Contact information
е-mail: kiryaevata@icc.kemsc.ru


UDC 331.6:331.83:622.33(470) © Ju.G. Gribin, V.N. Popov, I.I. Mohnachuk, G.A. Yefimova, 2010

Gribin Jury Georgievich
Doctor econ. sciences (CNIEIugol)

Popov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Doctor econ. sciences, professor (CNIEIugol)

Mohnachuk Ivan Ivanovich
Chairman of Rosugleprof, cand. econ. sciences

Yefimova Galina Afrikanovna
Candidatecon. sciences (CNIEIugol)

Development of methodical recommendations on perfection of social protection of workers of coal branch

In article the complex of methodical recommendations on social protection of workers of the coal-mining organizations, developed in 2009 according to the interbranch Concept in the coal industry is presented.

Social protection, social guarantees, standard of living, social transfers, training for a new profession, employment, labour attitudes, collective and individual contracts.

Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 777-18-71


UDC 622.33:658.011.56 © V.N. Frjanov, L.D. Pavlova, 2010

Frjanov Victor Nikolaevich
Managing faculty of development layersdeposits
GOU VPO “the Siberian state industrial university”, Novokuznetsk,
doctor tech. sciences, professor

Pavlova Larissa Dmitrievna
Managing faculty of applied computer science
GOU VPO “the Siberian state industrial university”, Novokuznetsk,
doctor tech. sciences

Perspective directions of research of technology of underground mining

In article the urgency of creation of the automated and robotized collieries is proved. Directions of scientific researches for gradual transition from modern technology of underground coal output to robotized by means of creation of mobile technological complexes of processing of coal and methane in energy, opening of mine fields the block-trunks and by chinks, applications fan-systems of development with dredging coal by robots and remote control by technological processes by the operators who are being safe places are offered.

The robotized mine, the robot, the operator, coal, methane, the industrial safety, the automated system, opening, preparation, system of development, remote control.

Contact information
e-mail: ZZZ338@rdtc.ru

UDC 622.273:658.52.011.56 © V.V. Kozlov, 2010

Kozlov Valery Vladimirovich
Cand. tech. sciences, senior lecturer of faculty GMO MGGU

Technique of research of the automated decision of a turn of a lava

In article the dialectics of development of methodological principles of the decision of technological problems which consists in application to the organization of technological knowledge of the flexible approach providing their modular reorganization, and concerning formalization of technological knowledge - in application of methods of an artificial intellect is considered.

Technique, research, designing, underground technology, modular reorganization.

Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 236-95-05


UDC 622.23.51 © B.L. Gerike, P.B. Gerike, P.V. Eshcherkin, 2010

Gerike Boris Ljudvigovich
Professor KuzGTU, doctor tech. sciences

Gerike Paul Borisovich
Teacher KuzGTU

Eshcherkin Paul Vladimirovich

Mathematical model of an estimation of an actual condition of the chisel machine tool

In article methods of forecasting of a residual resource of safe operation of the equipment, based on definition of laws of development of defects and damages, statistical data processing, extrapolation of trends up to maximum permissible values and are presented to a likelihood estimation of values of parameters.

Methods of an estimation and forecasting of a resource, residual resource.

Contact information
e-mail goericke@kemsc.ru

UDC 536.12:622.272.33 © A.Ju. Nedelko, 2010

Nedelko Alexander Jurevich
Leading engineer of OJSC NPP "Etalon"

New methods of measurement of physical sizes in conditions of manufacture

In article new methods of measurement of temperature, humidity, pressure, a stream of radiation, ways of transfer of measured sizes and results of measurements are considered. The devices working with digital gauges are described.

The digital gauge, pyrometer, optical fiber, pressure, humidity, temperature.

Contact information
e-mail: omsketalon@list.ru


UDC 338.911:622.33.012:658.589 © V.N. Fedorov, 2010

Fedorov Vasily Nikolaevich
Institute coal and chemistry of coal the Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science (IUU SO RAN),
Cand. tech. sciences

To a question on technical regulation of productions of modern mine

In article problems of technical regulation of processes of modern mine are considered. Factors of safety and efficiency in conditions of modernization of manufacture and an intensification of mining works are analyzed. Necessity of the process approach to problems of development of technical rules on designing and operation of technological systems of a underground coal mining proves.

Modernization, technical regulation, technological processes of a coal mining, safety, efficiency.

Contact information
е-mail: vn-fedorov@yandex.ru; е-mail: fedorovvn@icc.kemsc.ru


UDC 55:622.411.33:622.33.012.2 © A.V. Mavrenkov, 2010

Mavrenkov Anatoly Vladimirovich
The deserved geologist of the Russian Federation, Mezhdurechensk

Geological forecast and the automatic monitoring system for collieries

The information “the Geological forecast and the automatic monitoring system for collieries” considers a modern geological problem of necessity of application of the automatic monitoring system on the basis of studying real geological space. The new approach to geological information base for decision-making is presented at use of monitoring systems of mining pressure, emissions of rocks and methane. The information can be actual addition to article published in magazine "Ugol" №7-2009 in section "Geology".

Real geological space, activity of geological processes, local volumes of compression and stretching in a hills.

Contact information
е-mail: mavrenkov@rambler.ru


UDC 622.85:622.33.012.3 © I.V. Zenkov, 2010

Zenkov Igor Vladimirovich
FGOU VPO “the Siberian federal university”,
cand. tech. sciences

Results of researches of surfaces external rocks re-cultivation a coal cut "Borodinskij" for agricultural use

In article results of complex researches of surfaces external rocks, re-cultivation by a coal cut "Borodinskij" for use in an agriculture are resulted.

The surface mining, external rocks, re-cultivation the grounds, agriculture and chemistry parameters, geometrical parameters of surfaces external rocks, agriculture external rocks.

Contact information
e-mail: zenkoviv@mail.ru