UDC 061.43:622.002.5(100) ©“Ugol” magazine, 2010
XVII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining 2010”
Seventeenth time on the Kuzbass ground in a Novokuznetsk representatives of the largest coal-mining the companies, the enterprises - consumers of coal and coke, manufacturers mining equipment and the transport companies of Russia and foreign countries will gather. Brief results of a last year's exhibition and thematic sections of an exhibition are presented.
The international exhibition, mining equipment, the coal enterprises.
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UDC 622.64:622.3.012.7«Sib.T» © B.V. Egorov, 2010
Egorov Boris Vladimirovich
General director of firm “Sib.T” LLC
Firm “Sib.T”- high quality of manufacture, production and service
The consumer market is a complex dynamical organism which constantly makes all new and new demands to the suppliers, providing occurrence of a competition. It motivates firms to active self-development, introduction of innovations, and firm “Sib.T” is not exception. In article the history and the present of firm “Sib.T”, it is told about production let out by firm and about rendered services. It is spoken about specialization of firm on manufacture and realization of the equipment and materials for connection of conveyor tapes, on surface of a covering drive drums, to manufacture on German technology and realization of the additional equipment for conveyors, etc.
The tape conveyor, connection of conveyor tapes, surface of a covering drive drums.
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UDC 622.3.007 © SIEMAG TECBERG GmbH, 2010
Company SIEMAG M-TEC? is renamed in SIEMAG TECBERG and transfers the head office to other city
In article it is told about German firm SIEMAG TECBERG, about change of the name and that it means. Trade mark TECBERG means “Technologie in Bergbau” – “technologies in the mining industry”. The new name of the company emphasizes its branch accessory as the world leader and the complex supplier for the mining enterprises. Also it is spoken, that in the beginning 2010 company SIEMAG TECBERG has transferred the head office from a Netfen in a Hayger (Germany). The sphere and an occupation of company SIEMAG TECBERG which history originates in 1871, being by the machine-building enterprise in sector of average business is described, it is told, that the company works in the market in two basic areas - mine elevating machines and inclined tape conveyors, and also systems of mine/tunnel cooling and the hoisting-and-transport equipment for heavy cargoes.
The mining machine-building company, mine elevating machines, tape conveyors, the hoisting-and-transport equipment.
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UDC 621.825-82 © TRANSFLUID s.r.l.
Fluid couplings
In article it is that such fluid coupling for what it is intended. Production of Italian firm TRANSFLUID s.r.l., more than 50 years specializing on release fluid couplings is presented. Are described fluid couplings with constant and variable filling by a hydraulic liquid.
Fluid coupling, a hydraulic liquid, the tape conveyor.
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UDC 622.271:621.879.3 © A.V. Samolazov, N.I. Paladeeva, T.V. Donchenko, 2010
Samolazov Alexander Viktorovich
Assistant to general director - general designer
of Company “IZ-KARTEKS” LLC (group OMZ)
Paladeeva Natalia Ivanovna
Manager on technological communications, cand. tech. sciences,
senior lecturer of Company “IZ-KARTEKS” LLC (group OMZ)
Donchenko Taras Valerevich
Chief of a department on marketing, cand. tech. sciences
of Company “IZ-KARTEKS” LLC (group OMZ)
Prospect of modernisation of coal cuts modern dredges of company “IZ-KARTEKS”
The analysis of application of career dredges and auto dumpers on coal cuts of the world and the CIS is presented, dynamics and the forecast of their use, development of the surface mining are given, structures of parks career dredges, hydro dredges, auto dumpers on coal cuts of the world, Russia and the CIS are considered. The new ruler of career dredges of manufacture of Company “IZ-KARTEKS” which application on coal cuts will promote modernization of parks dredges with the greatest economic efficiency according to world tendencies of manufacture of the surface mining works is presented.
Dredge, the auto dumper, surface mining works, capacity of a ladle, modernization, efficiency.
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UDC 622.33.012.2«names S.M. Kirov».001.86 © E.P. Jutjaev, M.A. Loginov, E.V. Mazanik, 2010
Jutjaev Evgenie Petrovich
Assistant to general director - technical director of Company "SUEK-Kuzbass"
Loginov Michael Aleksandrovich
Chief engineer of mine of name Ñ.Ì. Kirov
Mazanik Evgenie Vasilevich
Head of department of aerologic safety underground of Company "SUEK-Kuzbass"
Mine of name S.M. Kirov - three million tons one lava!
The operational experience of a mine brigade of A.V. Kolomenskij of mine of name Ñ.Ì. Kirov of OJSC “SUEK-Kuzbass” in complex mining-geological conditions in 2009 Is described an operational experience of a lava in conditions of geological infringements, experience on hardening breeds of a roof and experience on decontamination a site.
Lava, mine, decontamination, coal mining.
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UDC 622.33.012.2«Kotinskaya».001.86 © E.P. Jutjaev, M.G. Lupy, A.I. Paltsev, 2010
Jutjaev Evgenie Petrovich
Assistant to general director - technical director of Company “SUEK-Kuzbass”
Lupy Michael Grigorevich
Director of mine “Kotinskaya”
Paltsev Anatoly Ivanovich
Assistant to technical director of Company “SUEK-Kuzbass”
From an operational experience of brigade V.I. Melnik of mine “Kotinskaya” of Company “SUEK-Kuzbass” in 2009
The operational experience of mine brigade V.I. Melnik of mine “Kotinskaya” of OJSC “SUEK-Kuzbass” in complex mining-geological conditions in 2009 - at works a stream in a zone of washout of a layer, at transition by a lava of two inclined trunks and in conditions of significant water-inflow to a lava.
Lava, mine, water-inflow, speed drive lavas, a coal mining.
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UDC 331.015.1:658.59:622.33.012«SUEK-Khakasia» © A.B. Kilin, V.A. Azev, M.N. Poleshchuk, 2010
Kilin Alexey Bogdanovich
General director of Company "SUEK-Khakasia”
Azev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Technical director of Company “SUEK-Khakasia”
Poleshchuk Marina Nikolaevna
Younger scientific employee of OJSC "Scientific and technological centre-NIIOGR"
Management innovative groups of the coal-mining enterprise
In article necessity of formation of innovative groups for increase of efficiency of process of continuous perfection of manufacture is proved. The technique of management by their activity which application allows the head of group, department is stated, the enterprises to provide achievement of the purpose of an innovation with necessary efficiency. The concrete example of realization of the offered technique is resulted.
The coal-mining enterprise, efficiency, continuous perfection of manufacture, innovative organizational structure, innovative group, sociolabor attitudes, management.
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UDC 338.45:622.33.012.3 © N.V. Galieva, 2010
Galieva Nadezhda Valentinovna
Economic a substantiation of directions of an intensification of manufacture on coal cuts
In article the toolkit of a choice of the most effective actions on an intensification of manufacture on coal cuts according to concrete mining-geological and productive and economic conditions of managing is considered.
Economic substantiation, intensification of manufacture, coal cuts, modernization of manufacture, reconstruction, optimization of technopark.
Contact information
UDC: 622.411.33 © V.I. Klishin, D.I. Kokoulin, B. Kubanychbek, M.K. Durnin, 2010
Klishin Vladimir Ivanovich
Managing laboratory of underground mining of coal deposits IGD the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, doctor tech. sciences, the deserved inventor of the Russian Federation
Kokoulin Danjar Ivanovich
Senior scientific employee of laboratory of underground mining coal deposits IGD the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, cand. tech. sciences
Kubanychbek Batyk
Scientific employee of laboratory of underground mining of coal deposits IGD the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, cand. tech. sciences
Durnin Michael Kimovich
Mining engineer, full member of the International academy of sciences of ecology,
safety of the person and the nature (MANEB)
Re-hardening of a coal layer as a method of an intensification of allocation of methane
In article the condition of a question of decontamination of productive coal layers in Russia is stated, and carrying out of researches for development of a technique of application of the new combined way of influence on a coal layer with the purpose of its increase feedback of gas and decrease in expenses for a coal mining, especially for the powerful coal layers fulfilled by mechanized complexes with release under roofing of thickness of coal is offered. The combined way of influence combines vibrating seismic influence on a coal layer and re-hardening a coal file on interval the directed hydrobreak.
Coal layer, feedback of gas, decontamination, geomechanical processes, the directed hydrobreak, re-hardening a coal file, properties of a layer.
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UDC 622.51:628.33/.35-156 © V.E. Adzhienko, 2010
Adzhienko Vladislav Evgenevich
Chief engineer of Company “Admir Eurasia”
Removal of water from coal waste reagents in geotextile containers Geotube®
The reason of unsatisfactory clearing of mine waters of the coal industry from the weighed substances is waste settling constructions. The duly conclusion waste allows to lower repeatedly costs of the enterprise on payments for dump. The technology removal of water coal waste in geotextile containers Geotube® (GEOTUB) gives an opportunity operatively to clear unlimited sediment bowls-wastes in the sizes with reception of a compact warehouse of dehydrated production, steady against wind and water erosion.
Coal waste, removal of water, Geotube, geotextile container, a payment for dump.
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UDC 622.411.33:662.764 © E.V. Krejnin, 2010
Krejnin Efim Vulfovich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
doctor tech. sciences, professor of Company “Gazprom promgaz”
Decontaminations of coal layers are necessary new technical decisions!
The problem of decontamination of methane of coal layers in Russia demands new effective technical decisions. Existing methods of decontamination of coal layers are based basically on their hydrobreak and fastening of the formed cracks by sand, and also on drilling long horizontal chinks on a coal layer. However the artificial cavities created by these methods differ small drainage ability and consequently, provide a low degree of extraction of coal methane. In conditions of a modern hard work of mine faces high residual methane coal layers leads to explosions methane and air to a mix and failures on mines of Kuzbass. Methods are offered new, partially tested. First of them is based on hydropulse influence on a crack of the hydrobreak, the second - on fire expansion long chisel channels. Introduction of both methods in practice of decontamination of coal deposits will noticeably raise safety of work of mines.
Decontamination of coal layers, hydropulse expansion of cracks of hydraulic break, flowing moving of the center of burning on the chisel channel, thermal influence on a coal layer.
Contact information
phone: +7 495 504 4259; fax: +7 495 504 4370;
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UDC 061.45:622.33(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2010
Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer
The Crimean conference “Ugol SNG 2010” / Coal of the CIS 2010: the facts, events, results
In the review “Ugol SNG 2010” / Coal of the CIS 2010 which took place in Alushta (Crimea, Ukraine) and in which work have taken part more than 250 participants from 180 coal-mining and the transport companies is told about annual international conference. The business program of conference including seven plenary sessions, two round tables “Balance of the market of power coal and export prospects of suppliers from the CIS” and “Problems of maintenance by coked coal and coke of metallurgical combines” and interactive discussion “the Transport component in export freight traffics of coal” is presented. In the review the most interesting performances from 30 reports which have sounded at conference are presented. The performances presented by the review are illustrated by diagrams and tables.
Coal branch, export of coal, the market of coal, the export and internal markets of power coal, the markets of coked coal, transportation of coal.
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UDC 622.33(470)«2009» © Research.Techart, 2010
Research. Techart
Russian market of power coal
In article data on the basic players of the market, manufacturers and dynamics of a coal mining are resulted. The structure of deliveries to a home market and foreign trade activities is considered. The price analysis is resulted and prospects of development of coal generation in Russia are considered.
The power coal, not renewed power resources, world reserves of coal, manufacturers of coal, consumption of coal, a coal mining, the coal-mining companies.
The contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 495 790 7591, add. 124 |
UDC 622.84:622.85:622.51:628.33/.35:626 © Í.Í. Gusev, 2010
Gusev Nikolay Nikolaevich
Post-graduate student MGGU
To a problem of an effective utilization of mine waters of the enterprises of the coal and slate industry
The estimation of a modern condition of a problem of protection and rational use of water resources in conditions of development of coal (slate) branch of Russia is given. The urgency of search of the scientifically-proved decisions on an effective utilization of mine waters is designated. The interrelation of the factors limiting an opportunity of involving of last in economic circulation is established.
Protection of water resources, mine waters, the effective utilization, limiting factors.
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UDC 622.85:622.882:622.33.012.3 © I.V. Zenkov, 2010
Zenkov Igor Vladimirovich
Cand. tech. sciences, FGOU VPO “the Siberian federal university”
Results of research and estimation of losses of a fertile layer of ground in mine technical re-cultivation the broken grounds
In article results of researches of losses of a fertile layer of the ground, caused by mining-geological conditions of development of horizontal and flat coal deposits in the surface mining are resulted. The final estimation of results agricultural re-cultivation on a coal cut "Borodinskij" is given.
Surface mining, mine technical re-cultivation the grounds, loss of a fertile layer of ground, restoration of the grounds of agricultural purpose.
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