UDC 622.33«1941/1945» © “Ugol” Magazine, 2010
65 years from the date of the Victory over Great Domestic war
1941-1945, about miner's divisions, about miners at the front and about work of miners in rear is told about the coal industry of the USSR within Great Domestic war. Diagrams of a coal mining within war on coal basins USSR are presented.
Great Domestic war, miner's divisions, coal mining.
Contact information
e-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru |
UDC 061.43:622.002.5(100) © JSC “Kuzbass Fair”, 2010
XVII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining 2010”
Seventeenth time on the Kuzbass ground in a Novokuznetsk representatives of the largest coal-mining the companies, the enterprises - consumers of coal and coke, manufacturers mining equipment and the transport companies of Russia and foreign countries will gather. Brief results of a last year's exhibition and thematic sections of an exhibition are presented.
The international exhibition, mining equipment, the coal enterprises.
Contact information
e-mail: transport@kuzbass-fair.ru |
UDC 061.43:622.002.5(100) © JSC “Kuzbass Fair”, 2010
Greetings to participants of an exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining 2010”
Greetings from director of Department of the coal and peat industry of the Ministry of power of the Russian Federation of K.Ju. Alekseev, the governor of the Kemerovo region of A.G. Tuleev, chairman of Advice of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo region of N.I. Shatilov, the senior vice-president of Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation of B.N. Pastuhov, administration of city of Novokuznetsk, organizers of an exhibition, and also performance of heads of some coal firms and the companies in which exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining 2010” and results of their participation in a last year's exhibition is told about the international mining exhibition are presented.
The international exhibition, equipment mining, coal enterprises.
Contact information
e-mail: transport@kuzbass-fair.ru |
UDC 622.33(571.17)«312/313» © V.P. Mazikin, 2010
Mazikin Valentine Petrovich
The first assistant to the Governor to Kemerovo region,
doctor tech. sciences, professor
Results of work and prospect of development of coal branch of Kuzbass
In article results of work of the coal-mining enterprises of Kuzbass region for the first quarter of current year and the further prospects of development of coal branch of region which will be defined “by Strategy of development of coal branch of Kuzbass up to 2025” are resulted. The project of strategy according to the order of Board of Administration of the Kemerovo region is developed by department of the coal industry and power.
Kuznetsk coal region, coal mining, mine, labour productivity, brigades-millionaires, mining technics, social security, high-efficiency lavas.
Contact information
e-mail: postmaster@ako.ru |
UDC 621.315.2:622.33 © OJSC “Amur cable factory”, 2010
OJSC “Amur cable factory”
Safety in mining branch begins with small …
The article is devoted to a role cable to production in the organization of safe electrosupply in mines. Manufacture cables for mine and dredges at the Amur cable factory is described, the factors defining high quality of production made by it are designated.
The cables, manufacture of cables, cables for dredges, mine cables.
Contact information
phone: +7 (4212) 53-88-99; 53-88-22 |
UDC 622.647.21:621.867.2 © Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting Europe, 2010
Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting Europe
High quality in shorter term
The information about new double is presented to the press, recently established on factory Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting (UK). Installation press is a finishing stage in plans for development and modernization of a factory and has put forward the enterprise on one of leading places in the world among the factories which are letting out a tape.
Conveyor tape, factory on manufacture of conveyor tapes, double press.
Contact information
phone: +44 1482 781234 |
UDC 621.396.945 © F. Becker, M. Hahn, 2010
Dr-Ing. F. Becker,
Becker Mining Systems AG, Germany
Dipl-Ing.M. Hahn,
Becker Mining Systems AG, Germany
Speech communication with use of technology Voice over IP (VoIP) in underground
In article the system of speech communication BCOM VoIP developed by company Becker Mining Systems AG (Germany) and intended for application in mine conditions is presented. Components of the given system, its advantage and operating experience are in detail considered all.
Speech communication, technology Voice over IP (VoIP), system of speech communication BCOM VoIP, a computerization, mine communication.
Contact information
e-mail: N.Al-Rubai@becker-mining.com |
UDC 622.232.8 © Famur Group, 2010
Famur Group
Record extraction is reached by the equipment of Famur Group
In article the mechanized complex of FAMUR Group (Poland) which in January, 2010 has provided superscheduled extraction is presented. This complex made and put in 2009 on mine “Baikaimskaja” of company "Kuzbassrazrezugol”, has extracted one million tons of coal. The description of the equipment is given. A part mechanized complex.
The mechanized complex, underground coal mining, lava.
Contact information
e-mail: famur@famur.com.pl |
UDC 622.3.002.7:622.8 © Hennlich Engineering, 2010
Hennlich Engineering
Hennlich Engineering in 2010
Division Hennlich Engineering which is a part of Hennlich Group of the large European supplier for the industry, comes on the Russian market with new production for non-dust loadings of loose materials. The purpose of the company - to take part in development and modernization of the industry in the Russian Federation. Now except for a conclusion of new production to the market the company bases branch. In article production of firm which is offered for the Russian enterprises is presented: the loading device (ZU), loading devices of "economy" for non-dust loadings, water guns for decrease in a dust content, air filters with automatic system clearing Jet-Puls, power circuits (stackers of a cable) for long movings.
The loading device, non-dust loading, a water gun, air filters with automatic system clearing, power circuits (stackers of a cable).
Contact information
e-mail: hennlich@hennlich.ru |
UDC 622.51:628.33/.35:622.765.4 © V.R. Nogih, 2010
Nogih Victor Romanovich
General director of company “EKOS-S”
Clearing constructions of manufacture company “EKOS-S”
In article new development of company "EKOS-S” - compact flotation device UF for sewage treatment, including mine, by productivity 20-150 cubic meter at one o'clock is presented. It is noted, that installation UF allows to clear industrial sewage of oils, mineral oil, the fats, the weighed substances, PEAHENS, partially organic substances. The scheme of installation is presented and characteristics are given.
Flotation, sewage treatment, innovations.
Contact information
e-mail: ekos-s@mail.ru |
UDC 622.33.002.5:622.3.012.7 © “Yurmash” LLC, 2010
Aspiration to perfection
In article it is presented to Yurmash and let out production. It is one of the largest machine-building enterprises of Russia, developing and making a full spectrum mine equipment for the mechanized complexes lavas, miner combines, and also the equipment for cuts and concentrating factories; load-lifting technics (self-propelled and automobile cranes carrying capacity 25 and 40 tons, the equipment for agriculture: loaders face-to-face, loaders-dredges); production of metallurgical repartition; the metallurgical equipment and small-scale production of various purpose.
Mechanized systems, miner combines, crushers, stackers of a cable, mining equipment.
Contact information
e-mail: yumz@yumz.ru |
UDC 622.33.002.5:622.33.012.7 © V.V. Sivtsov, 2010
Sivtsov Victor Viktorovich
The assistant to the general director on preparation of manufacture
JSC “Skopinsky machine-building factory mine equipment”
Quality proved by time
In article the history of development Skopinsky of a machine-building factory is shown. The role of the enterprise in development of Situated near Moscow coal basin within Great Domestic war, and also post-war years when production of a factory had great value for restoration and developments of the coal industry of Donbass is noted. With 1966 at the enterprise development and the organization of manufacture high-efficiency mine equipment has begun. A number modern mine equipment which is let out by a factory now is resulted.
The mine equipment, a machine-building factory, scraper conveyors, reducers.
Contact information
e-mail: smz_skopin@mail.ru |
UDC 621.396.945:622.33.012.2 © A.I. Gerusov, 2010
Gerusov Alexander Ivanovich
Main designer of the Center of a professional training
of company "Juzhkuzbassugol”
Ways of increase of stability of work of systems of mine automatics
In article results of testing of the several power supplies used for monitoring systems of a miner atmosphere, lead by experts of laboratory of multipurpose monitoring systems and managements of the Center of a professional training of company "Juzhkuzbassugol” are resulted. From among the presented power supplies most there correspond to desirable parameters sources of uninterrupted feed IBP1 of manufacture of firm "ILMA”.
Multipurpose monitoring systems and managements (controllers), analog and discrete gauges, signaling devices of emergency and preemergency conditions, power supplies.
Contact information
e-mail: pnoc1061@uku.com.ru |
UDC 622.33.012«SUEK-Kuzbass»«312/313» © A.K. Loginov, 2010
Loginov Alexander Kimovich
General director of company “SUEK-Kuzbass”
Check on durability
Despite of begun in the end 2008 world financial and an economic crisis, company "SUEK-Kuzbass” not only has kept the safety factor saved up for the previous years, but also has managed to use this time for escalating potential, strengthening of market positions. To the surface in 2009 it is given out 32 million tons. It is a record parameter for all history of work of the company in the Kemerovo region. In comparison with 2008 the gain of a coal mining has made 1,7 million tons. In article it is told about company "SUEK-Kuzbass”, results of work of the company and the enterprises entering into it and due to what record parameters are reached. Plans and prospects of development of the company are resulted.
Coal mining, high-efficiency lavas, brigades-millionaires, economic crisis, successes and overall performance, long-term plans, prospects of development.
Contact information
e-mail: ChikurovIV@suek.ru |
UDC 622.33.012.2«Vorgashorskaya»:622.26.001.86 © A. Emeljanov, 2010
Alexander Yemelyanov
Mine “Vorgashorskaja” has established a record on carrying out of mining developments
It is told about an establishment of the next record by drifters of mine “Vorgashorskaja”. The record has surpassed all known achievements of the coal enterprises of continent. For a month the collective of a brigade of Gennady Shumakov a site ¹1 has overcome 1212 m of mining developments by one lava. The chronology of achievements on mine “Vorgashorskaja” by miner continuous JOY and the organization of work in continuous a lava is resulted.
The record, miner continuous combine, carrying out of mining developments.
Contact information
e-mail: DYu.Poyarkov@vorkuta.severstalgroup.com |
UDC 622.26:622.232.83«JOY» © Joy Mining Machinery, 2010
Joy Mining Machinery
JOY Continuous Miner has established the Russian record of carrying out of mining developments
Results of record work of drifters of mine “Vorgashorskaja” as a result of operation Joy 12CM30B Miner-Bolter are presented.
The Joy bolter miner system, continuous miner, rates of carrying out of mining developments, a record.
Contact information
e-mail: tloshkar@joy.co.uk |
UDC 622.33.012 «UK «Zarechnaja»«312/313» © T. Belousova, 2010
Belousova Tatyana
UK “Zarechnaja”
MPO "Kuzbass": the coal branch has a future
Coal company "Zarechnaja”, results of work and achievement of the company and the enterprises entering into it are presented. Plans and prospects of development of the company the nearest years are resulted.
Coal mining, productivity, investments, processing of coal, transportation of coal, prospect of development of coal manufacture.
Contact information
e-mail: tb-9@mail.ru |
UDC 631.16:658.155 © P.P. Holodov, 2010
Holodov Paul Pavlovich
The competitor of faculty of book keeping, the analysis and audit KemTIPP
Target regional leasing fund - as a source of reproduction of the basic production assets
The article focuses on improving the lease at the regional level. The main advantage of leasing from the perspective of the accelerated reproduction of fixed assets of enterprises in minimizing recurrent costs. The mechanism of the organization and functioning of the target regional leasing fund.
Leasing, the reproduction of fixed assets, the trust fund.
Contact information
e-mail: HPP@yandex.ru |
UDC 338.1 © S.A. Zhironkin, 2010
Zhironkin Sergey Aleksandrovich
Cand. econ. sciences, senior lecturer of faculty of the economic theory
the Kuzbass state technical university
Forms of structural regulation of economy of Kuzbass region
Structural reorganization of economy demands the weighed, system approach to regulation, revealings of forms of this process and their adaptation to features of concrete region. In article forms of structural regulation of economy of Kuzbass region presented. For overcoming the developed situation in Kuzbass creation of bank holdings of the high technologies uniting innovative firms, the enterprises of mechanical engineering, coal and chemistry on the one hand, and bank structures of region with another is necessary.
Structural reorganization of economy, the form of structural regulation of economy, market reforms, development of the financial market.
Contact information
e-mail: zhironkin@inbox.ru |
UDC 621.928.3:622.767.555 © A.S. Kirnarskyy, 2010
Kirnarskyy Anatoliy Semenovich
Dr.-Ing., Expert on enrichment of minerals
of Engineering Dobersek GmbH
Centrifugal enrichment ultrathin coal waste
The theoretical substantiation and practical acknowledgement of an opportunity of enrichment of ultrathin coal the size less than 0,1 mm in centrifugal fields of high intensity are resulted. Efficiency of centrifugal separation improves preliminary non-waste coal waste and its subsequent classification on narrow machine classes that according to a principle of one-functionality reduces influence the size by division of particles on density. Profitability of such technology is defined by enrichment waste not only on ashes, but also on sulfur.
Enrichment coal waste, a separator, the hydroqualifier, a hydrocyclone, a centrifugal field of high intensity, preliminary non-waste.
Contact information
e-mail: anatoliy.kirnarskyy@ed-mg.de |