UDC 061.43:622.002.5(100) © Company "Expo-Siberia”, 2010
The Kuzbass international coal forum “Expo-Ugol 2010”
From September, 14 till September, 17th, 2010 to Kemerovo will pass the Kuzbass international coal forum “Expo-Ugol 2010” where all infrastructure of coal branch will be presented: coal mechanical engineering, a coal science, technologies of coal mining and coal preparation, coal market, coal power. In the review brief results of a last year's forum, the scientific and business program of a forthcoming forum, thematic sections of an exhibition-fair are presented.
The international forum, exhibition, mining equipment, coal enterprises.
Contact information
e-mail: dubinin@exposib.ru |
UDC 622.8:622.33.012.2«Raspadskaya» © Ugol, 2010
Tragedy on mine “Raspadskaya”
Two explosions have occured on the night of May, 9th, 2010 on mine “Raspadskaya” in Kuzbass region as a result of which 67 person were lost, the destiny of 23 miners has remained the unknown person. In materials the chronicle of carrying out of rescue operations, work of the governmental commission on rendering assistance by the victim and families of victims is presented, and also to liquidation of consequences of failure on mine “Raspadskaya”. It is told about a trip of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on a place of failure and about carrying out of a space bridge between prime-minister of the Russian government and participants of the governmental commission worked in Novokuznetsk.
Breakdown susceptibility, explosion of methane, decontamination, labour safety, the help the victim.
Contact information
e-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru |
UDC 622.822.3 © S.A. Sin, 2010
Sin Sergey Aleksandrovich
General director of company “Azot Service”
Protection mine sites layers of mine Kuzbass from self-ignition of coal by way covering an inert dust the developed spaces (by way of discussion)
In article data about efficiency of foreign and domestic experience of use of nitrogen at preventive maintenance are cited, localizations and suppression of the centers of self-ignition of coal. The expediency of expansion of a scope inert dust for these purposes due to introduction of new technology of generation of nitrogen is shown.
Self-ignition of coal, nitrogen, cryogenic technics, âîçäóõîðàçäåëèòåëüíàÿ installation, a membrane separator.
Contact information
e-mail: azotservice@mail.ru |
UDC 622. © Group of authors, 2010
Artemyev Vladimir Borisovich
Assistant to general director -
director on industrial operations of company "SUEK",
doctor tech. sciences
Loginov Alexander Kimovich
General director of company "SUEK-Kuzbass",
doctor tech. sciences
Jutjaev Evgenie Petrovich
Assistant to general director -
technical director of company "SUEK-Kuzbass"
Lupy Michael Grigorevich
Director of mine “Kotinskaya” of company “SUEK-Kuzbass”
Jasjuchenja Sergey Vladimirovich
Assistant technical director of company "SUEK",
cand. tech. sciences
Demura Victor Nikolaevich
Deputy chief technical managements
PGR of company "SUEK"
Alternative technologies of formation of dismantling chambers in conditions of company “SUEK-Kuzbass”
In article two alternative ways of formation of dismantling chambers are presented developed and tested by experts of industrial and technical services of company "SUEK-Kuzbass". First of ways provides application instead of wooden systems the special mining grid consisting of a special kapron string of different thickness, filled in by polymer. The second way - "entrance" of the mechanized complex in available (in advance passed and fixed) the dismantling chamber.
Formation of the dismantling chambers, special mining grid, polymer, kapron string, mechanized complex.
Contact information
e-mail: ÑhikurovIV@lnk.suek.ru |
UDC 622.273.13 © O.I. Kazanin, V.V. Kozulin, M.V. Barabash, E.P. Jutjaev, 2010
Kazanin Oleg Ivanovich
Dean of mining faculty SPGGI (TU),
doctor tech. sciences
Kozulin Vasily Vladimirovich
First assistant to technical director
OJSC "Vorkutaugol”
Barabash Michael Vladimirovich
Technical director of OJSC "OUK "Juzhkuzbassugol”
Jutjaev Evgenie Petrovich
Assistant to general director -
technical director of company "SUEK-Kuzbass"
About designing technological schemes of preparation and working off mine sites of coal layers
Domestic and foreign experience of preparation and working off mine sites of coal layers with high loadings, a condition of normative base of designing is analysed. The basic directions of development of technology of underground coal output are noted. Necessity of development branch an album of technological schemes of preparation and working off mine sites in view of advanced achievements in the theory and practice of underground coal output is proved.
Coal layer, mine a site, intensive working off, preparation, technological schemes, an album.
Contact information
e-mail: kazanin@spmi.ru; e-mail: vv.kozulin@vorkuta.severstalgroup.com;
e-mail: barabash671@rambler.ru |
UDC 622.647.21:621.867.2 © Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting Europe, 2010
Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting Europe
High quality in shorter term
The information about new double is presented to the press, recently established on factory Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting (UK). Installation press is a finishing stage in plans for development and modernization of a factory and has put forward the enterprise on one of leading places in the world among the factories which are letting out a tape.
Conveyor tape, factory on manufacture of conveyor tapes, double press.
Contact information
phone: +44 1482 781234 |
UDC 622.7:622.271 © S. Timchenko, 2010
Svetlana Timchenko
Sandvik Mining and Construction
New shock crusher Sandvik QI240 for surface mining
Mobile shock crusher Sandvik QI240 which ideally approaches for surface mining is presented, its advantages are noted, technical opportunities are described.
Crusher, surface mining, feeder, mobile technics.
Contact information
e-mail: svetlana.timchenko@sandvik.com |
UDC 621.879:622.271.4 © K.Ju. Anistratov, 2010
Anistratov Konstantin Jurevich
Director of scientific and technological centre "Gornoe Delo",
cand. tech. sciences
Career dredges - hydraulics or a rope?
One of leading Russian experts in the field of a choice and states effective operation of career technics a comparative estimation of application of hydraulic and electric mechanical shovels on surface mining in various natural and technological conditions. The basic tendencies of development of the world market of career dredges are noted.
Hydraulic dredges, mechanical shovels, operational experience of career dredges, comparative estimation of polytypic dredges.
Contact information
e-mail: anv@anvgroup.ru |
UDC 061.62«NIIOGR» © V.A. Galkin, 2010
Galkin Vladimir Alekseevich
General director of OJSC "NTC-NIIOGR",
doctor tech. sciences, professor
NIIOGR: strategy of development and stages of its realization
In article 25-years experience of strategic management of NIIOGR is described. Substantive provisions of strategy, concrete methods and receptions of its realization are resulted, evolution of a mental potential-business and financial and economic attitudes of institute, its interaction with partners is considered.
Branch scientific research institute, strategy of development, financial and economic attitudes, qualification, interaction, efficiency.
Contact information
e-mail: niiogr@bk.ru, phone: +7 (351) 265-55-49, fax: +7 (351) 265-73-49 |
UDC 622.33 (470):658.155 © I.G. Tarazanov, 2010
Tarazanov Igor Gennadjevich
Deputy editor-in-chief of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer
Results of work of the coal mining industry of Russia for January-March, 2010
On the basis of statistical, technical and economic and industrial parameters the state-of-the-art review of results of work of the coal industry of Russia for January-March, 2010 is presented. The review is accompanied by diagrams, tables and extensive statistical data.
A coal mining, economy, productivity, processing of coal, the market of coal, delivery, export and import of coal, breakdown susceptibility and traumatism.
Contact information
e-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru |
UDC 331.024.3:658.3.015.25:622.3 © Ju.G. Gribin, A.N. Garkavenko, G.A. Kuznetsova, 2010
Gribin Jury Georgievich
Doctor economic sciences, professor
(OJSC “CNIEIugol”)
Garkavenko Andrey Nikolaevich
Cand. econ. sciences (OJSC “CNIEIugol”)
Kuznetsova Galina Anatolevna
Cand. econ. sciences
(GOU “Pacific state Economic University”)
About reserves of increase of labour productivity - the major parameter of efficiency of coal-mining manufacture in conditions of its modernization
In article on increase of labour productivity of workers of the coal-mining organizations, developed in 2010 according to planned program growth of this parameter the complex of methodical and practical recommendations is presented to Russia to 2020.
Labour productivity, conceptual and methodical positions, quantitative and quality indicators, the factorial analysis.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 777-18-71 |
UDC 622.7:622.33.012.3«Bachatskij» © G.S. Belyanin, 2010
Belyanin Gennady Sergeevich
Head of department on processing and enrichment of coal
branch “Bachatskij”a coal cut OJSC "UK "Kuzbassrazrezugol”
Concentrating factory "Koksovaya” - the quality assurance of coal for branch “Bachatskij” a coal cut of the company "Kuzbassrazrezugol"
In article it is told about commissioning on Bachatskij a coal cut in Kuzbass concentrating factories “Bachatskaya-Energeticheskaya” and “Koksovaya”. The import process equipment applied at factories is considered, and its advantages are noted.
Enrichment of coal, flotation, separation, hydrocyclone, filter-press, a concentrate.
Contact information
e-mail: priemnaya@kruo.ru |
UDC 622.002.5:62-192+658.566:622(73+470) © P. Mulli, S. Brounsell, A.N. Novikov, 2010
Paul Mulli
Director on development of company "Bucyrus", dipl.-eng.
Steve Brounsell
Manager on the equipment of company "Bucyrus", dipl-eng.
Novikov Alexander Nikolaevich
Deputy director representations of company "Bucyrus" in the Russian Federation,
dipl.-eng., dipl.-econ.
Self-propelled mine machines on wheel to a course of company "Bucyrus”
The high-efficiency and reliable equipment for maintenance of a high level of extraction is required to the mining enterprises, is inadmissible to go on the compromise concerning its quality. The bad quality, cheap technics becomes an expensive investment when production targets will not be executed because of low operational readiness of the equipment. Company "Bucyrus" makes multipurpose PDM with the replaceable hinged equipment, self-propelled coal cars, mine tractors for transportation systems.
Self-propelled mine machines on wheel to a course, multipurpose mine loading machines, mine tractors, coal cars.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 940-9209; e-mail: alexander.novikov@ru.bucyrus.com |
UDC 621.31:662.6 © M.V. Davidov, 2010
Davidov Michael Vladimirovich
Professor of faculty OPI MGGU,
cand. tech. sciences
Renewed energy sources - one of possible directions of the savings of fuel and energy resources in the foreseeable future
In article the problems connected with renewed energy sources are considered. Methods and means of realization of alternative energy sources are shown. Their advantages are noted, the main things from which are reliability and ecological cleanliness. Some actions undertaken in domestic power on realization renewed energy sources are resulted.
Renewed energy sources, wind energy, solar energy, thermal energy ecologically attractive branch of power.
Contact information
å-mail: iott@iott.ru |