UDC 622.33(470)«312/313» © A.B. Yanovsky, 2010
Yanovsky Anatoly Borisovich
Deputy minister of power of the Russian Federation,
doctor econ. sciences, professor
About a condition and measures on development of the coal industry of Russia
The condition of the coal industry of Russia and prospect of its development is presented. Article is illustrated by diagrams and tables. Problems of the state and business in development of coal branch are presented.
The coal industry, bowels, investments, economy, re-structuring, problems in development of the coal industry, state-private partnership, cooperation of the Russian coal miners and machine engineers, prospects of coal branch.
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UDC 622.33.012.3 © V.P. Baskakov, S.V. Burtsev, 2010
Baskakov Vladimir Petrovich
General director of Holding Company "SDS-Ugol”
Burtsev Sergey Viktorovich
General director of JSC "Chernigovets”
Joint-Stock Company "Chernigovets": plans, prospects, the future …
Results of the work, the reached successes and prospects of development of JSC "Chernigovets” are presented. It is told about the decision of safety issues and social questions on a cut. Article is illustrated by diagrams.
The surface mining, results of work of JSC "Chernigovets", prospect of development, social sphere.
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UDC 621.51:622.33 © Company "Tegas", Company "KKZ”, 2010
Company “Tegas”
Company “Krasnodar Compressor Factory”
The compressor equipment of company “Tegas” for the coal industry
The compressor equipment which is let out by company “Tegas” for the enterprises of the coal industry is presented. It is told about various compressor installations and about installation nitric suppression of fires.
The compressor equipment, installations nitric suppression of fires, compressor stations, coal industry.
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UDC 621.51:622.33.012.2 © JSC “CHKZ”, 2010
JSC “Chelyabinsk compressor factory”
"Miner" - reliable comrade on any depth! Favourably - the complete set of account materials in a gift!
Heavy operating conditions in mine demand much both of people, and to technics. Designers of the Chelyabinsk compressor factory (CHKZ) have developed the special compressor installations carrying a proud name for the enterprises of coal branch - "Miner". In article it is told about this compressor installation, its specifications and advantages are given.
The compressor equipment, compressor installation "Miner", coal industry.
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UDC 622.8:622.33.012.2«Raspadskaya» © Ugol magazine, 2010
About V.V. Putin's working trip in a Novokuznetsk
The stenogram of meeting on liquidation of consequences of failures on mine “Raspadskaya” is presented, to rendering assistance by the victim, families of victims and about the further measures on a safety of works at development of coal deposits which was lead by chairman of the government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in a Novokuznetsk on June, 24th, 2010
Industrial safety, labour safety, breakdown susceptibility, social questions, liquidation of failure, coal industry.
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UDC 622.016.25:622.245.69:622.831.325.3 © KEZSB, 2010
OJSC “Kemerovo experimental factory of means of safety” (KEZSB)
The device for formation of the directed cracks in a chink
In article it is told about devices for formation of cracks in a coal file. Basically these devices are applied to drilling vertical (from a surface) chinks. OJSC “Kemerovo experimental factory of means of safety” makes two types hermetic intramine chinks: AG-5I - intended for hermetic sealing chinks in diameter of 45 mm drilled under any corner to horizon on coal or breed, and two-channel hermetics chinks which can carry out three functions: to measure pressure of gas in coal layers, to force a liquid in a file and to carry out decontamination. It is told also about an operating time on creation of the domestic device for formation of the directed cracks in a chink. The principle of work, the scheme and a characteristics of such device is presented.
Industrial safety, decontamination, hermetic sealing of chinks, the device for formation of the directed cracks in a chink.
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UDC 622.831.325.3 © I.V. Kitaev, 2010
Kitaev Ivan Valerevich
General director Research-and-production enterprise
“A factory Modular DecontaminationsInstallations”
The complex approach to a question of decontamination
The field of activity of the Research-and-production enterprise “A factory Modular Decontaminations Installations”, specializing on questions of decontamination of coal layers is presented. It is told about advantages let out by a factory modular decontaminations installations.
Decontamination, modular decontaminations installation, the project of decontamination.
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UDC 622.33.012«SUEK-Kuzbass»
To see prospect. “SUEK-Kuzbass” puts records
It is told about results of work of company "SUEK-Kuzbass” in 2009 and in the first half-year 2010, about achievements and the records established miners by collectives of the enterprises, entering in company “SUEK-Kuzbass”. It is told also about a course of realization of investment programs, modernisation of the company and its innovative projects.
The coal company, coal mining, efficiency, records on a coal mining and carrying out of mining developments.
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UDC 622.332.012.3«Berezovsky» © A. Koroleva, 2010
Anna Koroleva
The password - KATEK
In Day of the miner the 35 anniversary Berezovsky marks a cut in Krasnoyarsk region. In article it is told about history of creation KATEK and about its first-born - Berezovsky a cut. The history of a cut, its achievement and results of work now, and also prospects is given.
Coal cut, KATEK, a coal mining, efficiency, investments, prospect of development.
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UDC 622.332.012.03«Haranorsky» © D. Edakova, 2010
Darya Edakova
People - the most reliable charanorsky a layer
In article it is told, that Charanorsky to the cut, one of the leading industrial enterprises of Transbaikalian edge, 40 years are executed. Four decades is a whole life and history of the big enterprise which was created with some generations of miners. Not without reason miners in these places name “the most reliable charanorsky a layer”. Exactly forty years they extract on Charanorsky a cut valuable coal fuel and bear heat to millions inhabitants of Siberia and the Far East.
Coal cut, coal mining, efficiency, investments, prospect of development.
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UDC 622.332.012«SUEK-Khakasia» © V.A. Azev, 2010
Azev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Assistant to OJSC “SUEK”operating Chernogorskiy branch - technical director, assistant to the general director - technical director of company “SUEK-Khakasia”
Vector on growth of extraction
The coal-mining enterprises of Khakasia entering into sphere of responsibility of Chernogorskiy of branch of OJSC “SUEK”, in the first half-year 2010 have extracted from above 4,5 million tone coal. Growth by the similar period 2009 has made almost 25%. In article it is told about results of work of Chernogorskiy of branch of company “SUEK” in 2009 and in the first half-year 2010, and also about prospects of development of the enterprises entering into field of activity of Chernogorskiy of branch of OJSC “SUEK”. It is spoken that with arrival to edge of OJSC “SUEK” the primary goal on specified became minimization of costs with a view of preservation of stability of manufacture. The successful decision of this problem was promoted by actions of technological, technical, organizational, administrative perfection operatively developed and realized during this period. In total it has been developed more than 25 actions about which it is told in given article.
The coal company, coal mining, efficiency, investments, prospect of development.
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UDC 622.33.012«Primorskugol» © A.P. Zankov, 2010
Zankov Alexander Petrovich
General director of OJSC “Primorskugol”
Successes of coal miners of Primorski Krai
The general director of company “Primorskugol” Alexander Zankov tells about achievements of seaside coal miners before a professional holiday of miners operating the Vladivostok branch of OJSC “SUEK”. Are yielded results of work of the company for 2009 and the first half-year 2010
The coal company, coal mining, efficiency, investments, prospect of development.
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UDC 622.335.012«Yuzhnaya ugolnaya company» © R.M. Shtejntsajg, 2010
Shtejntsajg Roman Mihajlovich
General director of company “Yuzhnaya ugolnaya company”,
doctor tech. sciences, professor
Priorities of “Yuzhnaya ugolnaya company”
Priority directions of economic activities of “Yuzhnaya ugolnaya company” - by one of most dynamically developing structure in coal branch of the country are characterized.
Development of coal output, state-private partnership, cooperation of the Russian coal miners and machine engineers, a target professional training.
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UDC 622.33.012.2«Alardinskaja» © A.I. Drejling, 2010
Drejling Alexander Ivanovich
Director of mine “Alardinskaja” of OJSC “OUK “Juzhkuzbassugol”
The program of development of mine
Interview to “Ugol” magazine
During work of the international specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining”, (June, 2010, Novokuznetsk), employees of “Ugol” magazine and "Gornaya Promyshlennost” magazine have visited on mine “Alardinskaja” of OJSC “OUK “Juzhkuzbassugol” (enters in “EURAZ”) and have taken interview from director of mine A.I. Drejling. In interview of director of mine it is told about work of mine, that on mine is put into operation the most powerful in Russia the fan of the main airing, about investment programs which “EURAZ” realized in company “Juzhkuzbassugol” and about prospects of mine.
Development of coal output, mine, investments, the fan of the main airing, prospect of development of mine.
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UDC 621.63«AVM-21»:622.46 © AMZ “Ventprom”, 2010
In the best traditions of domestic mechanical engineering: presentation new fan AVM-21
From May, 18 till May, 19th, 2010 in the city of Artemovsky of Sverdlovsk area on Artemovsk a machine-building factory “Ventprom” there passed presentation of the new fan for airing mines and mines AVM-21. Already kind tradition at a machine-building factory became annual presentations of new machines. On action has arrived more than 100 representatives of the design, coal-mining and mining enterprises of Russia, the countries of near and far abroad. In article it is told about a taken place presentation and it is detailed about fan installation AVM-21 made under the order of company “SUEK”.
The fan installation, airing of mines, experts-coal miners, meeting.
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UDC 625.1:622.33.012 © T. Belousova, 2010
Tatyana Belousova
The by to the consumer
In article own railway communications is told about construction and development of JSC "MPO "Kuzbass”. A finishing cycle of any manufacture, including coal-mining - realization of finished goods. To deliver coal to consumers in time - one of the prioritiest problems of the manufacturer. Practically uncontested means of delivery of coal for coal miners is the railway transportation. Therefore the independent output on the main ways, the debugged system of submission semi-wagons appreciably is solved with so important questions of transportation of finished goods.
Tracks, railway stations, transportation of coal, the coal company
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UDC 622.625.6 © Becker-Warkop Sp. z o. o., 2010
Becker-Warkop Sp. z o. o.
Application of the tractor by capacity of 148 kw in systems of transport of firm Becker-Warkop in a mining industry
In ôêåøñäó the system of transport of materials and people in deep mines on inclined developments with application of the tractor by capacity of firm Becker-Warkop of 148 kw is presented. Advantages and advantages of the given transport system with use of the tractor on the basis of a diesel engine-hydraulic of the unit are shown.
Mine, underground transport, transport systems, the tractor, diesel engine-hydraulic the unit.
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UDC 621.867.2:622.647 © OJSC “Borovitchy factory “Polimermash”, 2010
Company “Borovitchy factory “Polimermash” - the basic manufacturer and the supplier mine vulcanizers and cable vulcanizers in territory of Russia and the CIS
At the enterprises of coal branch conveyor transport is widely used. Efficiency of application of tape conveyors is substantially defined by quality of conveyor tapes and them joint connections. In article are considered portable vulcanizers of manufacture of OJSC “Borovitchy factory “Polimermash”. The factory is the basic manufacturer and the supplier portable vulcanizers in mine (explosion-proof) execution and cable vulcanizers.
Conveyor tape, joining of a conveyor tape, vulcanizer, a cable vulcanizer.
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UDC 061.62«Sibniiugleobogashchenie»«1960/2010» © A.Ju. Ermakov, 2010
Ermakov Anatoly Jurevich
General director
OJSC "Sibniiugleobogashchenie"
Stages of the big way.
By 50-years anniversary of the Siberian scientific research institute coal preparation
Article is devoted to 50-years anniversary of institute " Sibniiugleobogashchenie" - to the only thing from Urals Mountains up to the Far East to a scientific research institute which in a complex solves questions of enrichment of coal. The history of creation of institute, the past and the present of institute of enrichment of coal is reflected.
Enrichment and quality of coal, technics and technology on processing coal, institute, concentrating factory.
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UDC 061.3:622.7(100) © M.V. Davidov, P.F. Panfilov, 2010
Davidov Michael Vladimirovich
Scientific secretary FGUP “IOTT”, cand. tech. sciences
Panfilov Paul Feodosievich
Managing sector FGUP “IOTT”, cand. tech. sciences
XVI International Coal Preparation Congress has passed in the USA
Next XVI International congress on enrichment of coal which passed in the city of Lexington, state of Kentucky, the USA has successfully come to the end. In work of the congress participated more than 200 experts from 20 countries of the world. Forums of the coal preparation experts, the problems engaged by the decision connected with improvement of quality of coal production, are spent here already more than 60 years. The information on the congress, on subjects of the basic reports and performances is presented.
Enrichment of coal, the international congress.
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UDC 622.7(470)«313» © K.Ju. Alexeev, B.I. Linev, J.B. Rubinshtejn, 2010
Alekseev Konstantin Jurevich
Director of Department of the coal and peat industry
The ministries of power of the Russian Federation
Linyov Boris Ivanovich
General director FGUP “IOTT”, doctor tech. sciences
July Borisovich
Director on scientific work FGUP “IOTT”,
doctor tech. sciences, professor
Prospects of development coal preparation in Russia
In article the general data on development of technics and technology of enrichment of coals in Russia, to a construction of new concentrating factories, prospects of development of new coal deposits are resulted.
Extraction and processing of coal, coal preparation, coal companies.
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UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2010
Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine,
mining engineer
XVII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining” and the first specialized exhibition “Protection, safety of work and ability to live”: results, events, the facts
In June, 1-4, 2010 Novokuznetsk there passed XVII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Minijng”, recognized by an exhibition ¹1 in the world on technologies of a underground coal mining, and 1-st specialized exhibition-fair “Protection, safety of work and ability to live”. Organizers of actions - exhibition company “Kuzbass fair”, working in exhibition business with 1992 and “Ìåññå Dusseldorf GmbH” (Germany). The high level of a coal forum proves to be true signs on the largest exhibition communities: UFI - the World association of the exhibition industry and RSVYA - the Russian union of exhibitions and fairs. With 2003 the exhibition passes under home nursing of Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation. The review of firms - participants of an exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining” and exhibits - the equipment presented at an exhibition is presented. The information on conference “85 years together with readers”, devoted is given to anniversary of “Ugol” magazine. Winners of an insert “Ugol Rossii and Mining-2010” are presented.
Mining equipment, mining firms, exhibition, winners.
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UDC 622.33 (002.5):061.45:622.3(100) © “ILMA”, 2010
Company “ILMA”: new development - new awards
In June, 2010 company "ILMA" in seventh time took part in the international exhibition-fair “Ugol Rossii and Mining”, passed in Novokuznetsk and a coal branch of one considered among professionals of the most prestigious and significant. The basic purposes of participation of the company in an exhibition of steel: carrying out of meetings with existing and potential partners, presentation of the new equipment. In article the development of company "ILMA" shown at an exhibition are presented.
Mining equipment, wireless technologies of communication systems, gauges of pressure of radio.
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