UDC 622.33(470)«313» © Ju.A. Plakitkin, 2010
Plakitkin Jury Anatolevich
The deputy director
Institute of power researches of the Russian Academy of Science,
The valid state adviser of the Russian Federation III class,
professor, doctor econ. sciences,
the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Possible scripts of the long-term Program of development of coal industry up to 2030 (a tentative estimation of scripts of development of coal industry up to 2030)
In article possible scripts of development of the coal industry in view of forthcoming calls and threats of laws of development of world power and world technological development are presented prepared by Institute of power researches of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The program of development, the coal industry, world consumption TER, power, the price, export of coal.
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UDC 622.817.47 © A.D. Ruban, V.S. Zaburdjaev, 2010
Ruban Anatoly Dmitrievich
The deputy director URAN IPKON of the Russian Academy of Science,
Corresponding member the Russian Academy of Science, doctor tech. sciences, professor
Zaburdjaev Victor Semenovich
The leading scientific employee
URAN IPKON of the Russian Academy of Science, doctor tech. sciences
Estimation of efficiency of decontamination of developed coal layers
Results of research of processes allocation of methane and decontaminations methane coal layers on âûåìî÷íûõ sites of the mines applying modern coal-mining technics are generalized. Opportunities of preliminary decontamination of developed layers of coal are considered and the degree of natural decontamination of a file of coal ahead of a lavas owing to unloading influence of mining pressure is estimated. Essential decrease methane developed coal layers due to artificial (preliminary) and natural decontamination promotes high-efficiency work of lavas in methane mines.
Mine, coal layer, methane, decontamination, allocation of methane.
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UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2010
Glinina Olga Ivanovna
The leading editor of “Ugol” magazine,
The Kuzbass international coal forum. On results of the International exhibition-fair “Expo-Ugol 2010”
From September, 14 till September, 17th, 2010 to Kemerovo passed “the Kuzbass international coal forum 2010” within the limits of which have passed: XIII international exhibition-fair of coal technologies “Expo-Ugol-2010”, X the international exhibition-fair on supply of coal and market of coal “Uglesnabzhenie and Uglesbyt”, XII international scientifically-practical conference “Power safety of Russia: new approaches to development of the coal industry”. The review of participants and exhibits "Expo-Ugol" is presented. Results of competition on the best exhibit are published, winners are named.
Mining equipment, mining firms, exhibition, winners.
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UDC 622.3(002.5) © Ugol, 2010
On the Kemerovo coal cut took place demonstration show technics Manitou and John Deere!
Company "Universal-Spectechnic" has taken part in an exhibition “Ugol-Expo 2010” in a Kemerovo where has presented building technics leading world manufacturers John Deere (USA) and Ìanitou (France). Within the limits of the official program of an exhibition on September, 15th the company has organized demonstration show of telescopic loader Manitou with capture for wheels, a face-to-face loader and autograder John Deere. The picture story about the last demonstration show of mining equipment on a coal cut in Kuzbass is presented.
Mining equipment and technics, transport, building technics, surface mining, demonstration show
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UDC 622.25:622.26(571.17) © S.V. Bereznev, 2010
Bereznev Sergey Vasilevich
General director of OJSC "Kuzniishahtostroy",
doctor econ. sciences
Mine construction and mining science in Kuzbas: some problems and prospects of development
Theses of the report at scientifically-practical conference “Economic safety of Russia are presented: new approaches to development of the coal industry” on section “Mine construction”. The historical analysis of real achievements in mine construction in 1950-th years is given, the situation which has developed in attitudes between manufacture and a branch science is considered. The Concept of strategy of development of OJSC "Kuzniishahtostroy" on 2010 and the next years” in which concrete innovative offers and projects with a substantiation of their urgency are formulated, is briefly resulted by ways of their decision, terms of carrying out and their cost.
Carrying out of mining developments, mine construction, a mining science, construction vertical trunks, construction mining developments, construction of a mine surface, rates construction, labour productivity, the expenditures of labour, aggregated costruction a complex.
Contact information
phone: +7(3842) 34-00-31 |
UDC 621.867.133:622.647.1-82 © L.D. Bodrunov, I.V. Golovchuk, 2010
Bodrunov Lev Dmitrievich
Director of TOO NPKF "Geomechanics",
cand. tech. sciences
Golovchuk Igor Vladimirovich
The first deputy director
of TOO NPKF "Geomechanics", mining engineer
Small-sized hydraulic drive of scraper conveyor PMK
In article it is told about the executed work on creation of a small-sized hydraulic drive of scraper conveyor PMK. The basic advantages of the given drive in comparison with an electromechanical drive and the most effective areas of its application are resulted. Article is intended for experts of a mining structure and workers of the mining enterprises.
The scraper conveyor, hydrodrive, properties and operating mode of a hydrodrive.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7-916-250-28-14; +7-903-002-11-67 |
UDC 622.232(043.3) © A.A. Grabsky, 2010
Grabsky Alexander Adolfovich
The professor of faculty GMO MGGU,
cand. tech. sciences
Analysis the basic kinematic and power parameters at calculation of traction effort of the mechanism of a course of a career combine
It is analysed the basic kinematic and power parameters at calculation of traction effort of the mechanism of a course of a career combine.
Career combine, traction effort, the mechanism of a course.
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UDC 622.015.002.5 © R.Ju. Poderni, R.A. Bocharov, M.S. Holikov, 2010
Poderni Roman Yurevich
Doctor tech. sciences, professor,
The full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (MGGU)
Bocharov Roman Alexsandrovich
Mining engineer, the post-graduate student of faculty GMO MGGU
Holikov Muslihetdin Sallohetdinovich
Engineer-mechanic, the post-graduate student of faculty GMO MGGU
Influence of kinematic and power parameters of drives of the working equipment dredge on its productivity
It is analysed influence of kinematic and power parameters of drives of the working equipment dredge on its productivity.
Career dredge, rotary movement of a ladle, productivity, a corner of turn dredge.
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UDC 621.892.2:622.3 © "Gazpromneft-SM" LLC, 2010
"Gazpromneft-SM" LLC
Assortment of lubricants of company “Gazpromneft-lubricants” for mining equipment
In April, 2010 the company “Gazpromneft – lubricants” has deduced a new ruler of lubricants GFamily on the market. At its creation the advanced development of the recognized world leaders in the field of researches and technologies of creation of lubricants were used. The important place in a new ruler borrow specialized motor and transmission oils for application in the mobile technics maintained at the mining enterprises. Under brand G-Profi engine oils for diesel engines, G-Truck and G-Âîõ - transmissions oils and G-Special - universal transmission-hydraulic products are made. In article the given oils are presented, their purposes and characteristics are given.
Lubricants, engine oils, transmissions oils, mining technics.
Contact information
phone: +7(495) 642-99-69 |
UDC 331.6:658.3.015.25:622.33(470.61) © S.P. Ignatenko, O.A. Tkacheva, 2010
Ignatenko Sergey Petrovich
The senior teacher of faculty “Economy and the right”
Shahtinsky institute (branch) YuRGTU (NPI)
Tkacheva Olga Anatolevna
The senior lecturer of faculty “Economy and the right”
Shahtinsky institute (branch) YuRGTU (NPI)
cand. tech. science
Methodical recommendations on management of labour productivity at the coal-mining enterprises of the Russian Donbass
In article preconditions of necessity of occurrence of new techniques of management are revealed by labour productivity. The technique of selection of the most significant factors influencing on labour productivity of the worker on a coal mining is resulted. The updated algorithm of selection of the significant factors influencing a level of labour input of works on processes is presented.
Management, labour productivity, algorithm, factors, the coal-mining enterprises.
Contact information
phone: +7(8636) 22-20-36 |
UDC 338.45:622.3.002.5 © M.L. Brook, L.N. Fedorov, 2010
Brook Michael Lvovich
General director
OJSC “Corporation of development of Southern Yakutia”,
cand. tech. science
Fedorov Lazar Nikolaevich
The scientific employee IGD the North it. N.V. Cherskij
of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science
Development of mining mechanical engineering in a view of modernization of a national economy
In a view of the theory of long-term technical and economic development of a national economy the modern condition of mining mechanical engineering is considered, and is drawn a conclusion on necessity to carry out a technical policy of advancing development of mining mechanical engineering.
Technological way, the kernel of way bearing branches, mining manufacture, mining mechanical engineering, development, technics of new generation, nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Contact information
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UDC 333:338.94:622.85 © I.V. Zenkov, 2010
Zenkov Igor Vladimirovich
FGOU VPO “The Siberian federal university”,
cand. tech. sciences
Toolkit of a program goals management of restoration of the technogenic broken agrarian landscapes in coal-mining regions with the developed agriculture
In article are presented: the complex approach to formation of investment programs on restoration technogen broken agriculture in coal-mining regions, tools of a program-goals management of restoration agriculture, major factors and criteria of a choice of geographical territories of accommodation on which work on restoration broken agriculture is expedient.
Coal-mining region, restoration broken agriculture, a program-goals management, the investment program.
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UDC 061.3:622.7 © E.L. Chanturija, M.V. Davidov, 2010
Chanturija Elena Leonidovna
Doctor tech. sciences, professor MGGU
Davidov Michael Vladimirovich
Cand. tech. science, professor of faculty OPI MGGU
Plaksin readings 2010. Scientific bases and modern processes of complex processing difficultly cooking mineral raw material
“Plaksin readings” are spent every autumn to memory about corresponding member the Russian Academy of Science Igor Nikolaeviche Plaksin. It became the founder of the Soviet scientific school in the field of enrichment of minerals and hydrometallurgy rare, color and precious metals, was twice winner of the State premium of the USSR. In memory of it, since 1977, scientific meetings are annually spent. In it to year the meeting “Plaksin readings 2010” passed Scientific bases and modern processes of complex processing from September, 13 till September, 18th, 2010 in Kazan on the basis of FGUP “CNIIgeolnerud” and has been dated for the 110 anniversary from the date of I.N. Plaksin's birth and to the 65 anniversary of basis FGUP “CNIIgeolnerud”. Theses of the basic reports and performances at plenary sessions of meeting are presented, the decision of meeting is given.
Processing of mineral raw material, mineral resources, deep processing.
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UDC 614.2:622.33(571.17) © S. Shevchyuk, 2010
Svetlana Shevchyuk
Centre of science-clinical of health protection of miners
In article Ministry for the Power Generating Industry of the Russian Federation is told about work of Federal state treatment-and-prophylactic establishment “Centre of science-clinical of health protection of miners”. This large, versatile specialized medical, scientific and educational establishment (works in a Leninsk-Kuznetsk the Kemerovo area) does not fall under definition "provincial" as by results of the work already for a long time has left on a level of leading European clinics.
The medical center, health of miners, medical aid, brigades of emergency reaction.
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UDC 550.8 © V.A. Baranov, 2010
Baranov Vladimir Andreevich
Managing laboratory
Institute of Geotechnical mechanics it. N.S. Poljakov NAN Ukraine,
doctor geol.-miner. sciences, item the scientific employee
Some actual problems of coal geology
Some actual problems in coal geology - terminology, definition of a degree coal organic substance, paleotemperatures formations of coal substance, the indicator paleopressure in rocks, allocation of the broken zones in coal layers, transformation of structure of substance under action of varying conditions are considered. Ways of the decision of some problems, by application of new methods are shown.
Coal, rocks, infringements, paleotemperatures, paleopressure, structure, coal.
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UDC 553.9:622.332:622.271 © S.A. Danilov, 2010
Danilov Sergey Aleksandrovich
Post-graduate student IrGtU
Substantiation of carrying out of a channel of the river Ingody for limits of Tataurovskoe of a brown coal deposit
Tataurovsky the brown coal deposit is dated for central part Chitino-Ingodinsky of a hollow and located in a valley of the river Ingody, on its both coast. Development of a deposit is substantially complicated by complex hydro-geological and hydrological conditions. For steady work of a cut "Vostochny" and maintenance of increasing need for a corner of the Chita area it is necessary to bear a channel of the river Ingoda for limits of a deposit.
Channel, water-outflow, assignment, deposit, hydrogeology, coal.
Contact information
phone: +7(962) 956-84-50; e-mail: |