UDC 622.33(470)«312/313»(042.3) © S.I. Shmatko, 2011
Shmatko Sergey Ivanovich
Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation
The report “About measures on complex development of coal mining industry of the Russian Federation and its legislative maintenance”
On December, 1st, 2010 at session of Council of Federation of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation within the limits of “the Governmental hour” minister of Energy of the Russian Federation S.I. Shmatko with the report “About measures on complex development of coal mining industry of the Russian Federation and its legislative maintenance” has acted. In the report it is told about the measures undertaken on perfection of the legislation in coal industry, to increase in conditional-constant wages of miners making in structure, and also about the basic priorities and reference points of the Long-term program of development of the coal industry for the period up to 2030.
It is noted, that at active participation of Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation three Federal laws, concerning obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owner of dangerous object for causing of harm as a result of failure, strengthening’s of the responsibility for rough infringement of requirements of industrial safety, introduction of conditions on carrying out of obligatory decontamination of mines are accepted. In a stage of consideration there is a number of the important bills of features of regulation of work of workers of coal industry, industrial safety and a labour safety. The report is illustrated by diagrams.
The coal industry, safety, legislation, prospects.
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UDC 622.812 © E.A. Kolesnichenko, V.B. Artemyev, I.E. Kolesnichenko, 2011
Kolesnichenko Evgenie Aleksandrovich
Managing faculty “Industrial and ecological safety”
Shahtinskij Institute YuRGTU (NPI),
doctor tech. sciences, professor
Artemyev Vladimir Borisovich
Deputy to general director –
director on industrial operations of company "SUEK",
doctor tech. sciences, professor
Kolesnichenko Igor Evgenevich
Dean of technological faculty
Shahtinskij Institute (branch) GOU VPO YuRGTU (NPI),
doctor tech. sciences, professor
Explosions of methane in mines as a result of uncontrollable decrease in a threshold of explosivity
The hypothesis of decrease in the bottom concentration limits of inflammability and explosivity of methane is resulted at increase in barometric pressure in methane-air streams. It is shown, that the volumetric concentration of methane measured by devices in mines, cannot objectively provide explosion safety. Concentration limits depend from concentration of methane in a mix which defines distance between molecules of methane. Explosions of methane can occur at volumetric concentration 2 and 3%. The factor of recalculation of volumetric concentration in molecules is resulted.
Methane-air a mix, static pressure, volumetric concentration, molecules concentration, distance between molecules, limits of inflammability and explosivity of methane.
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å-mail:; phone: +7 (919) 871-26-51 |
UDC 622.414:551.508.53 © A.A. Meshcherjakov, 2011
Meshcherjakov Albert Andreevich
General director of "EcoTech" LLC, cand. tech. sciences
Equipment of mines anemometers a new technological level
In article questions of equipment of mines anemometers are considered, the technique of their calculation and a way of gauging of speed of air in mining tunneling are offered.
Mine atmosphere, anemometer, speed, pressure and temperature of an air stream, a design procedure anemometers, a way of gauging of speed.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 558-82-08; e-mail: |
UDC 336.2:622.33 © M.M. Jumaev, 2011
Jumaev Michael Mijassjarovich
Senior lecturer of Financial university at the Government
the Russian Federation, the state adviser
the Russian Federation 3 classes, cand. econ. sciences
Perfection of the taxation of a coal mining
In article pressing questions of perfection of the taxation of the coal mining, described specific factors of danger of extraction reveal, the mechanism of definition and differentiation of rates NDPI is offered at a coal mining, bills in sphere of perfection of the taxation of coal branch are analysed.
Administration NDPI, safety of a coal mining, differentiation NDPI, the extracted mineral, methane coal, mineral raw material, the tax to extraction of minerals, the profit tax of the organizations, tax loading, a tax policy, a tax deduction, the Tax code, ÍÄÏÈ, object of the taxation, settlement cost, self-ignition of coal layers, perfection NDPI, specific rates NDPI, coal, coal industry, coal methane.
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UDC 338.827:622.817.47 © I.D. Grachev, S.A. Nekrasov, 2011
Grachev Ivan Dmitrievich
Cand. phyz.-mat. sciences, Russian State Duma
Nekrasov Sergey Aleksandrovich
Leading engineer ERI the Russian Academy of Science
Creation of an economic mechanism to improve work safety in mines
Propose a new approach to the problem of explosion of the mines by creating a market certificates of methane, stimulating the involvement of methane into the economy.
Coal mine methane, safety work in mines, certificates of methane.
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UDC 061.3:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2011
Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer
Results of work of the international seminar on energy efficiency and to pure technologies of the coal organized by the Ministry of energy of the Russian Federation together with the International energy agency (IEA)
In October, 2009 in Paris there passed a meeting of ministers of 28 countries - members IEA on which problems of power were discussed, changes of a climate, stability of deliveries of energy carriers during crisis. Representatives of India, China and Russia for the first time have been invited to a meeting. The Russian delegation was headed by minister of Energy of Russia S.I. Shmatko. IEA and Ministry of energy of Russian Federation have agreed, that will cooperate in urgent planning measures of struggle against deficiency in the international energy and power market, and experts of the parties will periodically meet for discussion of development and prospects of the international markets. According to it the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the International energy agency at support of the Siberian coal energy company "SUEK" and Advisory council IEA on the coal industry (CIAB) have in common organized a seminar “Energy efficiency and pure technologies of coal” which passed from October, 25 till October, 27th, 2010 in Moscow. The purpose of the given action were the estimation of a production efficiency of the electric power and application of pure technologies of coal in the Russian Federation now and prospects of its development in the future, in view of experience of other countries developing coal power. From the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation the organizer of a seminar has acted NNC GP - IGD it. A.A. Skochinskij. All work of a seminar “Energy efficiency and pure technologies of coal” has borrowed two days and passed on two platforms: the first day passed in NNC GP - IGD it. A.A. Skochinskij, and the second - in All-Russia Heat and technics Institute. In total 8 sessions on which it has been heard more than 40 reports and performances have been lead. In the given publication endurances from the basic reports and performances are presented. The review is accompanied by diagrams.
Natural resources, use of coal, pure technologies, catching and storage CO2, energy efficiency.
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UDC 622.411.332:662.765(100) © E.V. Krejnin, S.G. Streltsov, B.Ju. Sushentsova, 2011
Krejnin Efim Vulfovich
Director of scientific and technological centre “Thermal technologies
of extraction difficultly taken fuel”, doctor tech. sciences, professor
(company “Gazprom promgaz”)
Streltsov Stanislav Gennadevich
Cand. chem. sciences (company “Gazprom promgaz”)
Sushentsova Bella Jurevna
(company “Gazprom promgaz”)
The analysis and prospects of modern projects of underground gasification of coals in the world
The world tendency of increase of cost of oil and gas has compelled the countries possessing stocks of coals, to begin long-term projects of their underground gasification. These projects not only promote power safety of these countries, but also apply for a rank of ecologically pure and safe coal technologies. In article their basic characteristics, and also the technological analysis of the accepted constructive decisions are resulted. The to a focus to necessities even in the first skilled projects is brought to solve a problem of imitation of scale industrial enterprises PGU. Pays attention on developed in Russia (company “Gazprom promgaz”) new generation of technology PGU, differing high controllability, stability and energy efficiency.
Underground gasification of coals (PGU), investment projects, “PGU-TES”, pollution of underground waters, technology PGU of new generation.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 504-42-59; fax: +7 (495) 504-43-70; e-mail: |
UDC 061.43:621.315 © M.V. Davidov, 2011
Davidov Michael Vladimirovich
Cand. tech. sciences,
professor of faculty OPI GOU VPO "MGGU"
Greater shows of small power
In article the information about last in May, 2010 (Moscow, the All-Russia Exhibition Centre, EP "Electrification") the International exhibition and conference on renewed energy sources and alternative kinds of fuel is resulted. The brief characteristic of the most perspective exhibits presented by the domestic enterprises and foreign firms, developing innovative technologies and the equipment, used in small power is resulted.
Exhibition, the conference, the renewed sources, alternative kinds of fuel, wind power, solar energy, waste, a biomass.
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UDC 622.271:621.879.3 © A.V. Samolazov, A.V. Jurkovskiy, N.I. Paladeeva, 2011
Samolazov Aleksandr Viktorovich
Director on the mining equipment of OJSC OMZ
Paladeeva Natalya Ivanovna
Manager on technological to relations of "IZ-KARTEKS” LLC,
cand. tech. sciences, senior lecturer
Jurkovskiy Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Deputy director on the organization and development
the service centers of "IZ-KARTEKS” LLC
Development of service of mining equipment of OMZ (Group a Uralmash-Izhora)
The analysis of application of loading machines on coal cuts of Russia and the CIS is presented. It is told about creation “IZ-KARTEKS” and Uralmashzavod networks of the regional service companies on maintenance of the mining enterprises with firm service and, in particular, about creation to Kemerovo of "OMZ-Siberia-Service" LLC with the purpose of maintenance of high-efficiency work of the mining equipment and decrease in time of idle times in maintenance service and repair, exceptions of failures.
Mining equipment, dredges, maintenance service, service.
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UDC 622.271.002.5(075.8) © A.A. Cherezov, 2011
Cherezov Artem Anatolyevich
Post-graduate student KuzGtU
Modelling algorithm for reception of function of reliability of elements of designs of dredges
In article development and a scientific substantiation of modelling algorithm for reception of function of reliability of an element of a design of a dredges - mechanical shovel is carried out. An element of a design it is considered with a fatigue crack. Operating conditions of a mechanical shovel correspond to cuts of Kuzbass.
Dredges - mechanical shovel, the element of a design modelling algorithm, function of reliability.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (913) 291-85-37 |
UDC 553.94/.96:622.33 © V.J. Afanasyev, V.Ju. Linnik, 2011
Afanasyev Valentine Jakovlevich
Pro-rector on scientific work the State University of management,
doctor econ. sciences, professor
Linnik Vladimir Jurevich
Senior lecturer of faculty of economy and management in an oil-and-gas complex
the State University of management, cand. tech. sciences
The forecast of mining-geological conditions coal layers and safety of their working off for the period till 2030
Results of the analysis of mining-geological conditions of development of coal layers are resulted. The special attention is given to the characteristics of layers influencing safety of conducting mining work and a spadework in underground conditions of mines. In view of closing mines and again put into operation is given the forecast estimation of mining-geological conditions for the period up to 2030.
Coal layer, capacity, corner, depth, methane, mining impacts, sudden emissions, self-ignition of coal, stability of breeds of a roof.
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UDC 622.3(093) © N.K. Grinko, V.D. Grun, V.G. Lunev, 2011
Grinko Nikolay Konstantinovich
Mining engineer, doctor tech. sciences, professor
Grun Valery Dmitrievich
Member of the Union of writers of Russia
Lunev Vladimir Georgievich
Mining engineer, general director RUTEK,
cand. tech. sciences
Treasury of spiritual culture of mining
Authors of present article have prepared for printing the monography “Bowels of spiritual culture of mining”, devoted to a spiritual cultural heritage of this most ancient on the ground of branch of human activity. The cultural space of mining, figuratively speaking, bowels of its culture, was formed as synthesis of material, social and spiritual factors during each historical epoch. About material culture of mining, its technological and scientific aspects hundreds works are written. However the broad audience of the readers who have devoted the life to mining much less knows about the richest spiritual culture of branch. In article it is told about sources of formation spiritual miners cultures and its basic values which for a long time will remain in historical memory of generations of miners.
History of mining, miners culture, a cultural heritage, mining art.
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UDC 378.661(47-25)«1960/2010» © L.D. Pevzner, 2011
Pevzner Lev Davidovich
Doctor tech. sciences, professor MGGU
To faculty « Automatics and management in technical systems » ÌÃÃÓ - 50 years
It is told about fifty years' history of creation and work of the faculty “Automatics and management in technical systems” MGGU. It is told about the teachers and professors of faculty, about laboratories and workers of faculty.
The Moscow State Mining University, faculty “Automatics and management in technical systems”, laboratories, teachers.
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