UDC 622.7:622.33.012«SBU-Coal» © N.M. Sannikova, 2013
Natalya M. Sannikova
Leading PR Expert of JSC HC “SBU-Coal”
Holding “SBU-Coal”: Coal Processing Brought to Focus
On December 25 JSC HC “SBU-Coal” hosted a solemn event dedicated to the completion of “Chernigovskaya-Koksovaya” benefication plant construction. At the ceremony the constructors solemnly presented the plant’s team with a symbolic key to the plant. Today “SBU-Coal” comprises eight open-pit mines and three mines whose productive capacity accounts for 32.9 mn tons. The produced coal is processed by the holding’s four benefication plants. The productive capacity in terms of benefication accounts for 17.4 mn tons of coal per year. The commissioning of “Chernigovskaya-Koksovaya” benefication plant which is the company’s fifth plant will increase processing and benefication output by another 4.5 mn tons. The article deals with a new benefication plant.
Coal processing, Benefication plant, Production achievements, Investment, Development outlook.
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UDC 622.271(571.61) © V.I. Suprun, S.A. Radchenko, Ya.V. Levchenko, O.L Panchenko, 2013
Valeriy I. Suprun
Deputy Manager of “Proektno-ekspertny Tsentr MGTU”
Sergei A. Radchenko
Head of OGR Design Department of “Proektno-ekspertny Tsentr MGTU”
Yaroslav V. Levchenko
Postgarduate of TO Department of MSMU
Oleg L Panchenko
Postgarduate of TO Department of MSMU
Apsatsky Coal Field Development Problems and Outlook
The article highlights a new approach to Apsatsky coal field development including a simultaneous development of both a top and bottom coal series of the field which makes it possible to set up an open-pit mine featuring a productive capacity in terms of coal production of 6 mn tpy.
Field development, Outline and maximum capping coefficients, Development mining, Development procedure, Productive capacity.
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UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2013
Olga I. Glinina
Leading Editor of Ugol Magazine,
Mining Engineer
International Conference “Coal in Russia and CIS 2012”.
Events. Facts. Summary
On December 7 in Moscow at NITU MISiS in the nano technology hall the international conference “Coal in Russia and CIS 2012”, which is an efficient tool by its structure among the marketing and scientific and technical events held in order to promote solutions to coal industry’s issues and ensure their sustainable growth. The conference was hosted by “Intellektualniye Resursy” Ltd (Rusmet). The conference studied the major issues of the coal industry of Russia and CIS countries such as dynamics and structure of coal production in Russia, domestic consumption, exports and imports; coking and power station coal market: pricing factor analysis, state and forecast, changes to the government control, dynamics and structure of investment; innovative geological prospecting technologies, coal production and benefication, sustainable growth of the coal industry, environmental, social and infrastructure aspects. This publication provides some extracts from the main reports and speeches. The overview is supported by diagrams.
Coal production, Geological prospecting, Coal processing, Coal product consumption, Coal market, Coal prices, Investment, Environment, Social issues of the coal industry.
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UDC 622.831.3:622.026.7 © N.K. Klishin, O.L. Kiziyarov, 2013
Nikolai K. Klishin
Professor of RMPI Department of
Donbass State Technical University,
Doctor of Engineering
Oleg L. Kiziyarov
Demonstrator of RMPI Department of
Donbass State Technical University
Geomechanical Substantiation of Parameters for Combined Wall Roof Fixing
Technologies in Longwall Faces
The article establishes the parameters for the combined wall roof fixing technologies for eleven method combinations: chemical anchoring; compound injection, binding layer formation at the fall surface; cavity expanding compound filling.
Method combinations, Technology parameters, FEM, FVM.
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e-mail:; phone: +(38095) 521-40-65 |
UDC 622.647.1:622.281.74 © G.V. Rayko, A.V. Samok, A.O. Chugulev, P.V. Grechishkin, A.S. Pozolotin, 2013
Galina V. Rayko
Chief Production Engineer of “RANK-2” Ltd
Aleksei V. Samok
Deputy Production Engineer of “RANK-2” Ltd
Artem O. Chugulev
HeadEngineer “Prvomayskaya” Mine
JSC “UC “Severniy Kuzbass”
Pavel V. Grechishkin
Research Worker of Efficient Coal Field Development Technology Laboratory
of Management Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Candidate of Engineering
Aleksandr S. Pozolotin
Prospective Development Director of “RANK-2” Ltd,
Candidate of Engineering
Scraper Conveyor Bolting to the Longwall
The article highlights the development of a provisional instruction for a safe operation of bolted scraper conveyors and the bolting is used both as the main and redundant lining.
Bolting, Scraper conveyor fixing.
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UDC 622.3.012.7«1943/2013» © “Yurginsky Mashzavod” Ltd, 2013
Yurginsky Mashzavod: 70 Years For the Welfare of Kuzbass and Russia
The article sets forth 70 year-long History of Yurginsky Mashzavod – one of the largest engineering plants across Russia which used to specialize in making products for the defense industry applications and today it’s one of Russia’s main mining equipment manufacturers and provides the main types of products made by the plant.
Yurginsky Mashzavod, Equipment for the defense industry applications, Mining equipment, Jib cranes.
Contact information
phone: +7 (384-51) 4-77-00; e-mail: |
UDC 622.33.012.7:622.33.002.5 © A.P. Starikov, V.F. Tuzhikov, 2013
Aleksandr P. Starikov
Chair of Supervisory Board of
“Ugolnaya Kompaniya “Zarechnaya” Ltd,
Candidate of Engineering
Vladimir F. Tuzhikov
Director of Industrial Equipment Directorate of
CJSC “PK “Kuzbasstransugol”
Innovative Engineering Complex Development Outlook
The peculiarity of mining production implies a comprehensive range of applied equipment manufactured by different companies and firms which makes its maintenance processes difficult, increases field costs and decreases cost-effectiveness. For a particular coal company it is of a big interest that a single manufacturer supply a required machine set while assuming the responsibilities of a general contractor for guaranteed resources and a final result of the equipment operation. Having brought together the engineering companies within a management company made it possible to establish a unified coal engineering industry center engaging a number of global mining machinery companies which is capable of changing the existing situation and providing coal industry companies with a world class mining equipment.
Mining equipment, Complex, Plant, Coal engineering, Resource, Cutter-loader, Conveyor.
Contact information
phone: +7 (499) 271-67-75; e-mail: |
UDC 658.012.011.56ASU:65.011.54/.56:622.232 © Ye.S. Vilenkin, 2013
Yevgeniy S. Vilenkin
A Concept of the Spatially-distributed System of Decentralized Eventual Control
of Longwall Coal Mining Technological Process
The basic advantages of eventual control systems of the spatially-distributed complexes of the process equipment in comparison with traditional timed control systems applied at longwall underground coal mining are considered.
Diffused systems, Event-driven control, Decentralized control
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UDC 622.285.4«311» © I.S. Krashkin, 2013
Ivan S. Krashkin
Full Member of Academy of Mining Science, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
(PNIUI, GFUP “NNTs GP-IGD im. À.À. Skochinskogo”)
Powered Roof Shield Supports – Creation History and Development Evolution
The article sets forth the history of creation and the evolution of development of powered roof shield support designs which ensure the possibility of a comprehensive mechanization of second working at flat bedding mines, provides some schematic diagrams of various supports to reflect their evolution and names the main support developers and scientists who evaluated their efficiency based on the mine test results.
Powered roof shield support, Flat bedding mines, Comprehensive mechanization of second working, Creation history.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 558-82-77 |
UDC 622.44/.457:622.817 © Ye.A. Kolesnichenko, V.B. Artemyev, I.Ye. Kolesnichenko, Ye.I. Lyubomishenko, 2013
Yevgeniy A. Kolesnichenko
Head of “Industrial and Environmental Safety” Department of
Shakhtinsk University (Branch) of FGBOU VPO YURGTU (NPI),
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Vladimir B. Artemyev
Deputy Director General –
Production Operation Director of JSC “SUEK”,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Igor Y. Kolesnichenko
Deputy Director for Educational Activities of
Shakhtinsk University (Branch) of FGBOU VPO YURGTU (NPI),
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Yekaterina I. Lyubomishenko
Postgarduate of“Industrial and Environmental Safety” Department of
Shakhtinsk University (Branch) of FGBOU VPO YURGTU (NPI)
A Concept of Designing a Ventilation System Ensuring Lower Methane & Powdered
Coal Explosion Risks in Cul-de-sac of Longwall
The article offers an updated a cul-de-sac longwall ventilation concept whose difference lies in the fact that a full fan pressure should be calculated for a ventilation system made up of a fan, control units, ventilation airways, mine working face, working area and the rest of the mine working up to the pit mouth. This approach makes it possible to improve the reliability of ventilation parameter calculation and tunneling machine operation safety. The concept uses as guidance the air flow movement mechanism obtained by the authors during their laboratory studies, fundamental physical laws and chemical processes which occur in methane-dust-air mixtures in the working area. Also taken into account is the effect of methane’s increased molecular concentration in mine workings on lower bottom concentration limits of methane flammability and explosibility.
Ventilation system, Lower methane explosion risk, Powdered coal, Cul-de-sacs.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (8636) 25-97-83;
fax:+7 (8636) 22-30-88 |
UDC 622.411.33:622.33 © Ye.V. Kraynin, 2013
Yefim V. Kraynin
Chief Research Worker of
NTTs “Osvoyenye netraditsionnykh resursov uglevodorodov”
JSC “Gazprom promgaz”
Technologies for Establishing High Drainage Capacity Zones
in a Methane-coal Bed: How to Increase Coal Methane Downhole Flows
A large-scale industrial production of coal field methane accounting for billions of cubic meters per year was launched in many countries around the world (USA, Canada, India, China and so forth) and the main method for coal methane recovery is a coal bed frac job through vertical wells. Similar works were started in Kuzbass, Russia, in early 2000s which allowed JSC “Gazprom” to proceed to regulatory and legal rationale of a new methane coal subindustry. Within the framework of this article the author once again tries to propose engineering solutions (which were used previously for underground gasification of coal) to establishing artificial high drainage capacity collectors in a methane-coal bed. This would allow the coal methane production to be increased not through a number of well drilled but through a multiple increase in its flow from every well.
Coal methane, High drainage capacity zones, Filtration surface, Coal bed kindling, Coal bed frac job, Pneumatic-hydraulic impact on the hydraulic fracture crack, Flame working of drilled channels in a methane-coal bed.
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UDC 662.6/.8:622.33(470)«313» © S.R. Islamov, 2013
Sergei R. Islamov
Director General of “Sibtermo” Company,
Doctor of Engineering
Economic Crisis as a Deep Coal Processing Incentive
The global economy has stepped into a transition period of changing basic technological structures characterized by a considerable instability. The leading scientists recognize that a relative stabilization would take many decades. An early understanding of this situation gives a competitive edge to the manager teams who would be the first to make a turn to mastering new technological scenarios for their company development. According to the author for the coal industry it’s a turn from tendency to produce additional millions of tons to making high added value products which can only be ensured by deep coal processing.
Domestic coal market, Coal exports, Forecast, Economic safety, Metallurgy, Thermal coke.
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UDC 658.5:622.33.012.3«Chernogorsky».001.86 © A.B. Kilin, G.N. Shapovalenko, S.N. Radionov, 2013
Aleksei B. Kilin
Chief Executive Officer of “SUEK-Khakasiya” Ltd,
Candidate of Engineering
Gennadiy N. Shapovalenko
Director of “Chernogorsky” Open-pit Mine,
Candidate of Engineering
Sergey N. Radionov
Head Engineer of “Chernogorsky” Open-pit Mine
Innovative Solutuions to Ensure Efficient Performance of Large Unit Capacity
The article describes forth technical and technological-organizational solutions whose implementation at “Chernogorsky” open-pit mine of “SUEK-Khakasiya” Ltd ensured that the target efficiency level for Komatsu WA800 and WA900 front-end loaders was obtained.
Komatsu WA800 and WA900 front-end loader, Technical and technological-organizational solutions, Efficient performance.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (39031) 54-434 |
UDC 622.794.4:622.33:543.812 © Uglev, 2013
Professor Uglev
Factors which Influence the Choice of Coal Processing Technology.
Moisture and its Structure
The editorial staff of Ugol journal have offered you a new column in their Ugol No 1-2013 which is fully dedicated to coal processing (benefication) history, engineering, technologies and practices. This column is hosted by Professor Uglev who is a collective figure but his publications and responses to the readers’ questions are backed by the expertise of many experts who have devoted their lives to this absorbing and useful occupation both in this country and abroad. The purpose of this column is to bring the experts together in order to jointly find solutions to the existing tasks and communicate so as to ensure that no new problems may appear. Please send your questions to the editorial office of Ugol journal or email to Your most interesting questions and answers to them will be regularly published in this journal.
Coal processing, Coal humidity, Moisture and its structure, Factors which influence the choice of coal processing technology.
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UDC 622.673.2 © Ye.G. Kassikhina, V.V. Pershin, N.O. Butrim, 2013
Yelena G. Kassikhina
Candidate of Engineering
(Mining Institute, KuzGTU)
Vladimir V. Pershin
Doctor of Engineering
(Mining Institute, KuzGTU)
Nikita O. Butrim
Leading Expert of Capital Construction and Investment Activity Department of
“UK Mechel-Mining” Ltd
Extending Steel Jib Headframe Service Life at Kuzbass Mines
The article proposes a method of upgrading an existing steel jib headframe for repair-and-renewal operations or for a transition to a multiple-rope lift by reinforcing a jib using a central tubular stand which ensures a calculated headframe lay-out modification. This reduces part of a load from the lift operation falling on the machine which would make it possible to avoid reinforcing its elements and consequently a shutdown of the shaft during the upgrade. A technical solution using a machine unloading will ensure that man-hours as well as costs and times for a prospective mine construction can be reduced.
Steel bench type headframe, Headframe element reinforcement, Lift upgrade.
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UDC 622.882:628.33:622.271.45(571.51) © Collective authors, 2013
Igor V. Zenkov
Mining Engineer, Doctor of Engineering
Special Engineering and Design Department “Nauka” of Scientific Design Center of
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Andrei V. Mordvinov
Civil Engineer of “Geotekhproyekt” Ltd (Krasnoyarsk)
Aleksandr V. Volkov
Aircraft Engineer of “Geotekhproyekt” Ltd (Krasnoyarsk)
Yelena V. Kiryushina
Senior Teacher of FGAOU VPO “Sibirsky Federalniy Universitet”,
Mining Engineer
Vladimir N. Vokin
Candidate of Engineering, Professor of
FGAOU VPO “Sibirsky Federalniy Universitet”
Survey and Evaluation of Ablation Effect on Waste Dump Relief of “Borodinsky”
Open-pit Mine
The article provides the results of the survey of ablation effect on waste dumps piled in developing coal fields of Kansko-Achinsky basin. The simulation of parameters of forming ravine and gully system in mining landscapes gas made it possible to perform a forecast of dump massif crippling under the influence of natural factors. The article proposes a new approach to evaluating the consequences of reclaiming when changing dump areas in conditions of rock removal by waterways from the dump body.
Stripping, Mining landscapes, Waste dumps, Ablation, Ravine formation.
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