UDC 622.33.012«SUEK-Khakasiya»:658.5 © A.B. Kilin, 2012
Aleksei B. Kilin
Chief Executive Officer of “SUEK-Khakasiya” Ltd,
Candidate of Engineering
Labor Productivity Plus Product Quality
The article details the work of Company "SUEK-Khakasiya” businesses to further upgrade the production equipment, improve management processes and promote innovative activities.
Equipment, Large Unit Capacity Machinery, Management Process, Personnel Size.
Contact information
phone: +7(39031)5-58-69; +7(351)265-55-04;
e-mail: |
UDC 622.33.012.3(571.51) © OJSC “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”’s Branch “Razrez Berezovsky-1”
Press Service
OJSC “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”’s Branch “Razrez Berezovsky-1”:
We are for Transparent and Fair Relations
Coal is our life. For somebody its production is a daily laborious task while for the others dealing with it only means generating heat energy through it. In OJSC “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”’s branch “Razrez Berezovsky-1” every employee feels his/her involvement in coal production. The coal miners have taken a strong liking to their native open-pit mine and formed a close team of like-minded people. The article states the performance of “Berezovsky-1”' open-pit mine in 2011.
Coal Production, Coal Supply, “Berezovsky-1”' Open-pit Mine, Berezovsky HPP, Investment.
Contact information
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UDC 622.33.012«Russky Ugol»«2002/2012» © OJSC “Russky Ugol”, 2012
Press Service OJSC “Russky Ugol”
Decade of Various Years: “Russky Ugol” 2002 to 2012
The article provides some details about “Russky Ugol” company which celebrates its 10th birthday this year and relates the company’s production attainments, performance in 2011 and plans for 2012 as well as its social policy.
Coal Company, Coal Production, Social Policy, Investment.
Contact information
phone: +7(495) 225-25-05 |
UDC 622.333.012(571.63) © OJSC “Primorskugol”, 2012
Press Service OJSC “Primorskugol”
Company “Primorskugol”’s Performance in 2011
The article details the performance over 2011 of OJSC “Primorskugol” which is one The Far East’s leading coal production associations and says about the technical upgrade of companies, new technical solutions for higher production efficiency, professionals, staffing potential of companies and coal production development outlook at OJSC “Primorskugol”.
Coal Production, Mineral & Raw Material Base, Coal Processing, Technical Upgrade, Open-pit Coal Mine, Excavator, Investment, Staffing Potential.
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UDC 622.24.051.53:622.271 © I.N. Nekrasov, A.P. Sherbakov, 2012
Igor N. Nekrasov
Commercial Director of OJSC “Volgaburmash”
Aleksandr P. Sherbakov
Deputy Commercial Director of OJSC “Volgaburmash”
Improving Quarry Drilling Work Efficiency by Using Bits Manufactured by OJSC “Volgaburmash”
The article provides some details about Russia’s leading rock cutting tool manufacturer JSC “Volgaburmash”. For coal production industry the company produces cone drill bits for drilling wells in different mining and geological conditions in particular at open-pit coal mines and quarries. OJSC “Volgaburmash”’s bits offer high technical and economic features and show high efficiency when drilling explosion wells. Also provided are the results of using bits at different open-pit mines and quarries.
OJSC “Volgaburmash”, Bit Production, Cone Drill Bits, Drilling Work.
Contact information
phone: +7 (846) 330-31-56; 330-30-79 |
UDC 622.619:622.611 © P.B. Pashko, S.A. Volokhov, 2012
Pavel B. Pashko
Head of the Representative Office of Hermann Paus Maschinenfabrik GmbH in the RF
Sergei A. Volokhov
Commercial Director of “Berg-Haus” Ltd
Explosion Protection in Germany – Quality and Safety by PAUS
The article provides Hermann Paus Maschinenfabrik GmbH ex machines for underground work in mines and pits and lists the main features of manufactured products.
PAUS, Berg-Haus, Ex Equipment, Mining Machinery, Universal Machines, Dump Trucks, Load-haul-dump Units.
Contact information
e-mail:; e-mail: |
UDC 621.892:622.33.002.5 © S.V. Pereladov, A.S. Shatsky, 2012
Sergey V. Pereladov
Coal Production Specialist
Alexsei S. Shatsky
Lubricant Application Engineer
Hydraulic Fluids SOLCENIC for Mining Industry Applications
The article provides some information about FUCHS and their products – lubricants for mining industry applications and the new product line overview.
Lubricants, Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid, Oils, Concentrate, Material Mining Equipment.
Contact information
e-mail:; e-mail: |
UDC 614.844.1(083.74) © Collective authors, 2012
Stanislav S. Zolotykh
Director General of “Gazprom Dobycha Kuznetsk” Ltd,
Active member of RAEN, AGN, Doctor of Engineering
Vladimir G. Kazantsev
Head of Technical Mechanics Department Of Biysk Technological Institute
(branch) of I.I. Polzunov Altaisky State Technical University,
Doctor of Engineering
Roman I. Kuimov
Postgraduate of Technical Mechanics Department Of Biysk Technological Institute
(branch) of I.I. Polzunov Altaisky State Technical University
Maksim S. Zolotykh
Director General of “Metanobezopasnost” Ltd
Explosion Protection Operation Experience and Issues of Explosive Combustion Suppression in Coal Mines
The article deals with explosion protection fro gas collecting networks, gas pipelines and coal mine tunnels, gives assessments of efficiency of existing fire barriers and looks at their up and downsides. It offers new design and technical solutions for fire barriers and explosion protection for fuel and energy complex companies
Methane-air Mixture, Fire Barrier, Explosion Protection.
Contact information
phone: +7 (3842) 52-44-20; +7 (3854) 35-19-35
UDK 622.817.47:622.411.332:661.92.004.82 © K. Bakhaus, S.K. Baimukhametov, Yu.M. Steflyuk, N.N. Tityuk, 2012
Klemens Bakhaus
Manager of Mine Gas Project of
Sate Institute UMSICHT and Mine Gas Union (Germany)
Sergazi K. Baimukhametov
Adviser of Coal Department
JSC “ArselorMittal Temirtau”, Professor (Kazakhstan)
Yuri M. Steflyuk
Technical Director of Coal Department
JSC “ArselorMittal Temirtau” (Kazakhstan)
Nikolai N. Tityuk
Director of German-Kazakhstan
JV “Kar-metan Ltd” (Kazakhstan)
Vacuum Calculation When Designing Mine Degassing
The article deals with pressure loss issues when designing mine degassing including air inflow through cracks in the seam and country at pipeline joints. The pipeline requires the vacuum of 50 to 100 mbar at the inlet and the pressure of 50 to 100 mbar at the outlet. It’s preferable that the pressure loss inside the pipeline itself should not exceed 250 mbar.
Methane, Concentration, Vacuum, Diameter, Water, Reserve.
Contact information
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UDC 622.817.47 © “NPP “Zavod MDU" Ltd, 2012
“NPP “Zavod MDU" Ltd
Methane under Control
The article states the scope of activity and new developments of Scientific Production Enterprise “Modular Degassing Installation Factory" which specializes in degassing issues and offers a complete range of degassing services. “NPP “Zavod MDU" Ltd is a partner of Institute for Comprehensive Mineral Development Issues of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPKON RAN).
Degassing, Modular Degassing Installation, Degassing Project, Innovation, Cogeneration, Degassing Well Drilling, Degassing Column Installation.
Contact information
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UDC 622.411.33:622.451 © Yu.A. Antipov, I.L. Mashkovtsev, V.Yu. Rochev, R.N. Timofeev, 2012
Yuri A. Antipov
Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor of RUDN
Igor L. Mashkovtsev
Candidate of Engineering, Professor of RUDN
Vladimir Yu. Rochev
Postgraduate of RUDN
Roman N. Timofeev
Postgraduate of RUDN
Methane Recovery from All-mine Air Flow Using Rotor Separator Chamber
The article states forth a principle of methane recovery from all-mine air flow (AAF) in the rotor separator chamber (RSC) and its construction drawing.
All-mine Air Flow, Methane-Air Mixture, Methane Recovery, Rotor Separator Chamber.
Contact information
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UDC 658.567:622.33.002.68 © V.B. Kazakov, S.M. Popov, I.A. Stoyanova, V.V. Kharchenko, 2012
Vladimir B. Kazakov
Candidate of Engineering, Professor, MSMU
Sergei M. Popov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, MSMU
Inna A. Stoyanova
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, MSMU
Vladimir V. Kharchenko
Postgraduate of MSMU
Methods of Assessing Coal Mining Waste Accumulation for the Extension of the Scope of its Use in the Economic Activities
The article characterizes the coal mining waste accumulation and its formation volume growth process and states the methods of determining the value of coal mining waste and conditions for its involvement in the economic activities.
Coal Mining Waste, Waste Accumulation Value, Mechanism of Environmental and Economic Justification for Waste Use Directions.
Contact information
phone: +7 (499) 230-24-24 |
UDC 658.155:622.33.012.3 © Ugol, 2012
A.V. Galkin’s Defense: A Mining Company’s Order System Improvement
On December 27 2011 at Moscow State Mining University, Moscow, at council D 212.128.06 A.V. Galkin defended his thesis “Lowering a Risk of Injuries of a Mining Company’s Personnel through the Order System Improvement” (score 15 : 0) performed at JSC “NTTs-NIIOGR” under the guidance of V.S. Suraev. The article provides some information about the course of the thesis defense, gives questions and answers regarding the thesis reflecting its highlights and essence.
Mining Company, HSSE, Industrial Safety, Injury Risk Management, Order and Safety Briefing System (Order System).
Contact information
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UDC 061.3:622.3.001.4 © O.I. Glinina, 2012
Olga I. Glinina
Leading Editor of “Ugol” Magazine,
Mining Engineer
Scientific Workshop “Miner’s Week 2012” at Moscow State Mining University
On January 23 to 27 2012 at Moscow State Mining University, Moscow the XX anniversary scientific workshop “Miner’s Week 2012” dedicated to the 100th birthday of an eminent statesman, outstanding organizer of the coal industry, minister of the coal industry of the USSR (1965 to 1985) Boris F. Bratchenko was held. The workshop was attended by about 1000 people from more than 350 entities from 15 countries of the world (Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Rumania, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Germany, USA, Norway, Belgium, Israel, Czech Republic and Bulgaria). More than 1200 reports were announced for the seminars, round tables and a conference. The review article provides the program of the scientific workshop, most interesting speeches and reports at the plenary meetings, scientific seminars and the round table.
Scientific Workshop, Mining Science, Mining, Mining Eductaion, Mineral and Raw Material Complex, Mining Industry, Coal Industry, Energy and Coal Clusters, Innovations, Coal Processing and Use, Energy Efficiency, Clean Coal Technologies, Mineral Resources, Mine Survey, Geology, Seminars, Round Table.
Contact information
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UDC 061.3:378.6:658.386:622.33 © A.Yu. Vlasova, 2012
Alena Yu. Vlasova
Fifth-year Student of Subdepartment “Engineering Protection for the Environment”,
Physical and Technical Department of MSMU
The experience of Implementing Student Initiatives Based on the Youth Forum of Mining Leaders
The article reflects the initiative of the Youth Forum of Mining Leaders aimed at promoting the introduction of modern “case method” education technique into the coal industry education process implemented within the framework of scientific workshop “Miner’s Week 2012” and the possibility for the active students to participate in this work.
Coal Industry, Education, Miner's Week, Seminar, Youth Forum of Mining Leaders.
Contact information
phone: +7 (965) 349 04 87; e-mail: |
UDC 622.882:622.271.45 © Ye.V. Kiryushina, 2012
Yelena V. Kiryushina
Senior Teacher
FGAOU VPO “Siberian Federal University”
Technological Methods for Topsoil Forming while Combining Mine Technical Resoiling Work with Top Overburden Ledge Developing
The work was performed under the guidance of Igor V. Zenkov, Doctor of Engineering
(Special Engineering and Design Department “Science” Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences)
The work states the results of simulating the change in the qualitative indices of the topsoil being formed to apply it on the waste dumps in work performance technologies at a mine technical stage while combined with the performance of top overburden ledge development work and suggests the concentration of a fertile soil layer in the overburden cut contours as well as the use of selective methods of excavator face processing in order to improve qualitative index levels of the topsoil being formed.
Open-pit Coal Mines, Mine Technical Resoiling, Topsoil Forming, Qualitative Indices of Soils.
Contact information
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UDC 622.85:339.5 © M.K. Kolikova, 2012
Mariya K. Kolikova
Postgraduate of MSMU
Environmental Insurance as an Effective Mechanism of Environment Protection and Recovery
The article deals with various aspects of efficiency of environmental insurance application for Russian conditions of economy and nature management and reveals that the environmental insurance as an instrument of financing nature conservative measures in market economy conditions is efficient both in terms of economy and environment and recommends that the “Mandatory Environmental Insurance" Law be adopted on the state level as soon as possible.
Environmental Insurance, Risk, Nature Conservative Measures, Natural Ecosystems.
Contact information
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UDC 622.85:339.5 © Ye.Yu. Avetisova, 2012
Yelena Yu. Avetisova
Postgraduate of MSMU
Application of Ranking Factors and Indicators when Implementing Ecosystem Monitoring in Mining Regions
The article deals with the correlation of factors of a mining facility influence on the ecosystems and ecosystem indicators, pays considerable attention to the sampling of most significant factors and indicators using a ranking method and describes the use of the latter when implementing ecosystem monitoring and obtaining weighting coefficient as a result.
Ecosystem, Monitoring, Factor, Indicator, Ranking.
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UDC 622.831 © V.F. Demin, S.B. Aliev, K.K. Kushekov, 2012
Vladimir F. Demin
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of
Mineral Field Development Department of Karaganda State University
Samat B. Aliev
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship (RUPF),
Kairgali K. Kushekov
Doctoral Candidate of RUPF, Candidate of Engineering
A Study of the Stressed State of the Edge Rock Mass Around Mining Excavations Depending on the Influence of Mining Technological Factors
Mining excavation deformations depending on mining and geological and mine technical operating conditions are determined. The studies have made it possible to determine the degree of influence of mining technological factors on the efficiency of using metal arch, combined and bolting support for mining excavations.
Support, Mining Excavations, Metal Arch, Combined and Bolting Support.
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