UDC 622.24.051.53:622.271 © I.N. Nekrasov, A.P. Sherbakov, 2013
Igor N. Nekrasov
Commercial Director of JSC “Volgaburmash”
Aleksandr P. Sherbakov
Deputy Commercial Director of JSC “Volgaburmash”
JSC “Volgaburmash”: Technical Upgrading as the Basis for Improved Efficiency and Lower Costs for Drilling Blastholes
The article provides some information about JSC “Volgaburmash” which is Russia’s leading manufacturer of rock destruction tools. For the mining industry applications the company produces rock drill bits for drilling holes in various mining and geological conditions in particular in open-pit coal mines and quarries. JSC “Volgaburmash” bits feature high technical and economic characteristics and are highly efficient for drilling blastholes. Also provided are the performances of bits at different open-pit mines and quarries.
JSC “Volgaburmash”, Bit manufacture, Rock drill bits, Drilling operation.
Contact information
phone/fax: +7 (846) 300-80-00; e-mail: |
UDC 622.3.012(100) © Ampcontrol Group, 2013
AMPCONTROL GROUP – Taking on a Global Leadership
The article provides some information about Ampcontrol Group which is one of the leading global suppliers of electric and electronic products for energy and mining industries and also about the companies of the Group and their specializations.
Ampcontrol Group, Electric products, Electronic products, Mining industry, Consumer market for Ampcontrol products.
Contact information
phone/fax: +7 (3842) 36-18-44 |
UDC 061.3:622.232.83-56:621.316.345 © “MK “Ilma” Ltd, 2013
“MK “Ilma” Ltd
Conference Regarding KP21 Cutter-loader Operation and Upgrading 2013
The article gives a summary of the conference regarding the operation and upgrading of KP21 cutter-loader and SEU “KP21DR” control unit held at “MK “Ilma” Ltd (Tomsk) on March 12 to 13 in 2013.
Upgrading, Automation, Innovations, Wireless technologies, Control units.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3822) 42-80-54 |
UDC 061.6:622.33«Prokopgiprougol»«2003/2013» © N.M. Sannikova, 2013
Natalya M. Sannikova
Leading PR-Expert of JSC HC “SBU-Coal”
“Prokopgiprougol” Ltd: 10 of Successful Development
The "Prokopgiprougol" design institute (JSC HC “SBU-Coal”) marks ten year anniversary. For ten years the collective of institute executed more than 500 projects. In the article of history of creation of institute, basic activity of institute and plans, is on the nearest prospect presents.
Coal industry, "Prokopgiprougol" design institute, Design documentation, Rationalization activity, Productivity.
Contact information
e-mail: |
UDC 622 272 © V.V. Kozlov, 2013
Valeriy V. Kozlov
Associate Professor of GMO of MSMU
Modern Development of Production Organization Problem Automation Process
A stable tendency of deterioration of mining and geological conditions of coal field development relating to the necessity of developing irregular configuration mine fields calls for the automation of production process when solving organization and technological tasks regarding the maneuvering and turning of a mechanized complex in the on-line mode in order to avoid a maximum permissible rock pressure on the lining.
Coal extraction, Automation of production process, Organization and technological tasks, Maneuvering, Turning of a mechanized complex, Rock pressure on the lining, Artificial intelligence, Verbalized knowledge.
Contact information
phone: +7 (926) 269-34-32; e-mail: |
UDC 622. © A.S. Pozolotin, M.A. Rosenbaum, A.A. Renev, Ye.A. Razumov, S.M. Chernyakhovsky, 2013
Aleksandr S. Pozolotin
Long-term Development Director of “RANK-2” Ltd
Candidate of Engineering
Mark A. Rosenbaum
Head of Geomechanics Laboratory of JSC “VNIMI”
Doctor of Engineering,Professor
Alexei A. Renev
Director of Minining Institute of Kuzbass State Technical University
Doctor of Engineering,Professor
Yevgeniy A. Razumov
Technical Deirector of “RANK-2” Ltd
Sergei M. Chernyakhovsky
Senior Researcher of NMSU “Gorniy”
Method of Calculation of Great Depth Bolting for Supporting Excavations in Various Mining & Geological and Mining & Technical Conditions of Coal Mines
The article discusses the method of calculation of great depth bolting for supporting excavations in various mining & geological and mining & technical conditions of coal mines.
Underground excavations, Method of calculation, Bolting, Great depth Bolt.
Contact information
e-mail: |
UDC 621.879:622.271.4 © A.S. Samolazov, T.V. Donchenko, D.A. Shibanov,2013
Aleksandr S. Samolazov
Deputy Director General for Development of
“IZ-KARTEX imeni P.K. Korobkova” Ltd,
Taras V. Donchenko
Head of Marketing Department of
“IZ-KARTEX imeni P.K. Korobkova” Ltd, Candidate of Engineering
Daniyl A. Shibanov
Product Manager of
“IZ-KARTEX imeni P.K. Korobkova” Ltd
Practical Results of Application of EKG-18 and EKG-32R Excavators Manufactured by “IZ-KARTEX imeni P.K. Korobkova” Ltd at Russia’s Coal Production Companies
The article gives some information about the experience of application of new generation excavators manufactured by “IZ-KARTEX imeni P.K. Korobkova” Ltd at Russia’s mining companies. “IZ-KARTEX imeni P.K. Korobkova” Ltd (OMZ Group) is a manufacturer of modern high-tech rock excavators.
IZ-KARTEX imeni P.K. Korobkova, Rock excavators, EKG, Coal industry, New line of excavators.
Contact information
e-mail:; |
UDC 622.647.1 © A.P. Starikov, V.F. Tuzhikov, P.G. Gromov, 2013
Aleksandr P. Starikov
Deputy Director General of
Production JSC “Donetskstal-metallurgicheskiy Zavod”, Candidate of Economics
Vladimir F. Tuzhikov
Director of Industrial Equipment Directorate
CJSC “PK “Kuzbasstransugol”, Candidate of Engineering
Pyotr G. Gromov
Head of Unified Customer Department
CJSC “PK “Kuzbasstransugol”, Candidate of Engineering
New Design Solutions to Coal Handling in a Breakage Face
For the process of coal extraction in a breakage face of a coal company frequent replacements of an important supporting member – a pan of scraper conveyor which gets intensively worn out through abrasive effects of the coal being handled and dirt inclusions are the most topical issue. The replacement of a worn pan of a commercially produced scraper conveyor weighing 1.5 to 2 tons in extremely narrow conditions of the wall requires a lot of physical effort of the miners, time and financial resources which dramatically reduce the labor productivity and economic efficiency of the coal production process at the company. The design of prototype SVP305/800 scraper conveyor proposed in the article will make it possible to improve the efficiency of operation of the breakage face and entire mine.
Breakage face, Transport, Scraper conveyor, Design, Pan, Profile, Prototype, Tests.
Contact information
e-mail: |
UDC 622.33:622.324.5:22.411.33 © S.V. Shatirov, 2013
Sergei V. Shatirov
First Deputy Chairman of Industrial Policy Committee of
The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the RF,
Candidate of Engineering
Today’s Issues of the Coal Industry
It has been confirmed that the coal resources on the global scale are considerably higher than all the other sources of power industry although the coal industry has not been in the front line in terms of industrial application. This can be explained by a number of reasons the main of which are given in the article. The solution to these issues will allow it to become a prevailing source of electric power in a foreseeable future.
Coal, Electric power, Coal methane, Pure coal technologies, Deep coal processing, Generated power industry, Degassing, Mine methane recovery.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 951-16-00 |
UDC 621.311.22:622.7.002.68:662.654 © V.I. Murko, V.I. Fedyaev, K.L. Ainetdinov, A.V. Yakovenko,
P.S. Voskoboynikov, 2013
Vasiliy I. Murko
Science Deirector of CJSC SPC “Sibekotekhnika”
Vladimir I. Fedyaev
Director General of CJSC SPC “Sibekotekhnika”
Kharis L. Ainetdinov
Director of EMD JSC “Mezhdurechye”
Alexei V. Yakovenko
Chief Powerman of EMD JSC “Mezhdurechye”
Pavel S. Voskoboynikov
Deputy Powerman of EMD JSC “Mezhdurechye”
Improvement of a Technological Complex for Preparation and Combustion of Suspension Coal Fuel Based on the Coal Beneficiation Waste
A technology of preparation and combustion of suspension coal fuel (SCF) based on the middlings and a mixture of filter cake and middlings (coal). The article finds that it is possible to efficiently combust SCF in industrial boiler DKVR 1013 VUT without “brightening” with an additional fuel and establishes the SCF combustion process operating parameters.
Filter cake, Middlings, Coal-water slurry, SCF preparation and combustion flow chart.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3843) 74-37-00 |
UDC 622.8:622.272 © V.A. Polukhin, V.P. Gurin, 2013
Vadim A. Polukhin
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of DonGTU
Valeriy P. Gurin
Director General of “Rostovpiproshakht”
Candidate of Economics
Improvement of Personnel Safety at the Companies of the Mining Industry
The article studies the ways of improving personnel safety at the companies of the mining industry. The reduction of fine dust fractions, toxic and greenhouse gases in the ambient air, determination of extinguishing facility efficiency and the evaluation of condition of metal structure strength properties after the fire ensure that the industrial safety is improved and the economic potential at the companies of the mining industry is maintained.
Personnel safety, Ecosystem changes, Pollution of the environment, Gaseous discharge, Fire extinguishing, Metal structure deformation, Ropes.
Contact information
phone: +7 (961) 302-02-84 |
UDC 622.831.325.3 © V.N. Zakharov, V.S. Zaburdyaev, S.V. Kuzminich, A.Yu. Chekmenev, 2013
Valeriy N. Zakharov
Director of FGBUN IPKON of Russian Academy of Sciences
Viktor S. Zaburdyaev
Leading Researcher FGBUN IPKON of Russian Academy of Sciences
Candidate of Engineering
Sergei V. Kuzminich
Head of Degassing Department of JSC “OUK”Yuzhkuzbassugol”
Aleksandr Y. Chekmenev
Deputy Principal Engineer for Degassing of “NPP “Zavod MDU” Ltd
Post-graduate of Electromechanics Department of FGBOU VPO “SibGIU”
Coal Mine Degassing System Improvement
The article discusses the practice of carrying out degassing works at Russia’s coal mines and advantages of degassing units based on rotary vacuum pumps vs degassing units based on liquid-packed ring pumps, compares conventional 500 mBar discharge rotary vacuum pumps with cooling gas injection system rotary pumps and analyzes the degassing network parameters.
Methane, Degassing, Modular degassing units, Rotary pumps.
Contact information
e-mail:;; phone: +7 (3843) 991-991; +7 (495) 360-89-55 |
UDC 662.944:622.8:622.33.012.7«KEZSB» © S.V. Nazimova, D.V. Popov, 2013
Svetlana V. Nazimova
Director General of JSC “KEZSB”
Denis V. Popov
Principal Engineer for MTEU-VNU of JSC “KEZSB”
The Experience of Operating Air Heating Units by JSC “Kemerovsky Eksperementalny Zavod Sredstv Bezopasnosty” for Preheating a Ventilation Air Fed into the Mine
The article highlights air heating units by JSC KEZSB and the experience of their application at the mining companies and reflects their advantages compared to conventional air heating boiler plants.
Mine, Heat-and-power engineering complex, MTEU-VNU air heating units, Ventilation air preheating, Large volume room heating, Coal combustion, Firebox.
Contact information
phone/fax: +7 (384-2) 64-30-39; e-mail: |
60th Anniversary of KarMSU |
UDC 378.6(574)«1953/2013» © A.M. Gazaliev, 2013
Arstan M. Gazaliev
Rector of KarMSU,
Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Kazakhstan
Karaganda State Technical University: Bounding for Innovations
The article deals with the 60th anniversary of Karaganda State Technical University which is one of Kazakhstan’s leading universities. The performance of KarMSU have a significant impact on the sustainable development of Kazakhstan solving a variety of topical socio-economic and environmental issues.
KarMSU, Vocational training, Education, Interactive education, Science and production, Innovations.
Contact information
e-mail: |
UDC 622.831.325.3(574.31) © A.M. Gazaliev, N.A. Drizhd, N.K. Sharipov, 2013
Arstan M. Gazaliev
Rector of KarMSU,
Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Kazakhstan
Nikolai A. Drizhd
Professor of KarMSU
Nil K. Sharipov
Professor of KarMSU
Issues of Developing Advance Degassing Works in Karaganda Region
The article evaluates the possibility of producing methane from the coal beds of Karaganda basin and demonstrates the possibility of establishing a new fuel and energy complex in Central Kazakhstan.
Advance degassing, Methane contents, Coal bed, Ecology, Methane production, Profitability, Mine working, Breakage face.
Contact information
phone: +7 (7212) 49-28-32; +7 (705) 301-11-55; e-mail:; |
UDC 622.831:622.26(574.31) © V.F. Demin, S.B. Aliev, A.D. Mausymbaeva, T.V. Demina, R.K. Kamarov, 2013
Vladimir F. Demin
Professor of Mineral Field Development Department of KarMSU
Doctor of Engineering
Samat B. Aliev
Doctor of Engineering, Eurasian Econimic Committee
Aliya D. Mausymbaeva
Senior Teacher of Mineral Field Development Department of KarMSU
Candidate of Engineering
Tatyana V. Demina
Senior Teacher of Mine Aerology and Occupational Safety Department of KarMSU
Candidate of Engineering
Rymgali K. Kamarov
Director of Advanced Training Institute of KarMSU
Candidate of Engineering, Professor
Development Working Outline Displacements at Geomechanical Processes
The performed studies make it possible to forecast the displacements of development working outlines at geomecanical processes in high rock pressure areas with a sufficient reliability.
Outline, Working, Bolting, Rock pressure, Karaganda coal basin.
Contact information
phone: +7 (7212) 56-26-19; e-mail:; |
UDC 622.3.023.22:539.532:622.023.62 © T.K. Isabek, S.B. Aliev, R.K. Kamarov, A.Zh. Imashev,
A.S. Bakhtybaeva, 2013
Tuyak K. Isabek
Head of Mineral Field Development Department of KarMSU
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Samat B. Aliev
Doctor of Engineering, Eurasian Econimic Committee
Rymgali K. Kamarov
Director of Advanced Training Institute of KarMSU
Candidate of Engineering, Professor
Askar. Zh. Imashev
PhD-Doctorant of Mineral Field Development Department of KarMSU
Master of Mining
Asel S. Bakhtybaeva
PhD-Doctorant of Mineral Field Development Department of KarMSU
Master of Mining
Dilatancy Effects on Rock Destruction
The article studies the change to the volume of rock while it is destroyed. It’s known that the increase in the volume of the rock samples being tested while they are destroyed is related to the formation of microcracks in them When solving geomechanic tasks related to the evaluation of excavation stability it’s necessary to clarify with what volume changes - complete or residual ones the displacements are connected in their edge part. The work proposes a dilato-phonon model of rock destruction based on the kinetic theory of solid body strength.
Displacement, Destruction, Crack, Deformation, Tension, Rock.
Contact information
e-mail:; |
UDC 622.831:622.26(574.31) © V.F. Demin, P.P. Olenchenko, A.D. Mausymbaeva, T.V. Demina, A.J. Mekhtiev, 2013
Vladimir F. Demin
Professor of Mineral Field Development Department of KarMSU
Doctor of Engineering
Pyotr P. Olenchenko
Director of JV “Minova-Kazakhstan” Ltd, Candidate of Engineering
Aliya D. Mausymbaeva
Senior Teacher of Mineral Field Development Department of KarMSU
Candidate of Engineering
Tatyana V. Demina
Senior Teacher of Mine Aerology and Occupational Safety Department of KarMSU
Candidate of Engineering
Ali J. Mekhtiev
Head of Communication System Technology Department of KarMSU
Candidate of Engineering
Formation of Breaking Areas in the Edge Massif of the Development Opening
The studies of breaking areas formation in the edge massif of the development opening were conducted. They allowed the advanced excavation bolting flow charts to be formed in order to ensure the performance of fixing works in the areas featuring high tension in the edge rocks.
Massif, Breaking, Excavation, Bolting, Karaganda coal basin.
Contact information
phone: +7 (7212) 56-26-19; e-mail:; |
UDC 622.755:622.33:622.794.3 © Uglev, 2013
Professor Uglev
Factors Influencing the Classification Hydrocyclone Operation
Further to the topic of slurry coal classification in hydrocyclones which began in the last issue professor Uglev in his current article the most important factors influencing the operation of classification hydrocyclones.
Classification, Deslurring, Hydrocyclone, Bypass.
Contact information
e-mail: |
UDC 061.3:622.3.001.4 © Ugol Magazine, 2013
Scientific Symposium “Miner’s Week 2013” at Moscow State Mining University
On January 28 to February 1 in 2013 at Moscow State Mining University the XXI Miner’s Week 2013 took place in whose framework a international scientific symposium, the session of the Council of Teaching and Methodic University Association for Mining Education of the Russian Federation, the session of the Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences regarding the mining science issues and the Council of Scientific and Educational Center of Fundamental and Applied Research for Mining (NUTS) IPKON of Russian Academy of Sciences and MSMU, the session of the Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences regarding the national economic use of explosions, workshops, round tables and other events were held. The review article provides the program of the scientific workshop, most interesting speeches and reports at the plenary meetings, scientific seminars and the round table.
Scientific Workshop, Mining Science, Mining, Mining Eductaion, Mineral and Raw Material Complex, Mining Industry, Coal Industry, Energy and Coal Clusters, Innovations, Coal Processing and Use, Energy Efficiency, Clean Coal Technologies, Mineral Resources, Mine Survey, Geology, Seminars, Round Table.
Contact information
e-mail:; |
UDC 517.11:658.5:622.33.012 © N.K. Oganesyan, 2013
Nikolai K. Oganesyan
Postgraduate of PRPM Department of MSMU
Integral Technology Evaluation and Operating Efficiency Improvement of Coal Mines
The article studies the algorithm of a comprehensive evaluation of coal mine flow charts based on the quality metering principles and complex decision theory.
Evaluation, Integral figure, Available mines.
Contact information
phone: +7 (903) 216-80-51; +7 (925) 228-77-54; e-mail: |