UDC 622.8:621.315.687.1 © Ê.Ì. Yurov, 2014
Êonstantin Ì. Yurov
Senior Engineer JSC «3M Rossia»
Solution for Connection of Stationary Armoured Cable with PVC Insulation in Mine
This paper considers the connection of 3,6/6 (7,2) kV armoured cable with PVC insulation used in coal mines.
Cable box connection, Cable, PVC insulation, 3M 92-A 615 box connection.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 784-74-74 |
UDC 629.081 © À.N. Medvedev, Å.À. Morozov, Å.À. Morozov, 2014
Àlexey N. Medvedev
Deputy Chief of Engineering Survey Department,
Affiliate of OJSC «Voentelekom» - 17 TsPIS
Åvgeny À. Morozov
Drillmaster, LLC «Berrilit»
Ågor À. Morozov
Engineer, LLC «Prostor»
Lifting-Rotating Appliance for Afield Repair of Truck and Tractor Engines
When performing drilling operations in heavy geological conditions, it is useful to have a mobile workshop for repairing of truck and tractor engines weighing up to two tons. The standard repair aid and appliances are too bulky for such workshop. Therefore, one attempted to make a kit of the standard aid and appliances in conditions of field mobile workshop, in particular, a lifting and pivoting appliance for repair of the heavy engine. We have been using it three years, and, probably, there is no such thing in the rest of the world.
Edging device, Stand, Engine repair jig.
Contact information; www.äåëî9ì.ðô; |
UDC 622.273:622.831.24 © Yu.Ì. Lekontsev, P.V. Sazhin, A.F. Salikhov, V.F. Isambetov, 2014
Yury Ì. Lekontsev
Senior researcher, IGD of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science named after N.A. Chinakal,
Candidate of Engineering
Pavel V. Sazhin
Researcher, IGD of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science named after N.A. Chinakal,
Candidate of Engineering
Albert F. Salikhov
Director of Mine «Berezovskaya»
OJSC «Ugolnaya kompania «Severny Kuzbass»
Vyacheslav F. Isambetov
Director Mine «Berezovskaya»
OJSC «Ugolnaya kompania «Severny Kuzbass»
Expanding Scope of Use of Directional Hydraulic Fracturing (DHF) Method
The paper describes technology of use of directional hydraulic fracturing method in order to improve efficiency of adhesion of the rock mass having tendency to form roof breaks and domes along the working face of the mine “Berezovskaya”, and examines some results of experimental studies.
Hydraulic fracturing, Resin, mass strengthening, Dome formation.
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UDC 622.233:622.235:622.831 © S.À. Prokopenko, 2014
Sergey À. Prokopenko
Leading Researcher, OJSC «NTs VostNII» and Coal Institute of Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science, Professor, UTI TPU, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Development of Design of Energy Roofing for Facing Mechanized Complex
A feature of rock slide following the facing mechanized complex moving was detected, which enables transformation of gravitational energy to electrical one for power supply of the facing mechanized complex. The roofing section design was developed, which enables electric power generation and accumulation.
Rock, Slide, Roofing, Section, Panel, Electric generator, Complex, Energy.
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UDC 336.6:658.15:658.8:622.33 © N. Perkhova, 2014
Natalia Perkhova
Rietumu Bank: We Finance Goods Purchase to Sale Movement
The largest private bank of Latvia Rietumu is practically a single bank in the Baltic region, over a period of many years persistently and purposefully developing the direction of commercial financing. Its clients are the traders selling raw materials, agrarian sector products and industrial goods worldwide. Natalia Perhova, Chief of Commercial Fnancing Department of the bank tells about Rietumu possibilities and experience in servicing of the international trading operations.
Rietumu Bank, Trading financing, Banking services, Trader, Coal market, Port terminal.
Contact information
phone: +371 67025555; e-mail: |
UDC 658.387:658.155:622.33:622.8 © À.I. Buynitsky, Yu.À. Kilin, D.V. Popov, À.Ì. Makarov, 2014
Àlexander I. Buynitsky
First Deputy CEO, CJSC «Razrez Berezovsky»
Yury À. Kilin
First Deputy CEO
CJSC «Razrez Nazarovsky», Candidate of Engineering
Denis V. Popov
CEO, LLC «Vostochno-Beysky Razrez»
Àlexander Ì. Makarov
CEO, LLC «NIIOGR», Doctor of Engineering, Professor
On Composed Function of a Coal Strip Mine CEO
The article formulates the composed function of a coal strip mine CEO, the implementation of which enables to improve the production efficiency and safety level.
Composed function, Director, Management, Interest flow, Coal strip mine, Rating
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UDC 658.387:658.155:622.33:622.8 © D.V. Popov, Å.V. Tikhonova, V.S. Alekseenko, À.V. Morozov,
S.I. Zakharov, 2014
Denis V. Popov
CEO LLC «Vostochno-Beysky Razrez»
Ålena V. Tikhonova
Deputy Chairman of the Board – Deputy CEO
for finance and economics, LLC «Vostochno-Beysky Razrez»
Veronika S. Alekseenko
Chief Economist, LLC «Vostochno-Beysky Razrez»
Àlexander V. Morozov
Chief of Coal Production, LLC «Vostochno-Beysky Razrez»
Svyatoslav I. Zakharov
Chief of Laboratory «Labour Management and Payment»
LLC «NIIOGR», Candidate of Economics
Improving System of Organizational and Economic Relations
in LLC «Vostochno-Beysky Razrez»
The article describes the basic directions for improvement of the system of organizational - economic relations and experience of its implementation in LLC «Vostochno-Beysky Razrez» in order to provide a continuous increase of the production efficiency.
Organizational and economic relations, Efficiency, Coal strip mine, Production set up.
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UDC 622.411.3:661.92:622.85 © À.P. Danilov, 2014
Àlexander P. Danilov
Director of the Institute of Sulphur and Mineral Fuel Problems
Mining Engineer, Machine Engineer
On Some Aspects of Explosion with Regard to the Theory of Energy Absorption
The paper specifies possibilities in the context of the explosion phlegmatization using vacuum, oxygen localization, endothermic reaction in gas and dust risk mines, sudden rock outrushes; artificial generation of methane in natural conditions based on the Theory of energy absorption.
Coal, Explosion, Methane, Absorption of explosion, Exothermic and endothermic reactions, Safety.
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UDC 622.016.222:627.8 © E.I. Antonov, Ê.V. Gryadushchy, 2014
Eduard I. Antonov
Chief of Mine Drainage Department
JSC «Research Institute of Mining Machinery named after M.M. Fyodorov»,
Doctor of Engineering
Êirill V. Gryadushchy
Researcher of Mine Drainage Department
JSC «Research Institute of Mining Machinery named after M.M. Fyodorov»
Two-stage Jet Gun Plant for Pumping and Cleaning of Deep Sump Holes
The paper describes the results of development and experimental and industrial research of characteristics and operating parameters of high-pressure and sump jet gun plants. It is proved that the two-stage plants fitted with preset low-pressure stage, for a variety of technical and economic parameters (by operational efficiency, relative pressure value, absorbing capacity), do notedly surpass the traditionally used one-stage patterns, which creates real preconditions for a sharp rise of efficiency and safety of stationary sump mine pumping with simultaneous enabling of unmanned pumping and cleaning from way dirts in sumps of almost any depth.
Sump mine pumping, High-pressure pump jet gun plant, Sump cleaning and pumping.
Contact information
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UDC 622.353.2:622.3 © V.G. Soloviev, V.V. Maryin, S.V. Soloviev, 2014
Valentin G. Soloviev
Director, LLC «Trade House «Transbelt», Candidate of Engineering
Vladimir V. Maryin
General Director, LLC «Rekstrom Ì»
Sergey V. Soloviev
Mining Engineer, Postgraduate of Chair, GMO MGGU
Basic Ways for Implementation of Basalt Composites in Mining Industry
The paper considers the experience and opportunities for implementation of basalt composites in the mining machinery manufacturing (conveyor belts, anchors, protection grids, scraper conveyors, belt conveyor flights, hydraulic cylinders and fire-resistant protective plates.
Composite, basalt, Conveyor belt, Conveyor flight, Roller, Basalt composite cord, Scraper conveyor, Anchor, Grid, Plate, Shape (Section).
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UDC 622.85:662.654.1:691.1:53:693.2 © V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova, 2014
Vladimir Z. Abdrakhimov
Professor, Samara State Economical University,
Doctor of Engineering
Elena S. Abdrakhimova
Samara State Aerokosmos University, Candidate of Engineering
Ecological and Practical Aspects of Coal Slag Use in Production
of Intershale Clay-based Ceramics
Production of ceramics is one of the most material-intensive industries of the national economy, therefore rational use of fuel, raw materials and other resources becomes a decisive factor of its successful growth in conditions of the economic reform being underway. In this connection, the use in ceramics of production waste becomes of a special relevancy. Involving of industrial waste: coal slag and intershale clay in production of ceramics without use of natural traditional materials cardinally changes the raw-material base of Russia, reduces ecological stress in regions and allows to make a high-grade brick. Use of production waste when producing bricks helps to industrial waste recycling, environment protection, expansion of the raw-material base for production of ceramics.
Coal slag, Intershale clay, Industrial waste, Ceramic brick, Burning temperature, Microstructure
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UDC 622.7.012ÎÔ © I.A. Grishin, 2014
Igor A. Grishin
Chief of Process Design Group,
Coal Department of «Coralina Engineering» (CETCO)
Modular Design is Up-to-Date Approach in Designing of Beneficiation Plants
The new requirements dictated by market realities to operation of conversion facilities do not always allow to realize desires of the customers using standard designing approaches. New more effective methods of designing of beneficiation plants is being continuously studied. Modular design of factory is the one of advanced ways for solution of the problem of universality and low cost of construction of beneficiation factories.
Designing of beneficiation factories, Modular construction design, Shelving unit.
Contact information
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UDC 622.7:622.693.23 © V.G. Kuznetsov, I.P. Kuznetsov, 2014
Valery G. Kuznetsov
President, LLC «As-Tik KP»
Igor P. Kuznetsov
Commercial Director LLC «As-Tik KP»
Technological Hoppers of New generation for Beneficiating Plants
The article presents the positive experience of manufacture in tight schedule in and plant conditions of twenty new technological hoppers equipped with about 18-ton polymeric anti-sticking lining plates – Astiks by way of cooperation of some industrial enterprises. They are recommended for wide use at the beneficiating plants of Russia, CIS- and Baltic countries.
Beneficiating plants, Technological hopper, Coal, Sticking, Polymeric anti-sticking lining plate - Astiks, Cooperation of industrial enterprises.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (495) 718-48-12 |
UDC 620.22:622.81O E.N. Evstifeev, A.S. Kuzharov, E.M. Popov, 2014
Evgeny N. Evstifeev
Doctor of Engineering, Associate Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Professor at Chair of Chemistry ÄÃÒÓ
Alexander S. Kuzharov
Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation,
Head of Chair of Chemistry, DGTU
Evgeny M. Popov
Postgraduate, DGTU
Development of a New Binding Agent for Production of Smoke-free
Antracite Culm Briquettes
The article examines the results of research of antracite culm briquettes with low-toxic polymeric binding agent, consisting of modified lignosulfonates and tall oil pitch solution in organic solvent. Briquettes are made by cold pressing with further thermal oxidative treatment. By their physico-mechanical parameters the briquettes belong to thigh-calorific, medium-salt and smoke-free coal fuel. The developed binding agent will enable to reduce the content of toxic substances in effluent gases when burning briquettes at the consumers to the concentrations not exceeding the maximum permissible values.
Antracite culms, Binding agent, Briquettes, Pressing, Compression strength, Water absorption.
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UDC 622.231.2.05 © T.K. Isabek, S.B. Aliev, R.K. Kamarov, A.Zh. Imashev, A.S. Bakhtybayeva, 2014
Tyiak K. Isabek
Head of Chair Chair «Exploitation of mineral deposits», KarGTU,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Samat B. Aliev
Deputy Director of Department for Development of Business Activities
of Eurasian Economic Commission, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Rymgali K. Kamarov
Associate Professor of Chair «Exploitation of mineral deposits», KarGTU,
Candidate of Engineering
Askar Zh. Imashev
Senior Lecturer of Chair «Exploitation of mineral deposits», KarGTU,
ìàãèñòð ãîðíîãî äåëà
Aksel S. Bakhtybayeva
Senior Lecturer of Chair «Mine Surveying and Geodesy» KarGTU,
Mining Master
Simulation of Stressed-Deformed State of Rock Massive Near
the Stopes Given the Time Factor
The paper describes the results of researches of stability of rocks around the stope workings in conditions of the mine "Ushkatyn-3 " of JSC «Zhayremsky GOK». Conventional zones of nonelastic deformations around stope spaces are determined given the time factor. Effect of horizontal stress factor on formation of the conventional zones of nonelastic deformations is studied.
Massive, Stress, Simulation, Horizontal stress, Time factor, Durability, Geomechanics.
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UDC 622.85:622.882.003 © I.V. Zenkov, B.N. Nefedov, I.M. Baradulin, E.V. Kiriushina, V.N. Vokin, 2014
Igor V. Zenkov
Doctor of Engineering, Berdsk Branch of «Berdskstroymash»,
Special Design and Production Engineering Office «Nauka», KNTs of Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Boris N. Nefedov
Candidate of Engineering, Berdsk Branch of «Berdskstroymash»
Special Design and Production Engineering Office «Nauka», KNTs of Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Ilya M. Baradulin
Engineer, Special Design-Engineering Office «Nauka» KNTs
of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science
Elena V. Kiriushina
Senior Lecturer, FGAOU VPO «Sibirski Federalny Universitet»,
Candidate of Engineering
Vladimir N. Vokin
Professor, FGAOU VPO «Sibirski Federalny Universitet»,
Candidate of Engineering
Results of Geometrical Sounding of Vegetal Ecosystems and Mining
Landscape Reliefs at Strip Mine "Nazarovsky"
The article presents the results of space sounding of surface vegetal ecosystem structure on the coal strip mine "Nazarovsky" rock dumps. Negative effect of water erosion on formation of mining landscapes in the territories of the worked out portion of the Nazarovsky coal field.
Coal strip mining, Rock dumps, Space sounding, Surface ecosystems, Soil recultivation, Water erosion.
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