UDC 061.43:622.002.5(100) © JSC “Kuzbass fair”, 2011
JSC “Kuzbass fair”
Questions of miners in the center of a coal forum
Eighteenth time on the Kuzbass ground in a Novokuznetsk representatives of the largest coal-mining the companies, the enterprises - consumers of coal and coke, manufacturers mining equipment and the transport companies of Russia and foreign countries will gather. Brief results of a last year's exhibition, greeting, thematic sections of a forthcoming exhibition, and also the information on an exhibition “Protection, safety of work and ability to live” are presented.
The international exhibition, mining equipment, the coal enterprises.
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UDC 622.33(571.17) © Administration of the Kemerovo region, 2011
Department of TEK of Administration of the Kemerovo region
Coal industry of Kuzbass
The condition and prospects of development coal is presented to branch of Kuzbass. Results of work for 2010 and plans for 2011 are given.
The coal industry, Kuzbass, coal enterprises, achievements.
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UDC 622.232.8-523.3 © Î.Î.Î. “The center of Hydraulics “Dirk Otto Hennlich" (" DOH”), 2011
Î.Î.Î. “The center of Hydraulics “Dirk Otto Hennlich" ("DOH”), Poland
Modern control systems for a mining industry. German technology from modern Polish firm
Î.Î.Î. “The center of hydraulics “Dirk Otto Hennlich" ("DOH”) is the indisputable leader on manufacture of modern control systems for the mechanized underground complexes in Poland and with success wins the foreign markets. Control systems of type “DOH” manufactures. The center of hydraulics which is a part financial group "Compensus" (Poland), have received wide recognition among the clients using mining equipment as these systems possess a high degree of reliability, meet modern requirements, provide comfort and safety at underground works. In article new control systems mechanized systems are presented, it is told about the enterprises entering into group "Compensus".
The mining equipment, control systems mechanized systems, safety of a underground coal mining.
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UDC 622.3.002.5 © E.V. Romashchin, 2011
Romashchin Evgenie Viktorovich
General director of company "NPK "Mining machines” (Ukraine)
We are focused on the high technologies
It is presented to interview of the general director of the largest machine-building company of Ukraine “Mining machines” of E.V. Romashchin in whom it tells about the uncompromising attitude to quality, formation of "a uniform window” for interaction with clients, an output on new commodity markets and many other things.
The mining equipment, coal business, commodity markets, quality of mining production.
Contact information
phone: +1038 (062) 381-53-40 |
UDC 622.33.012(571.17) © OJSC "SUEK-Kuzbass", 2011
Company "SUEK-Kuzbass"
Safety works on result
In 2011 «the Siberian Ugolnaya Energetic Company” (SUEK) marks the 10 anniversary. For rather small period of time SUEK became the largest coal company of Russia, the leading exporter of the Russian coal. Today 33 coal-mining enterprises SUEK are located in seven Russian regions. About third annual coal minings SUEK provide the Kuzbass enterprises of the company incorporated in company "SUEK-Kuzbass". On a share of the enterprises of company "SUEK-Kuzbass" each sixth ton sold from Russia abroad is necessary. Thus export SUEK has the obvious tendency of growth. Deliveries are carried out basically to the Great Britain, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Spain and Finland, on the Asian direction - to China, Korea and Japan. In article it is told about the reached results of work of company "SUEK-Kuzbass" and the nearest long-term plans.
Coal mining, leaders of coal branch, leaders and champions of branch, industrial safety, a labour safety.
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UDC 622.33.012 (571.17) © OJSC "Belon", 2011
Company “Belon”
Company "Belon": business in the name of creation
In article it is told that company "Belon" is the large manufacturer of coal and a coal concentrate and the company aspired to this status from the very beginning of the activity. Based in May, 1991, OJSC "Belon" step by step built an optimum technological chain which has allowed to achieve high industrial results. Today the company takes strong positions among coal holdings of Kuzbass as by way of coal output, and conducting socially responsible business. It is told about history of creation of the company, its present position and about prospects, about the union of coal miners and metallurgists, about the social program of the company.
Coal mining, manufacture of a coal concentrate, metallurgy, the social responsibility.
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622.33.002.5:622.33.012.7 © "ÌÊ “Ilma” LLC, 2011
"ÌÊ “Ilma” LLC
Company “ILMA” and exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining 2011”
With 2004 Tomsk company "Ilma" annually takes part in the international exhibition-fair “Ugol Rossii and Mining” in a Novokuznetsk the Kemerovo region. Every year at the stand of the company the equipment is shown, negotiations are carried on and transactions consist, and every year experts "ÌÊ “Ilma” surprise the partners with new ideas and development for the coal industry. In article it is told about new development of the company for coal miners who will be shown at a forthcoming exhibition and are invited all wishing to visit own pavilion of company "Ilma" at an exhibition in a Novokuznetsk.
The mining equipment, sources of uninterrupted feed IBP1, a remote control panel a combine.
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UDC 622.26.002.5 © HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH, 2011
HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH (Germany)
Equipment HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH for the coal industry
In article the mining equipment which is let out by German firm HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH for the coal industry, in particular the chisel equipment, universal machines and mobile conveyor installation for transportation and crushing of mining weight is presented.
The coal industry, underground works, mining equipment, auxiliaries, chisel equipment, machine, mobile conveyor installation.
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UDC 622.232.83 © A.Martynov, A.Genze, 2011
Martynov Alexander
Manager on sales in the CIS
dh mining system (Dortmund, Germany)
Genze Alexander
General director “Deilmann-Haniel Rus” LLC (Novokuznetsk)
Innovations from dh mining system
New development of firm dh mining system for the coal industry - miner combine R75 (R60) and universal loading machines DH-L1200 (K312LS) and DH-L800 (DH250TS) with the hinged chisel equipment are presented. Their specifications are given, advantages and advantages are described.
Tunneling works, miner a combine, machine.
Contact information
phone: +7 (3843) 53-88-61 |
UDC 621.51:622.33.012.2 © JSC "CHKZ", 2011
Company “Chelyabinsk compressor factory”
The “Miner”: increase in productivity at 12 %!
In article mine compressor installations of manufacture of the Chelyabinsk compressor factory are presented, their advantages are reflected and characteristics are resulted.
Mine compressor installation, productivity, profitability, safety.
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UDC 622.474.22 © Ju.S. Dubiler, 2011
Dubiler Jury Solomonovich
General director of JSC "PO "Elektrotochpribor”
Light-emitting diodes: a wide step in mine
In article the basic directions of introduction of fixtures on powerful light-emitting diodes are considered.
Light-emitting diode, the head fixture, internal illumination, advantages.
Contact information
phone: +7 (3812) 39-63-07, e-mail: |
UDC 621.879.064.004.6:669.1 © Ruukki Rus LLC, 2011
Company Ruukki Rus
Reduction of industrial expenses during manufacturing production at simultaneous improvement of its quality and increase in service life - a myth or a reality?
Interview of the main mechanic of Marat Mingazhev of company “Uchalinsky mining-concentrating combine” is published in article in which questions of increase in service life of the mining equipment are considered.
Service life, high-strength wearproof steel, maintenance service, repair of the equipment, quality of production.
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UDC 621.316.9 © A.S. Rjabchinsky, 2011
Rjabchinsky Alexander Sergeevich
Chief of group of technical support
“Phoenix Contact RUS” LLC (Moscow), cand. tech. sciences
Safe barriers on electric spark MACX Ex for appendices with high requirements to functional safety
In article the general properties and distinctions between requirements protection against explosion (Ex) and requirements of functional safety (SIL) on an example of family safety against an electric spark barriers MACX Ex are considered.
Protection against explosion, functional safety, safety against an electric spark, an electric equipment.
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UDC 621.316.37 © E. Petrenko, 2011
Evgenie Petrenko
Switching devices of company EXC: a modular principle as the effective decision of technical problems
The switching devices made by company EXS are presented. The principle of modular assembly that allows to vary design KAV according to any technical project of the customer is put In a basis of design KAV. Advantages of modular assembly and modules with which are completed KAV are resulted the scheme of modular complete set KAV.
Mining an electric equipment, switching devices hardened, modular assembly, station of management.
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UDC 621.316.726:622.64 © S.P. Shajdo, 2011
Shajdo Sergey Petrovich
The first assistant to the general director
“Center of Transport Systems” LLC
Effectiveness of the application of frequency converters for the starting of the multidrive highly productive belt conveyers
Conveyor transport is the most productive and inexpensive way of delivery of minerals to the surface. Quality of work of such transport substantially depends on reliability and efficiency some drives mechanisms and starting equipments. The increase in productivity of mines as a whole demands increase in productivity of conveyor transport. The most effective way of a drive of conveyors of the increased productivity and the increased length are drive mechanisms. In article are presented for some drives conveyors: frequency-converting mine station CHPSSH capacity 1000 both 1250 kVA and the frequency converter for a feed of a drive tension of the conveyor tape CHPLK, intended for the control and automation of a tension of a conveyor tape.
Conveyor transport, the frequency converter for start some drives high-efficiency tape conveyors, efficiency, economy of the electric power.
Contact information
phone: +7 (3842) 49-65-47; 49-04-35 |
UDC 622.3.012.7:622.3.002.5 © JSC "UGMK-Rudgormash”, 2011
JSC "UGMK-Rudgormash”
Rudgormash – advance
Company Rudgormash - one of leading enterprises of Russia on release of the chisel, concentrating and mining-mine equipment offers the modern high technology equipment for the enterprises of the coal industry.
The chisel machine tool, vacuum-filter, mine self-propelled car, bunker, machine for delivery of people and cargoes in underground conditions, the device of movement of cars without the locomotive at loading stations.
Contact information
phone: 8-800-200-56-89 |
UDC 622.625.6 © S.N. Meshkov, 2011
Meshkov Sergey Nikolaevich
Director PE mine “Krasnoyarskaya” (company “SUEK-Kuzbass”)
Experience of using suspended monorail rack and friction transport systems for the Tagor 15/32 longwall equipment transport
Experience of application of pendant monorail frictional-gear transport systems Becker for transportation of the equipment of the mechanized complex Tagor 15/32 is described at installation from a lava ¹1308 in a lava ¹1306 on mine “Krasnoyarskaya” company “SUEK-Kuzbass” in October, 2010. It is the first experience of use of monorail frictional-gear transport system Becker in Russia. Thus the diesel engine-hydraulic locomotive KPCZ-148 which alongside with usual "frictional" drives is equipped by gear drives which cooperate with a line under the scheme “gear – monorail” was used. Gearing allows to realize traction effort of the diesel locomotive most full.
Mine transport, monorail transport systems, monorail frictional-gear transport systems, diesel locomotive, installation lavas.
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UDC 622.647.2:622.281.74 © A.V. Samok, G.V. Rajko, P.V. Grechishkin, 2011
Samok Alexey Vladimirovich
Engineer-technologist of “RANK 2” LLC
Rajko Galina Viktorovna
Engineer-technologist of “RANK 2” LLC
Grechishkin Paul Vladimirovich
Scientific employee of Laboratory of geotechnology
development of coal deposits Institute Uglya (Coal) the Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science, cand. tech. sciences
Rope anchor ÀÊ 01: wide developments and their interfaces
Article is devoted to technology and experience of application two-level anchor fastenings of wide mining developments and their interfaces.
Rope anchor ÀÊ01, wide mining developments and their interfaces, anchor, the assembly chamber.
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UDC 622.232.76 © A.V. Shvichenko, 2011
Shvichenko Alexander Vladimirovich
Engineer of “Yasinovatsky a machine-building plant ” LLC
Directions of the improvement of technology for boring of coal under the underground conditions
The technology and the equipment for ñhisel-shnek dredging of coal are presented, directions on expansion of a scope ñhisel-shnek machines are given, to increase of their productivity, reliability and decrease in expenses on ñhisel-shnek dredging.
Underground extraction, working off of sights, ñhisel-shnek machines.
Contact information
phone: +38 (062) 206-89-76, e-mail: |
UDC 622.281.742.001.24 © V.R. Nogih, 2011
Nogih Victor Romanovich
Director of company "EKOS-S”
Procedure and the algorithm of the calculation of the parameters of the anchor suspension of the mine monorail telpher
In article the technique and algorithm of calculation of parameters of system “an anchor - a suspension bracket - a monorail” is presented. The statement of a technique is accompanied by a numerical example for concrete conditions of one of mines of Kuzbass.
The coal industry, underground works, anchor fastening, monorail road.
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UDC 622.271.322 © V.P. Smagin, P.V. Fedorko, 2011
Smagin Vladimir Petrovich
Assistant to the general director
OJSC "Irkutskenergo” on extraction and coal preparation
Fedorko Paul Vladimirovich
Main expert of management of technology mining
planning and innovations of "Company "Vostsibugol”
Research of preparation of stocks at working off of flat deposits on non-transport to system of development
In article results of researches of preparation of stocks in conditions of a site of the surface mining fulfilled on non-transport of technology are stated. Researches are executed in view of specific conditions of conducting non-transport systems of development.
Non-transport system of development, productivity of a dredge, stocks.
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UDC 338.911:331.012:622.33.012.3«Tugnuysky» © Collective of authors, 2011
Fedorov Andrey Vitalevich
General director of company "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”
Makarov Alexander Mihajlovich
Assistant to the general director to OJSC “NTC-NIIOGR”,
doctor tech. sciences, professor
Labunsky Leonid Vjacheslavovich
Main scientific employee of OJSC “NTC-NIIOGR”,
doctor econ. sciences, professor
Dovzhenok Alexander Sergeevich
Leading scientific employee of OJSC “NTC-NIIOGR”,
doctor tech. sciences
Samarin Sergey Vitalevich
Assistant to the general director on the personnel
of company "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”
Kuletsky Valery Nikolaevich
Executive director of OJSC “Razrez Tugnuysky”
Motivating certification as the tool of development of the personnel of the coal-mining enterprise
Motivating certification is directed on definition of motivational and qualifying readiness of workers to the decision of problems of perfection of manufacture. In article experience of carrying out of motivating certification of the personnel in cut “Razrez Tugnuysky” is described.
Certification, motivation, qualification, labour productivity and the equipment.
Contact information
phone: +7 (391) 228-60-02;
e-mail: |
UDC 658.562:622.8:622.33.012.2 © V.Ju. Grishin, V.N. Shmat, L.V. Lagutin, I.L. Kravchuk, 2011
Grishin Valery Jurevich
Deputy director on industrial safety - head of department of industrial inspection
of company “SUEK-Kuzbass”
Shmat Vladimir Nikolaevich
Director of mine it. S.M. Kirov of company “SUEK-Kuzbass”
Lagutin Leonid Vasilevich
Chairman profkom mines it. S.M. Kirov of company “SUEK-Kuzbass”
Kravchuk Igor Leonidovich
Assistant to the general director of OJSC “NTC-NIIOGR”,
doctor tech. sciences
Increase of productivity of industrial inspection in mine
In article the way of increase of productivity of the industrial inspection, applied on the pilot enterprise, - mine is presented for discussion by it. S.M. Kirov of company “SUEK-Kuzbass”. In its basis - internal audit of safety of the workplaces, carried out by forces of workers, foremen and mining masters.
Public inspectors, the organization, mine, industrial inspection, productivity.
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UDC 061.3:622.7(100) © K.Ju. Alexeev, B.I. Linev, Ju.B. Rubinshtejn, 2011
Alekseev Konstantin Jurevich
Director of Department of the coal and peat industry
the ministries of power of the Russian Federation
Linev Boris Ivanovich
General director FGUP “IOTT”, doctor tech. sciences
Rubinshtejn July Borisovich
Director on scientific work FGUP “IOTT”,
doctor tech. sciences, professor
Modern directions of development coal preparation in the world (on materials of XVI International congress on coal preparation)
In article materials of XVI International congress on coal preparation are analysed and generalized, the most interesting examples of the decision of priority problems coal preparation are presented, and the expediency of their application at designing new and is shown to reconstruction operating coal-concentrating factories in our country.
Coal preparation, extraction and processing of coal, coal-concentrating factories, columned flotation, effective classification, separators, cyclones, centrifuges.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 554-85-47; e-mail: |
UDC 622.793.1 © I.K. Gajnullin, 2011
Gajnullin Ildar Kamilevich
General director of company "Mineral" (Kazan-Novokuznetsk)
Removal of suspended matter from water at the coal-concentrating factories
Main principles and mechanisms of destabilization of water disperse systems by means of coagulants and flocculants on coal-concentrating factories are considered. The special attention is given to rules of selection polymeric flocculants and organic coagulants to a series “Superfloc” manufactures of company Kemira. Experts of company "Mineral" the complex decision of problems of processing of water of cycles on the basis of the service approach is offered.
Concentrating factory, waste of flotation, water treating, disperse systems, filtering, coagulation, coagulants, flocculants.
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UDC 622.4:622.807 © D.I. Savelyev, 2011
Savelyev Dmitry Ivanovich
Post-graduate student MGGU
Increase a dust and explosion safety of sites of collieries in view of the gas factor
Data of quantitative structure of the maximum hydrocarbons in a corner and the coal dust, received are cited by a method of thermal decontamination. Comparison of quantity and structure of hydrocarbons in a corner and a coal dust is executed; the estimation of influence of concentration of PEAHENS on desorption the maximum hydrocarbons of coal is received at thermally damp chemical processing coal by reagents in collieries.
Struggle against a dust, humidifying of coal, desorption, hydrocarbons in coals.
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UDC 622.451:622.86 © S.V. Balovtsev, 2011
Balovtsev Sergey Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student MGGU
Quantitative estimation of aerologic risk on collieries and algorithm of acceptance of administrative decisions
In article the description of a control system by aerologic risk on collieries is resulted. Mainframes of algorithm of acceptance of administrative decisions are considered and recommendations by a quantitative estimation of aerologic risk are given.
Aerologic risk, mine ventilating system, probability of refusal, method of indistinct sets, expert estimations, management of risk.
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UDC 338.45:658:622.3.012:334.02 © A.V. Fedash, 2011
Fedash Anatoly Vladimirovich
Pro-rector MGGU, senior lecturer, cand. tech. sciences
Conceptual structurally functional model of development of a flexible geotechnological complex of the mining and energy enterprises
On the basis of results of the lead analysis of a condition of system of designing, construction and operation of the mining and power enterprises the conceptual structurally functional model of development and a safety of the Flexible geotechnological complex (FGTC) is developed. Structurally FGTC includes the organizations and the enterprises which are carrying out search and investigation of perspective sites of coal basins, a technological-economic estimation of sites of coal deposits, preparation and reception of license documents on the right of working off of coal layers within the limits of mining taps, designing of the enterprises and infrastructures, construction and reconstruction of the mining and power enterprises, development of coal deposits surface, is surface-underground, underground, hydraulic in the ways and on nonconventional technologies.
Modelling, flexible geotechnological complex (FGTC), integration, the coal-mining enterprises, coal preparation enterprises, power complexes, structurally functional model.
Contact information
phone: +7 (499) 237-25-29 |