UDC 622.33«312/313» © Ministry of Energy of Russia, 2011
The press-service of Ministry of Energy of Russia
Actions of Ministry of Energy of Russia “Branch. TEK-2011”
The ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the company of a fuel and energy complex on June, 13-16th, 2011 in a St.-Petersburg (in private residence of Rumyantsev) have lead a series of actions “Branch. TEK-2011”, devoted to prospects of development of the Russian fuel and energy complex. Uniqueness of actions consist that the companies of all branches of fuel and energy complex simultaneously participated in them, themes in a context of complex development of all energy of the country have been considered. Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Sergey Ivanovich Shmatko, deputy ministers of Energy, representatives of federal districts and subjects of the Russian Federation, heads of the Russian and international companies of a fuel and energy complex, experts have taken part in actions and analitics of "the Russian Energy agency”. Within four days on platforms of action in St.-Petersburg passed meetings of representatives of Ministry of Energy of Russia, the foreign and Russian companies of fuel and energy complex, panel discussions, round tables, space bridges, briefings and presentations. The review of the lead actions is presented and the information on presentation “Development of coal industry” is in more detail given.
Fuel and energy complex, the coal industry, the program of development, prospect of coal industry, the investment, breakdown susceptibility and mine traumatism.
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UDC 622.33«312/313» © O.I. Glinina, 2011
Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine,
mining engineer
6-th annual summit “Coal CIS” - transforming the coal industry in the most successful sector of economy of the CIS
May, 24-25th, 2011 in Moscow in Marriot Grand Hotel already in sixth time leading professionals, investors, traders, analysts and heads of the in the lead companies working in Russia, in the CIS countries, and at the international level have gathered for the annual summit “Coal CIS”. As organizers of the summit act Adam Smith's Institute (Great Britain) and Informa (Australia). The summit “Coal CIS” to year took place in it just when the need of the Asian countries, both in energy, and in a coked corner again revives. “Players” the coal industry expand volumes of manufacture, and also border of export. During too time there are certain new difficulties - insufficient capacities of the transportations, a decreasing level of internal demand, restriction of industrial emissions ÑÎ2, etc. the Summit “Coal CIS” gives the wide review of the market of a supply and demand, regional manufacture of energy and coked coal, offering strategic vision of tendencies of development of industry of the basic Russian manufacturers and the international buyers. In the program of the summit panel sessions, discussions and presentations of leaders of coal industry of Russia, Ukraine, the Europe and Asia have been presented. Today, when, on the one hand, there are appreciable attributes of uncertainty, and, with another restoration of economy and stabilization of the prices is observed, questions of energy safety and a problem of carbon emissions essentially influence a situation in coal industry. Two days of work of the summit have been broken into 8 sessions. The review of the most interesting reports and performances of participants of the summit is presented. The review is accompanied by tables and diagrams.
The coal industry, the program of development, export and import of coal, need for a corner, traders, logistics, investments.
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UDC 622.33.012.2«Listvyazhnaya» © N.M. Sannikova, 2011
Sannikova Natalia
Holding Company “SDS-Ugol”
Mine “Listvyazhnaya”: in the future - with confidence!
Kuzbass mine “Listvyazhnaya” (is a part Holding Company “SDS-Ugol”) has noted the 55 anniversary from the date of the basis. The field of mine “Listvyazhnaya” is located in Leninsk geology-economic region of Kuzbass, on Egozovo-Krasnoyarsk a coal deposit. On administrative division the field of mine concerns to area Belovsky of the Kemerovo area. From the moment of start of the enterprise (the initial name – “Gramoteinskaya 1-2”) is given out to the surface 95 million tons coal, is passed thousand kilometers of mining tunneling developments. In article the history of mine, its presents, achievements and plans for the future is presented.
Coal mining, mine, lavas, tunneling lavas, leaders, the program of development, the investment.
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UDC 658.511.3:622.232 © V.Ju. Linnik, 2011
Linnik Vladimir Jurevich
Senior lecturer of faculty of economy and management in oil-and-gas
complex of the State university of management, cand. tech. sciences
The comparative analysis of efficiency of application of the lavas mining equipment of collieries
On the basis of the fact sheet about work of lavas for 2010 is analysed work domestic and foreign the lavas mining equipment.
Mine, lava, daily average coal mining, the miner combine, systems.
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UDC 622.284.74:622.016.62-771 © Collective of authors, 2011
Razumov Evgenie Anatolevich
Technical director of company “RANK 2”
Anisimov Feodor Aleksandrovich
General director of company “RANK 2”
Rajko Galina Viktorovna
Engineer-technologist of company “RANK 2”
Grechishkin Paul Vladimirovich
Scientific employee of Laboratory of geotechnology development
of coal deposits Institute Uglya the SR of the RAS, cand. tech. sciences
Anchor ÀÊ01: preliminary passed dismantling chambers
The article is devoted to experience of application on mines of Kuzbass of preliminary passed dismantling chambers both anchors ÀÊ01 and ÀÊ02 for their maintenance.
The dismantling chamber, anchor, the mechanized complex, systems, an interchamber sight, the scheme of fastening.
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UDC 622.232.72:622.232.75 © B.K. Myshlyaev, I.V. Titov, 2011
Myshlyaev Boris Konstantinovich
Doctor tech. sciences
Titov Ilya Vladimirovich
Mining engineer, post-graduate student NNC GP – IGD it. A.A. Skochinsky
Plane or combine - for dredging low-power layers
Application powerful plane in conditions of weak lateral breeds of a layer without the decision of problems of fastening leads to power consumption of dredging, in 1,5-2 times of higher in comparison with two combines dredging with frontally moved conveyor. However the decision of problems of fastening is possible.
Plane dredging, fastening, power consumption of dredging, two combines dredging, frontally moved conveyor.
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UDC 621.634/.635:622.45 © Collective of authors, 2011
Gorshkov Oleg Vladimirovich
General director of company "AMZ" "VENTPROM”
Kutaev Vitaly Ivanovich
Technical director of company "AMZ" "VENTPROM”
Tetior Lev Nikonorobich
Main designer of company "Technoservice”
Gordienko Jury Anatolevich
Director Design office “AEROVENT”
Kurnoskin Ivan Nikolaevich
Assistant to the main mechanic of CF OJSC “Uchalinsky GOK”
Replacement of centrifugal fans in installations of the main airing on axial
Together with Design office “AEROVENT” (Donetsk, Ukraine) and JSC “Mining design-building center” for Sibay underground mine in brief terms have been developed by experts Artemovsky of a machine-building factory the project of a binding and installation of fans VO 30-ÀR on the existing base with greatest possible use existing building and metal designs.
Fans, fans of the main airing, axial fans, centrifugal fans, reversive execution, the aerodynamic reversive scheme, system of automatic control.
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UDC 622.235.12:622.24.055:622.233.66 © S.A. Kalashnikov, V.V. Tishchenko, 2011
Kalashnikov Sergey Anatolevich
Assistant to the main designer
OJSC “Kopeysky a machine-building factory”
Tishchenko Valentine Vladimirovich
Chief of a department loading, chisel and mining machines
Department of the main designer of OJSC “Kopeysky a machine-building factory”
Self-propelled boring installations
In article one of directions of work “Kopeysky a machine-building factory” - manufacture of mining technics for underground mining deposits of coal, potash ore and stone salt is presented.
Machine-building factory, boring installations, self-propelled boring installations on caterpillar to a course, a remote control panel.
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UDC 338.45:622.33(571.5) © O.V. Eremenko, 2011
Eremenko Oleg Vladimirovich
Doctor faculties of Economy and planning mining MGGU,
cand. econ. sciences
Economic substantiation of predicted directions of development of fuel energy complex of Eastern Siberia
In article on the basis of use of model of interbranch balance the forecast of development of branches of fuel and energy complex of Eastern Siberia is carried out, and also the tendency of development on the basis of dynamic model of interbranch balance is certain.
Directions of development, a fuel and energy complex, models of interbranch balance, dynamic model of interbranch balance.
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UDC 338.45:658.155.016:622.33.012.2 © I.V. Mihajlov, N.I. Novikov, V.K. Butorin, 2011
Mihajlov Igor Valentinovich
Economist of company "Arcade", Novokuznetsk
Novikov Nikolay Innokentevich
Managing faculty of economy NFI KemGU, cand. econ. sciences,
the professor, the deserved economist of the Russian Federation
Butorin Vladimir Konstantinovich
Managing faculty of information systems
and managements NFI KemGU, cand. tech. sciences, the professor
System aspects of risk of investments
In article the problem of maintenance of steady development of the coal enterprise is considered. The problem is offered to be solved by revealing system aspects and laws of risk of investments. In this connection the approach to revealing system aspects and laws of risk of investment investments which essence consists in the analysis of parameters of life cycle and influence on them of volume of investment resources and time of development of investments is generated.
Industrial system, life cycle, criterion function, “maintenance of system survivability”, structurally-parametrical adaptation of operated system.
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UDC 622. © V.G. Haritonov, A.V. Remezov, S.V. Novoselov, 2011
Haritonov Vitaly Gennadevich
General director of company UK "Zarechnaya”, cand. tech. sciences
Remezov Anatoly Vladimirovich
Doctor tech. sciences, the professor of faculty RMPI PS GOU KuzGtU
Novoselov Sergey Veniaminovich
The scientific employee of company INP "Impulse", cand. econ. Sciences
Substantiation of key parameters of functioning collieries type: SDS, RTS, MFMS at various stages of life cycle of development of branch
(SDS - highly dynamical mine-system; RTS - highly profitable diversification mine-system; ÌFMS - multipurpose mine-system)
In article the basic laws of existence mine-system are briefly stated. It is proved, that capacity mine-system is proportional to capacities of separate subsystems and depends on factor of their reserve and inversely proportional to factors of losses in each technological subsystem of mine-system at criterion function of optimization of its structure.
Key parameters, mine-system functioning, life cycle.
Contact information
phone: +7-905-908-95-82; +7 (3842) 39-69-09; +7-950-273-31-86 |
UDC 658.012.2:622.33.012:658.387 © A.S. Kostarev, 2011
Kostarev Andrey Sergeevich
Assistant to the general director on economy and the finance-
Financial director of company "SUEK-Khakasia”
Planning of innovative processes in a coal-mining production association
In article the methodical approach to planning innovative processes in a coal-mining production association in conditions of its innovative development is presented, allowing on the basis of planning intraproduction cycles to predict achievement of a demanded level of competitiveness in the market of coal production.
Innovations, planning, innovative process, an intraindustrial innovative cycle, a coal-mining production association.
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UDC 331.87:622.33.012:658.511.3:658.3.018:622.8 © Collective of authors, 2011
Dobrovolsky Alexander Ivanovich
General director of company "Urgalugol"
Feofanov Grigory Leonardovich
Technical director of company "Urgalugol"
Lisovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich
Chief of a department of the PK, PB and OT of company “SUEK”
Zolotarev Nikolay Petrovich
Assistant to the general director
head of service OT and PK of company "Urgalugol"
Opportunities of increase of efficiency and safety of manufacture in company "Urgalugol”
In article results of the analitik-modelling seminar lead with the key personnel of company “Urgalugol” with the purpose of revealing of opportunities of essential increase of efficiency and safety of manufacture and inclusion of each executive in process of continuous perfection of manufacture on the basis of increase of the responsibility for result and increases of the administrative competence are presented.
Investments, efficiency and safety of manufacture, system of work with the personnel, involving of the personnel in perfection of manufacture, value of the personnel.
Contact information
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UDC 543.272.5:622.366.1:622.85 © A.P. Danilov, 2011
Danilov Alexander Petrovich
Cand. tech. sciences
Faculty of Preparation of minerals MGGU
Influence of destroying components, including sulfurs, on an environment and methods of its extraction
In article influence of sulfur and its connections on ecology as a whole, on health of people, a condition of flora and fauna in conditions of constant or their short-term emissions in an environment, economic losses from presence of sulfur at burnt mineral raw material is shown.
Coal, sulfur, nitrogen, smoke, acid rains, hydrogen sulphide, iron and steel industry, TES.
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