UDC 061.62:622.271«1944/2014» © V.A. Galkin, A.Ì. Makarov, I.L. Kravchuk, A.V. Sokolovsky, 2014
Vladimir A. Galkin
Chair of Board, Institute of Mining Practice Performance and Safety (LLC “NIIOGR”),
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Alexander Ì. Makarov
CEO, Chief of Economics, Organization and Management,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Igor L. Kravchuk
Director for Mining Production Safety, Doctor of Engineering
Alexandre V.Sokolovsky
Deputy Director, LLC «NIIOGR», Director for Mining Production Technology,
Doctor of Engineering
Industry institute Growth Experience
The article describes the experience of growth of the NIIOGR industry institute, which at each stage has enabled its staying power through creation of organizational and technological modes complying with the goals of the institution and its founders, as well with the conditions of the environment and mastering these modes by the institute members.
Institute, Organizational and technological structure, Production safety and efficiency, Personnel, Growth, Subject-matter, Method, Result.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (351) 265-55-49 |
UDC 622.281.74(083.75) © D.V. Yakovlev, 2014
Dmitry V. Yakovlev
General Director, OJSC «VNIIMI», Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Normative-methodological Principles of Roof Bolting Underground Workings
at Coal Mines of Russia
The paper examines the evidence based parameters of roof bolting for a wide range of mining-and-geological conditions of coal field development. It shows the basic directions of further growth of the normative and methodological base of the roof bolting at coal mines of Russia.
Roof-bolt, Workings, Displacement value, Combined roofing, Bearer.
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UDC 622.281.74:622.8 © D.F. Zayatdinov, A.S. Pozolotin, P.V. Grechishkin, M.V. Lysenko,
S.V. Abramenko, 2014
Damir F. Zayatdinov
Deputy Director for Prospect Development, LLC «RANK 2»
Aleksandr S. Pozolotin
Director for Prospect Development, LLC «RANK 2», Candidate of Engineering
Pavel V. Grechishkin
Research Worker of Efficient Coal Field Development Technology Laboratory
of Management Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Candidate of Engineering
Maksim V. Lysenko
Deputy Director for Prospect Development, LLC «RANK 2»
Stanislav V. Abramenko
Process Engineer, LLC «ÀÌÊ»
ÀÌÊ DK Mineral Double-chamber Capsule for Roof Bolting: Safety, Efficiency,
Wearing Life
Based on selected mineral element composition and hardener, conducted calculations of their ratio, laboratory and underground trials, a double-chamber capsule enabling an efficient and quick roof bolting in the roof and walls of the workings, providing the safe mining in various mining-and-geological conditions was developed.
Steel-mineral roof bolting, Mineral composition, Steel and combined roof-bolts, Rope roof-bolts, Double-chamber capsule, Liquid hardener.
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UDC 622.273.121:622.275 a S.À. Kariman, 2014
Stanislav À. Kariman
Professor, Doctor of Engineering
Coal and Gas Recovery from Thick and Moderately Thick Flat Coal Seams (Beds)
Using Technology of Coal Block Working and Transportation to Beater Chamber
The article describes the study results on creation of technology and relevant equipment for highly efficient production of the working face on thick and moderately thick flat coal seams. The Russian Federation patents were obtained on all basic new results in the field of creation of new technology for coal and methane recovery, as well as required equipment. The article’s author, Chief of technological laboratory for flat coal seam development at IGD named after À.À. Skochinsky, a top national institute dealing with these problems, has been obliged during over a quarter-century (from 1976 to 2001) to perform a lot of specific works, both according to industry R&D programmes and assignments of the Ministry of Coal Industry, associated with solving topical and acute problems when developing flat coal seams. Therefore, the cited below materials are laid down by the author in light of his wide personal experience to date.
Coal, Methane, Coal block working, Face unworked coal, Extraction, Capacity, Production cost, Profit.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 399-12-83 |
UDC 622.831.325.3(571.17) © O. Smirnov, K. Backhaus, 2014
Oleg Smirnov
Candidate of Engineering (OJSC «SUEK»)
Klemens Backhaus
Dipl. – Engineer (À-ÒEC Anlagentechnik GmbH)
Methane Degassing Decentralization Using Surface Wells at OJSC «SUEK» Mines
The paper examines various schemes of coal mine degassing using surface wells and mobile vacuum units. Degassing decentralization enables to cut capital and operating costs, reduce suckdowns in the pipeline networks and improve methane recycling.
Degassing systems, Surface wells, Mobile degassing units, Mini thermal power plant.
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UDC 622.831.325 © G.S. Levchinsky, 2014
Grigory S. Levchinsky
General Director, JSC «POISK, À.S.», Candidate of Engineering
Improvement of Degassing Efficiency at Deep Coal Mines
The new NVVP-50 vacuum pump was developed and is manufactured. The paper contains proposals for improvement of deep mine degassing efficiency.
Degassing, Underground degassing plants, Methane.
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UDC 061.3:622.33:658.8(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2014
Olga I. Glinina
Senior Editor of Ugol Magazine, Mining Engineer
Russian & CIS Coal Summit 2014 in Moscow
The Russian & CIS Coal Summit, the most prestigious event of coal industry, which over a period of ten years has been attracting more than 50 spokesmen and 200 delegates, including heads and specialists of coal mining companies, operators, traders and consumers operating in Russia and CIS, took place from May 14 to 16. 2014 at Intercontinental Hotel in Moscow. The summit was organized by the Adam Smith Institute (UK) and Informa (Australia). The Russian and CIS Coal Summit rounds up top managers of the leading companies operating in Russia, CIS countries, and at the international level. This summit is a place to discuss expert estimates and provides unique opportunities for making business acquaintances. Also, it provides an extensive review of the demand and supply market, regional manufacture of power-station and caking coal, offering a strategic vision of industry growth trends by major Russian manufacturers and international customers. Within the framework of the summit programme panel sessions, discussions and presentations of leaders of coal industry of Russia, Ukraine, Europe and Asia were held. This review contains the most interesting reports and speeches of the summit participants.
Coal transportation and logistics, World coal market, Coal export, Coal industry, Growth plans and strategies, New technologies, Modernization, Electronic-trading floor for miners.
Contact information
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UDC 338.45:658.152.011.46:622.33.001.24 © A.À. Rozhkov, M.S. Karpenko, 2014
Anatoly À. Rozhkov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, NITU «MISiS»
Mikhail S. Karpenko
Postgraduate of NITU, «MISiS»
Methodological Approaches to Building-up of Business Energy Saving Mechanism
at Coal Industry Facilities
The paper results methodological approaches to the building-up of business energy saving mechanism at coal industry facilities, including: development of programme of implementation of energy saving measures using methods of optimization; level estimate and improvement of motivational component of energy management; estimatie of uncertainty and risk factors arising during implementation of energy saving measures; use of process approach to energy saving in the facility business - processes system.
Business mechanism, Coal industry facilities, Energy saving, Energy management, Optimization of investments, Mathematical and economical modelling, Personnel motivation, Risks, Process approach, Business - processes.
Contact information
phone: +7 (499) 230-24-55 |
UDC [658.387+658.32]:658.155:622.33 © A.S. Kostarev, A.Ì. Makarov, S.I. Zakharov, 2014
Andrey S. Kostarev
Deputy CEO for Economics and Finance-Fnance Director LLC «SUEK-Khakasia»,
Candidate of Economics
Alexander Ì. Makarov
CEO, Chief of Economics, Organization and management, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Svyatoslav I. Zakharov
Chief of Laboratory «Labour Management and Payment»
LLC «NIIOGR», Candidate of Economics
On Development of Functional of Labour Organisation and Remuneration Department
The paper presents the results of the analytic-modelling workshop - meeting devoted to the study of functional of the Labour organisation and remuneration department of the enterprises of the coal-mining complex OJSC “SUEK”.
Functional, Labour organisation and remuneration, Efficiency, Balance of interests.
Contact information
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UDC 552.1:553.94:658.562 © G.Ì. Tcinoshkin, D.V. Dulin, 2014
Georgy Ì. Tcinoshkin
CEO, Open Pit «Kharanorsky»
Dmitry V. Dulin
Chief Engineer, Open Pit «Apsatsky»
(Section No4, Open Pit «Kharanorsky»)
Features of Metamorphism Intensity and Grade Composition
of the Apsatsky Coal Field
The paper’s actuality consists in that the caking fossil «Ê» grade premium class coal becomes more and more deficient in the caking coal market not only for Russia, but for abroad as well. The coal raw potential of Eastern Siberia grows considerably due to development of the new for Russia Apsatsky coal-mining field of Transbaikalia, in the nearest decades it should replenish the market with urgent raw material. In 2012, OJSC "SUEK" started a full-scale industrial open-cut mining of the field. The paper examines the effect of the regional northeast overstep on coal metamorphism and of the features of its development in the lower coal-bearing Malm formation.
Apsatsky coal-mining field, Coal beds, Coal metamorphism intensity, Coal grade composition.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (30261) 2-40-70 |
UDC 622.7:622.822 © A.À. Revyakin, A.À. Revyakin, 2014
Alexandre À. Revyakin
Chief Architect, LLC «Coralina Engineering»
Alexandre G. Shulgin
Chief Project Engineer, LLC «Coralina Engineering»
On Some Problems of Ensuring Fire Safety at Coal Preparation Plants
The article describes the fire safety requirements in the new normative technical documentation and current problems when preparing this section of the design documentation for construction and reconstruction.
Design of coal preparation plants, Fire safety requirements, Fire zones and fire barriers.
Contact information
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UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2014
Olga I. Glinina
Senior Editor of Ugol Magazine, Mining Engineer
Results of the 18-th MiningWorld Russia International Exhibition and Conference -
Mining Equipment, Mining and Benefication of Ores and Minerals
The central event of Russian mining industry – the 18-th MiningWorld Russia International exhibition and conference on mining equipment, mining and benefication of ores minerals - was held from April 9 to 11, 2014 in Crocus Expo Center in Moscow. The exhibition showed the latest developments of Russian and foreign manufacturers of breaker-screening, drilling and earthmoving machinery, solutions for transportation and storage of bulk materials, spare parts and accessories for mining machines, mine loaders, benefication equipment, tunnel building equipment, mining operation technologies and safety support means. The paper contains the review of firms - exhibition participants, their exhibits and the scientific and practical conference summary.
Mining equipment, Mining firms, Exhibition, Scientific and practical conferences, Safety.
Contact information
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UDC 658.512:622.22:622.33(083.75) © V.P. Gurin, G.A. Dunaev, 2014
Valery P. Gurin
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Group of Companies «Rostovgiproshakht»,
Co-chairman of Mining Council of the Southern Federal District,, Candidate of Economics
Georgy A. Dunaev
Chief Specialist of Technical Department, LLC "Rostovgiproshakht",
Mining Engineer, Candidate of Engineering
The Normative Base Determining the Structure of Design Documentation Sections
of Mining Enterprises, and Their Contents Need to Be Updated
Along with the question on non-compliance of legislative documents in the sphere of design documentation preparation for industrial construction with the requirements of industrial specificity of coal-mining and other mining facilities using underground mining method, the issue on necessity to update the normative base of designing of these enterprises is raised.
Normative base of designing, Industrial safety, Risk assessment.
Contact information
phone: +7 (863) 264-59-46; 207-50-50; e-mail: |
UDC 622.281(574.31):622.281.74:622.831 © V.F. Demin, V.V. Melnik, R.À. Musin, T.V. Demina,
Yu.Yu. Steflyuk, 2014
Vladimir F. Demin
Professor of Chair «Exploitation of Mineral Deposits» at KarMSU, Doctor of Engineering
Vladimir V. Melnik
Head of Chair «Underground Sheet Deposit Mining», NITU «MISiS»,
Candidate of Engineering, Professor
Ravil À. Musin
Researcher, Master of Mining Technology
LLP «Institut Problem Kompleksnogo Osvoyenya Nedr»
Tatyana V. Demina
Senior Teacher of Mining Aerology and Labor Safety Department of KarMSU,
Candidate of Engineering
Yury Y. Steflyuk
Doctoral Candidate to Chair, RMPI, Mining specialisation at KarMSU
Geomechanical Study of Coal Rock Masses Around the Workings
The maintaining of and increase in underground coal mining volume are possible only with highly effective technology of carrying out and maintaining development workings, providing the ramp up of mining preparatory works. Efficiency of the uses of geomechanical system “rock mass – support” in order to improve the opening strength will fully depend on an possibility of overcoming and preventive neutralization of manifestation of negative factors’ impact when using the technology of working roof-bolting for various mining and development conditions.
Technology of conducting underground operations, Coal rock mass, Mine working contours, Parameters of support, Deficiency of workings, Geomechanical process management, Support systems and means, Support techniques, Flow diagrams, Stressed-deformed state, Technological and technical solutions when conducting mining operation, Field studies, Study of deformation processes, Convergence, Geomechanical processes, Roof bolting.
Contact information
phone: +7 (701) 752-58-55; å-mail: |
UDC 622.85:622.882.003 © I.V. Zenkov, B.N. Nefedov, E.V. Kiriushina, V.N. Vokin, M.I. Shestakova, 2014
Igor V. Zenkov
Doctor of Engineering, Berdsk Branch of «Berdskstroymash»,
Special Design and Production Engineering Office «Nauka», KNTs of Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Boris N. Nefedov
Candidate of Engineering, Berdsk Branch of «Berdskstroymash»
Special Design and Production Engineering Office «Nauka», KNTs of Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Elena V. Kiriushina
Senior Lecturer, FGAOU VPO «Sibirski Federalny Universitet»,
Candidate of Engineering
Vladimir N. Vokin
Professor, FGAOU VPO «Sibirski Federalny Universitet»,
Candidate of Engineering
Maria I. Shestakova
Student, FGBOU VPO «Irkutsk State Technological University»
Technologies of Rock Dump Formation in Regions of the Central
and Eastern Siberia with Large-scale Open Coal Mining
The rock dump are backfilled everywhere in the territory of Siberia in the coal-mining regions. A significant environmental problem consists in the formation of vegetative ecosystems on the dump slopes in ecologically acceptable conditions. The proposed special technology allows to increase the dump intake capacity, as well as to provide creation of a mining landscape relief promoting to accelerated appearance and growth of the ecosystems formed on the dump slopes.
Open mining operations, Rock dump formation, Mine engineering land reclamation, Ecological efficiency of reclamation, Vegetative ecosystems.
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