УГОЛЬ № 8-2009
UDC 622.33.012«SUEK» Artemyev Vladimir Borisovich «We work stably» The assistant to the general director of the company, director tells about the basic results of work of the enterprises of OJSC “Siberian coal power company” in the first half-year and plans for all 2009 on industrial operations Vladimir Artemyev. Contact - e-mail: Naumenkoaa@suek.ru |
UDC 622.33(571.17).001.86 Loginov Alexander Kimovich «The main thing - to not recede before difficulties» The first half-year of the enterprise of OJSC "SUEK-Kuzbass" have finished on the major note: in June the record of monthly extraction - 3 million 181,7 thousand tonne coal is established. The general director of Company "SUEK-Kuzbass" Alexander Loginov tells about a course of realization of investment programs, modernization of the company and its innovative projects. Contact - e-mail: ChikurovIV@lnk.suek.ru |
UDC 622.332(571.51) Fedorov Andrey Vitalevich «Are ready to the further growth» The last year, record on volumes of extraction for "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk", once again has proved a high demand of coal in the fuel market, therefore the enterprises of the company as strategic, providing the whole regions, should be ready to growth of coal output. More in detail about with what results and plans the company approaches to Day of the miner, the general director of OJSC "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk" Andrey Fedorov tells. Contact - e-mail: PesegovaTS@krk.suek.ru |
UDC 622.332(571.513) Kilin Alexey Bogdanovich Record - the best answer to crisis The general director of OJSC "SUEK-Khakassia" who is operating Chernogorskim branch of Company "SUEK" Alexey Kilin tells about priorities of development of enterprises SUEK in Republic Khakassia. Contact - e-mail: PriemnayaCHF@suek.ru |
UDC 622.332(571.63) Zankov Alexander Petrovich «I wish continuous movement only forward» Enterprises SUEK in Primorye Territory work in uneasy mountain-geological conditions. The General director of OJSC "Primorskugol" Alexander Zankov tells about results of the technical modernization, new records and problems on the future operating the Vladivostok branch of Company "SUEK". Contact - e-mail: PoryvaiAN@vld.suek.ru |
UDC 622.33(571.62) Dobrovolsky Alexander Ivanovich At Urgal - a new life Open Society "Urgalugol" opens new page in the history, devoted to records, increase in extraction and growth of productivity. How it was possible to leave on such high level, the general director of OJSC "Urgalugol" operating the Khabarovsk branch of Company "SUEK" Alexander Dobrovolsky tells. Contact - e-mail: Naumenkoaa@suek.ru |
UDC 622.232.75:622.232.72 Shtefan Baukman Sobolev Victor Vasilevich Plane installation or a combine miner? Given clause considers comparative advantages planes installations and clearing combines at working off of coal layers by long clearing faces. Clause is a summary of technical documentation «Working off by long lavas of coal layers of average capacity. Comparison of efficiency струговой and combine dredging in comparable conditions of operation» (authors Dr. Michael Myshkovsky and Dr. Uli Pashedag, company Bucyrus). Contact - e-mail: Viktor.Sobolev@ru.bucyrus.com |
UDC 622.831.3 Starikov Alexander Petrovich Piljugin Vitaly Ivanovich Designing of mining in view of geology In clause ways of forecasting of geomechanical conditions of development of coal layers in view of distributions of tectonic features of influence of the form layers and containing breeds on geomechanical displays in mining developments are considered. Original methods of forecasting of the locations of abnormal zones of a natural origin and ways of decrease in their negative influence are offered by manufacture of mining. Contact - e-mail: afendikova@ridios.ru |
Glinina Olga Ivanovna On results of work of XVI international specialized exhibition “Ugol of Russia and Mining – 2009” From June, 2 till June, 5th, 2009 in a Novokuznetsk there passed XVI International specialized exhibition “Ugol of Russia and Mining – 2009” which is an exhibition №1 in the world on technologies of a underground coal mining. The high level of a coal forum proves to be true Signs on the largest exhibition communities: UFI - the World association of the exhibition industry and RSVY - the Russian union of exhibitions and fairs. With 2003 the exhibition passes under home nursing of Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation. The review of firms - participants of an exhibition “Ugol of Russia and Mining – 2009” and exhibits - the equipment presented at an exhibition is presented. Contact - е-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru |
UDC 622.647.2:622.26 Kalashnikov Sergey Anatolevich Malkin Oleg Aleksandrovich Murashov Vadim Vladimirovich Advantages of a design tape bridge loader PLM800M1 at use in structure of drifter miner a complex In clause advantages of a design tape bridge loader PLM800M1 made of Kopeyskij a machine-building factory under the order of holding company "SDS-Ugol" are considered. Contact - e-mail: box27@mail.ru |
UDC 331.86:658.3:622.33.012 "SDS-Ugol" Baskakov Vladimir Petrovich Tcherepanov Inga Gennadevna Holding Company “SDS-Ugol”: personnel strategy Questions of personnel selection in the holding company “SDS-Ugol” are considered, the complex program developed in the company "Staff" and efficiency of its application is in detail presented. Results of monitoring on a regular basis spent to the companies and the analysis of a personnel situation are presented. Contact - e-mail: l.beresneva@hcsds.ru |
UDC 331.87:338.94:658.155:622.33.012 Korkin Tatyana Aleksandrovna Management of investments into the personnel of the coal-mining enterprise: In clause methods and ways of management are described by investments into the personnel, allowing to provide increase of efficiency and productivity of system of work with the personnel. Contact - e-mail: niiogr@bk.ru |
Linyov Boris Ivanovich Panfilov Paul Feodosevich Davidov Michael Vladimirovich Preparation to XVI International Coal Preparation Congress (ICPC-2010) Coal Preparation Society of America, National and International organizing committees invite to take part in XVI International congress on enrichment of coal on April, 25-29th, 2010, Lexington, Kentucky, the USA. Contact - e-mail: iott@iott.ru |