УГОЛЬ № 9-2009
UDC 622.232.83:622.25+622.26 Korolev Evgenie Aleksandrovich Operating experience heavy miner combine MR 620 from company Sandvik on mine “Alardinskaja” Experience of application heavy miner combine MR 620 manufactures of company Sandvik on mine “Alardinskaja” in Kuzbas is presented an inclined ventilating trunk and a conveyor bias. The technology of works on carrying out of the given developments and the reached results is described. Contact - е-mail:evgeny.korolev@sandvik.com |
UDC 622. Plotnikov Vladimir Petrovich Conclusion of the formula for calculation of productivity of miner combines In clause the order of a conclusion of the formula for calculation of theoretical productivity of a miner combine and speeds of its submission is resulted at destruction of a coal layer. Contact - е-mail:lara@rdtc.ru |
UDC 622.7:622.33(430.2) Kirnarskyy Anatoly Semenovich German classical technology of enrichment of coal at factory Saar The technology of enrichment coal at concentrating factory Saar with application of traditional methods of type separations and flotations is described. Features shlam of waters the scheme constructed by a principle of deep clarification shlam of waters are resulted. Features of recycling of large and fine breed, and also use of methane as the energy carrier are noted. Contact - е-mail: anatoliy.kirnarskyy@ed-mg.de |
Topi Karppanen Kauko Tanninen In the center of attention of company Larox - division of suspensions In a basis of profitable strategy of growth of firm Larox constant development of new production and expansion of areas of its application, and also improvement service lay a high skill level and skills of the personnel, a wide range of technological decisions, production and services. For strengthening the position in the growing Russian market corporation Larox has founded in Russia branch (LLC Larox). The new enterprise will benefit clients Larox in Russia and will enable the corporation to increase a sales volume of new filters and to offer services in the local market. Contact - е-mail: info@larox.com |
UDC 622.33 (470):658.155 Tarazanov Igor Gennadjevich Result of work of the coal mining industry of Russia for January-June, 2009 On the basis of statistical, technical and economic and industrial parameters the state-of-the-art review of results of work of the coal industry of Russia for January-June, 2009 is presented. The review is accompanied by diagrams, tables and extensive statistical data. Contact – е-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru |
UDC 338.8:658.155:622.33.012 Starikov Alexander Petrovich Izigzon Naum Borisovich Methodical maintenance of adaptation of the coal-mining company to innovative model of technological development In clause methodical questions of economic adaptation of the coal-mining company to innovative model of technological development are considered, at It in a basis of process of transformation interaction of the enterprises and the subjects entering into its structure is necessary. The essence of the innovative model providing an output of the company on in the lead positions in the market of manufacturers especially reveals Contact – е-mail: ugol@cnieiugol.ru |
UDC 336.77 Zhironkin Sergey Aleksandrovich Zhuravsky Michael Jurevich Increase of opportunities of banks on acceleration of structural transformations of economy of Kuzbass Crisis processes in the Russian economy have opened problems of financial interaction of banks and the enterprises of key economic branches of the industry. Especially brightly it was showed in coal branch of Kuzbas which requires financing not only developments of coal output, but also introduction of new technologies of processing of coal. The decision of the given problems demands new forms of regulation of bank system the Central Bank, activization in it of foreign investment. Contact - е-mail:zhironkin@inbox.ru |
UDC 622.33(100):658.155 Glinina Olga Ivanovna «Coal of the CIS» - a platform for an exchange of opinions From June, 16 till June, 18th, 2009 in Moscow in Мариотт Grand Hotel passed the fourth annual summit «Coal of the CIS» which has collected the most influential representatives of the coal industry of the CIS. The world financial and economic crisis which has affected a condition of economic therefore there was a falling consumption of the capital goods all over the world, falling of manufacture of the basic kinds of production in the majority of the countries, and also uncertainty of prospects of the termination of world recession, was the focus of attention participants of the summit. Contact - е-mail:ugol1925@mail.ru |
UDC 622.33 (479.22) © J.S. T.G., 2009 Rehviashvili Jury Stepanovich Pirtshalava Taimuraz Georgievich Prospects of development of the coal industry of Georgia The brief description of features of mountain-geological conditions of development of Tkibuli-Shaorsky of a deposit (ТSD) is given. The reasons which have caused low technical and economic parameters Tkibuli’s of mines are established. The technological parameters providing transition from extensive model to intensive model of development of a deposit are developed. The expediency of construction in Tkibuli as guarantor energo safety and non-volatility of the country, a powerful complex "mine - TES" is proved; the organizations on a deposit of highly effective safe manufacture due to use of passing gas and products of burning of coal in TES - the basic condition of perspectivity of development on the basis of TSD the modern coal industry of Georgia. Contact - е-mail: irekhviashvili@rambler.ru |
Glinina Olga Ivanovna On results of work of XVI international specialized exhibition “Ugol of Russia and Mining – 2009” From June, 2 till June, 5th, 2009 in a Novokuznetsk there passed XVI International specialized exhibition « “Ugol of Russia and Mining – 2009” which is an exhibition 1 in the world on technologies of a underground coal mining. The high level of a coal forum proves to be true Signs on the largest exhibition communities: UFI - the World association of the exhibition industry and RSVY - the Russian union of exhibitions and fairs. With 2003 the exhibition passes under home nursing of Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation. The review of firms - participants of an exhibition “Ugol of Russia and Mining – 2009” and exhibits - the equipment presented at an exhibition is presented. Contact - е-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru |
UDC 622.2 Frjanov Victor Nikolaevich Pavlova Larissa Dmitrievna International scientifically-practical conference “High technologies of development and use of mineral resources” In a Novokuznetsk the Kemerovo area from June, 2 till June, 5th, 2009 within the limits of XVI specialized exhibition of technologies of mining development “Ugol of Russia and Mining – 2009” the International scientifically-practical conference “High technologies of development and use of mineral resources” was spent. Leading Russian scientists and experts have taken part In conference in the field of mining the scientific organizations, the enterprises and firms, and also experts of foreign firms. The purposes and problems of conference, the basic problems and ways of their decision are presented. Contact - е-mail: lara@rdtc.ru |
OJSC “NKVZ” Quick disconnect trumpet connections Various ways of trumpet connections are described and is presented quick disconnect connection of steel pipes in the highways used in the mining and oil-extracting industry. Are given the description and schemes. Contact - е-mail: zrmo@nkmk.ru |
OJSC “KEZSB” New development of Company "KEZSB" The description is given and specifications of dozator liquid DS, installations automatic fire extinguishing tape conveyors UPTLK, delivery unit "Monolit-1M" and formation of a fog FST-90 are presented. Contact - е-mail: kezsb@kuzbass.net |
UDC 697.921.452:622.33 Veresov Alexander Vasilevich Electroheaters for the mining and coal industry The Firm “M and M” automated electroheaters installations of an automated workplace-ECO are presented let out by firm. In operation their advantages are reflected in the mining and coal enterprises. Contact - е-mail: mim@mim.ru |
UDC 622.85:622.33 Zenkov Igor Vladimirovich Result of researches of change of quality indicators of a fertile layer of ground at a technical stage rekultivation the grounds In clause results of researches of change of quality indicators of the destroyed soil layer caused by work at a technical stage rekultivation of the grounds are presented. The established laws of change of the mining of gumus and clay fractions in rekultivation a soil layer should be used at a substantiation of technological decisions in designing works on mining-technical rekultivation the grounds of agricultural purpose. Contact - е-mail: zenkoviv@mail.ru |