UDC 061.3(100):658.8:622.33(470) © O.I. Glinina, 2011
Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine,
Meeting global demand for Russian coal
(view Conference 5-th Coaltrans Russia & CIS 2011)
From June, 27 till June, 28th, 2011 in Moscow there has passed the fifth conference “Coaltrans Russia & CIS 2011”. At the conference which have already won reputation of leading conference of the coal industry in Russia and the CIS countries, the full analysis of tendencies and events in the vital coal market has been presented. The Russian manufacturers of coal consider China as one of key factors of growth of export and plan to increase the nearest years export of coal with 10 up to 20 million tones. These plans are how much achievable? Whether in a condition Russia to satisfy demand both in the East, and in the West? Demand for coal in the Europe is still high, despite of attempts to develop more effective energy sources. At conference “Coaltrans Russia & CIS 2011” have acted leading experts and experts from Russia, Poland, Turkey, Germany is only some of the markets which have been in detail analyzed in reports from a position of end users. The special attention thus was given quality and competitiveness of the Russian coal concerning production costs in comparison with other suppliers. The review under some reports of leading Russian and foreign experts of coal industry is presented. The review is illustrated by diagrams.
The coal industry, the market of coal, export of coal, prospect of coal industry.
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UDC 338.45:622.33.012.2:658.155 © A.V. Korchak, K.A. Jankevich, 2011
Korchak Andrey Vladimirovich
Rector MGGU, doctor tech. sciences, the professor
Jankevich Konstantin Arturovich
Doctorant MGGU
Economic aspects in the development of the coal industry in the current market conditions
In work results of researches which allow to assert are presented that efficient control a property complex of the coal-mining company depends on permanent character of investment decisions. Escalating of productive and economic potential and steady functioning of the coal-mining enterprise in the market environment will be thus provided. Necessity of working out of the conceptual approach to management of indicators of the property complex defining prospect of development of underground coal mining is defined.
Coal industry, underground coal mining, a property complex, efficient control, integrated an indicator of efficiency of functioning of mines, the permanent capital.
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UDC 622.014.2:658.012.2:331.6:658.155:622.33 (571.17) © G.S. Trushina, M.S. Shchipachev, 2011
Trushina Galina Semenovna
The professor of faculty of economy GOU KuzGTU,
doctor econ. sciences
Shchipachev Michael Sergeevich
The post-graduate student GOU KuzGTU
The role of strategic plans to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the Kuzbass coal mines
Are shown a role of strategic plans in increase of efficiency of activity of the coal-mining enterprises and ways of perfection of methodological and methodical bases of their development.
The strategic plan, methodical approaches, process of development, choice of an effective variant of the plan.
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UDC 622. © V.G. Haritonov, A.V. Remezov, S.V. Novoselov, 2011
Haritonov Vitaly Gennadevich
General director of company UK "Zarechnaya”, cand. tech. sciences
Remezov Anatoly Vladimirovich
Doctor tech. sciences, the professor of faculty RMPI PS GOU KuzGTU
Novoselov Sergey Veniaminovich
Scientific employee of company INP "Impulse", cand. econ. sciences
The basic postulates of the design of the shaft-type systems: SDS, RTS, MFMS under changing conditions of internal and external environment
(SDS - highly dynamical mine-system; RTS - highly profitable diversification mine-system; ÌFMS - multipurpose mine-system)
In article the postulates describing reconstruction operating or construction of new mines are briefly stated. It is defined constructions mine-systems, and the new postulates describing mine-systems as a whole are certain.
Mine, the reconstruction, new construction, mine-system, postulates of the system analysis, new postulates for characteristics mine-systems.
Contact information
phone: +7 (905) 908-95-82, +7 (3842) 39-69-09, +7 (950) 273-31-86 |
UDC 331.8/.9:622.33.012.2:658.387 © V.P. Ponomarev, A.S. Maksimov, 2011
Ponomarev Vladimir Petrovich
General director of OJSC "CNIEIugol",
doctor econ. sciences, professor
Maksimov Alexey Sergeevich
The post-graduate student of OJSC "CNIEIugol"
Assess the safety conditions of workers engaged in underground work in coal mines
In article questions of effective and safe work of the workers borrowed on underground works in collieries are considered. As criterion at an estimation of working conditions trouble-free operation on each technological process and mines as a whole is accepted.
Safety, efficiency, trouble-free operation, labour productivity, the cost parameters, the added cost.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 777-18-71 |
UDC 622.33 (470):658.155 © I.G. Tarazanov, 2011
Tarazanov Igor Gennadjevich
Deputy editor-in-chief of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer
Results of work of the coal-mining industry of Russia for January- June, 2011
On the basis of statistical, technical and economic and industrial parameters the state-of-the-art review of results of work of the coal industry of Russia for January-June, 2011 is presented. The review is accompanied by diagrams, tables and extensive statistical data.
A coal mining, economy, productivity, processing of coal, the market of coal, delivery, export and import of coal, breakdown susceptibility and traumatism.
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UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2011
Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer
Sums of XVIII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Russii and Mining 2011” and of the II specialized exhibition “Protection, safety of work and vital activity”
In June, 7-10, 2011 Novokuznetsk there passed XVIII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Minijng”, recognized by an exhibition ¹1 in the world on technologies of a underground coal mining, and II specialized exhibition-fair “Protection, safety of work and ability to live”. Organizers of actions - exhibition company “Kuzbass fair”, working in exhibition business with 1992 and “Ìåññå Dusseldorf GmbH” (Germany). The high level of a coal forum proves to be true signs on the largest exhibition communities: UFI - the World association of the exhibition industry and RSVYA - the Russian union of exhibitions and fairs. With 2003 the exhibition passes under home nursing of Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation. The review of firms - participants of an exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining” and exhibits - the equipment presented at an exhibition is presented.
Mining equipment, mining firms, exhibition, safety.
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UDC 622.73:621.926.32 © HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH, 2011
Success in open pit primary coal crushers HAZEMAG continues
In article the crushing equipment which is let out by German firm HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH for mines and open pits, in particular with great dispatch crushers of horizontal type is presented.
Underground mining, surface mining, crusher.
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UDC 622.46:622.3.012.7«AMZ» © O.V. Gorshkov, V.I. Kutaev, 2011
Gorshkov Oleg Vladimirovich
General director of company "AMZ" "VENTPROM”
Kutaev Vitaly Ivanovich
Technical director of company "AMZ" "VENTPROM”
Artemovsky machine building plant 70 years!
It is told about Artemovsky machine-building plant “VENTPROM” which lets out the wide nomenclature of fans and ventilating installations for the Russian industry, and in particular for the mining enterprises. Stages of modernization of a factory and equipment by its advanced equipment for release of technics necessary for miners are presented.
Mining industry, the ventilating equipment, fans, the factory equipment.
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UDC 338.45:662.6/.7:621.31:622.33 (571.53) © J.L. Gavrilova, 2011
Gavrilova Jacqueline Lvovna
The senior lecturer of faculty “Management of the industrial enterprises”
National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, cand. econ. sciences
Research of the tendency of changes in fuel and energy complex the Irkutsk region
In given article the existing situation in the Irkutsk region in coal-mining branch reveals. Re-structuring of coal-mining branch in the Irkutsk region is considered. Development of innovative processes in coal branch and power, a condition of stocks in area is described.
Coal, power, stocks, branch development, underground gasification.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3952) 670-254 |
UDC 658.26:658.8:622.33:662.62 © M.V. Davidov, 2011
Davidov Michael Vladimirovich
The professor of faculty “Preparation of minerals” MGGU
Ennobled by coal - a stable and reliable resource of the Russian power
In article the questions connected with strategic problems of coal industry of Russia are considered. Problems because of which use of coal fuel unfairly restrains are shown. Innovative decisions of type KaVUT and the Nano-coal, capable to change many elements of a perspective work cycle in coal energy industry are resulted.
The improved coal, power resources, stability, reliability, enrichment, priority directions, innovative decisions.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 558-88-81; å-mail: |
UDC 622.411.332:662.765:665.7.032.56 © E.V. Krejnin, 2011
Krejnin Efim Vulfovich
The academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
doctor tech. sciences, the professor (OJSC “Gazprom promgaz”)
Deep processing of coal into motor fuel at its underground gasification
The problem of deep processing of coal in synthetic motor fuel gets today all over the world an actual meaning. Thus it is important, first of all, for countries and the regions possessing significant resources of coal raw material and compelled to be guided on import of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons. However and in Russia the enhanced attention is given to this problem - there is begun formation of the federal program on deep processing coal in synthetic motor fuel. In article the variant of use for this purpose underground gasification of coal (PGU) with the purpose of generation of hydrocarbons from gas PGU in Fisher-Tropsh synthesis (SFT) is considered. The technical and economic analysis complex energy and chemistry enterprises “PGU-SFT” has revealed their investment appeal and expediency of trial approbation on coal deposits of the Russian Federation.
Underground gasification of coal (PGU), Fisher-Tropsh synthesis (SFT), synthetic motor fuel, a technical and economic estimation, a time of recovery of outlay of investments into industrial enterprise “PGU-SFT”.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 504-42-59; fax: +7 (495) 504-43-70; e-mail: |
UDC 331.87:622.33.012:658.511.3:658.3.018:622.8 © Collective of authors, 2011
Fedorov Andrey Vitalevich
General director of Company "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”
Samarin Sergey Vitalevich
Assistant to the general director on the personnel
of Company "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”
Bujnitsky Alexander Ivanovich
Operating branch of “Open pit Berezovsky-1”
of Company "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”
Kilin Jury Alekseevich
Technical director of branch “Open pit Berezovsky-1”
of Company "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”, cand. tech. sciences
Industrial development programs of departments and sections of the open pit "Berezovsky-1" OJSC "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk"
On June, 15-16th, 2011 within the limits of work on increase of efficiency and safety of manufacture in Company "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk" and its branch “Open pit Berezovsky-1” has been held a seminar “Development of programs of development of industrial sites”. In a seminar have taken part 45 person various levels of management - from the foreman up to operating branch. As a result of work key problems of shops and sites have been certain, is established them priority and possible ways of their decision are offered.
Industrial sites, programs of development, planning of development, perfection of manufacture, chiefs of shops and sites.
Contact information
phone: +7 (391) 22-74-546, å-mail:;
phone: +7 (391) 22-72-744, å-mail:;
phone: +7 (391-53) 24-0-45, å-mail:;
phone: +7 (391-53) 30-6-76, å-mail: |
UDC 061.62:622.85:622.33.012.3 (571.51) © I.M. Shchadov, I.V. Zenkov, I.I. Shestakova, 2011
Shchadov Ivan Mihajlovich
Doctor tech. sciences
(GOU VPO National Research Irkutsk State Technical University)
Zenkov Igor Vladimirovich
Cand. tech. sciences (Krasnoyarsk centre of science of the Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science, Special design technological bureau "SCIENCE")
Shestakova Inna Ivanovna
Post-graduate student GOU VPO National Research
Irkutsk State Technical University
On creation of the Siberian regional educational research complex to study the effects of man-made energy companies on the environment (based on the coal open pit "Borodinsky" and the thermal power station "Krasnoyarskaya GRES-2")
In article the urgency and necessity of creation of a regional educational research complex on studying technogenic influence of the enterprises of thermal power station on surrounding environment are proved. The system of researches is reached due to creation of centres of science to Borodino and Zelenogorsk with attraction of the staff of higher educational institutions and scientific institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science of the state ecological centers - to Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk.
Surface mining, thermal power plants, surrounding environment, technogenic influence, uncontrollable burning of coal, re-cultivation the grounds.
Contact information
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UDC 621.311.22:622.7.002.68:662.654 © Collective of authors, 2011
Antipenko Lina Aleksandrovna
Assistant to the general director on a science
OJSC "SibNIIugleobogashenie”, doctor tech. sciences, the professor
Murko Vasily Ivanovich
The head of laboratory EGTK (GOU VPO “SibGIU”),
doctor tech. sciences
Vakhrusheva Galina Dmitrievna
Leading engineer of laboratory EGTK (GOU VPO “SibGIU”)
Fedjaev Vladimir Ivanovich
General director of JSC NPP "Sibecotechnika"
Chichindaev Michael Georgievich
General director of Institute "Sibproektshahtostroy” LLC
Venger Konstantin Gennadievich
Technical director of Company "Sibshahtostroy”
Ajnetdinov Haris Letdinovich
Director energy mechanical managements of OJSC "Mezhdurechie”
Thin disperse coal preparation waste - as a source of raw materials to create a power generating facilities
In article data on use tape are cited the filter-press at concentrating factories, quantitative and quality indicators of received deposits the filter-press and calculation of quantity of energy which can be received, using it as fuel.
Thin disperse carbonaceous waste, water-coal suspensions, the tape filter-ïðåññ, deposit the filter-press.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3843) 743-700 |