UDC 061.48:622.3(574)«1931/2011» © I.Ja. Mirny, 2011

Mirny Ivan Jakovlevich
Director of Company "Karagandagiproshaht & Co"

To institute "Karagandagiproshaht" - 70 years

In article the brief information on the organization, becoming and work of a project institute "Karagandagiproshaht" is resulted. Designing and construction of mines in the Karaganda coal basin is begun with 1931. Design works conducted by group of engineers of Leningrad institute "Giproshaht”. In article names of the first heads of institute and the best experts who have deserved both memory, and deep respect of comrades and colleagues in coal branch of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation are named. The governmental and departmental awards were repeatedly awarded to collective of institute. Work of many employees also is noted by numerous awards, certificates of honour the Governments and the Ministries of the coal industry. Having entered new XXI century, collective of institute "Karagandagiproshaht" (nowadays Company "Karagandagiproshaht & Co") expands business ties with domestic and foreign investors coal and mining-ore industry, raises quality of the design-budget documentation, promotes rise of economy of Republic Kazakhstan.

Coal, deposit, mine, pit, the project.

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UDC 622.33.012«Koksovaya» © Holding Company “SDS-Ugol”, 2011

Holding Company “SDS-Ugol”

Investments into the future (preparation plant “Koksovaya” - 65 years)

In November preparation plant “Koksovaya” (preparation plant “Prokopievskugol) will note the 65 anniversary from the date of formation. Celebrating of an anniversary will pass during scale modernization of the enterprise which project is realized with 2010. For today investments into modernisation of plant make more than 328 million rbl. Result of modernization is an improvement of quality of made production due to introduction of new technologies, improvement of working conditions, and also more careful attitude to an environment. In article the history, a modern condition and prospects of modernization and development preparation plant “Koksovaya” is presented.

Preparation coal, preparation plant, modernization of the equipment, the investment, prospect of development.

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UDC 622.281.74 (083.96) © E.S. Ilyina, A.S. Pozolotin, E.A. Razumov, 2011

Ilyina Elena Semenovna
Sales manager of Company “RANK 2”

Pozolotin Alexander Sergeevich
Director on perspective development of Company “RANK 2”,
cand. tech. sciences

Razumov Evgenie Anatolevich
Technical director of Company “RANK 2”

Instruction for the calculation and use of roof anchor bolting on collieries of Kuzbass: a step forward in fixing mine workings

Article it is devoted to creation of the new Instruction by calculation and application anchor bolting on collieries of Kuzbass and the specialized software by calculation anchor bolting according to the given instruction.

Anchor bolting, rope anchor ÀÊ01, the instruction by calculation anchor bolting.

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UDC 622.33.012.3«Tugnujsky» © A.B. Isaychenkov, 2011

Isaychenkov Alexander Borisovich
Chief of a department technologies OGR (Company “SUEK”)

New achievements of “Coalpit Tugnujsky”

Critical year in a life of “Coalpit Tugnujsky” - some components of operational efficiency have affected the enterprise. For 8 months 2011 extraction of “Coalpit Tugnujsky” has twice exceeded extraction for the similar period 2010. In article the factors which have affected volumes of extraction in 2011 are considered.

Record of “Coalpit Tugnujsky”, surface mining.

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UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2011

Glinina Olga Ivanovna
Leading editor of “Ugol” magazine, mining engineer

Sums of XVIII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Russii and Mining 2011” and of the II specialized exhibition “Protection, safety of work and vital activity”

In June, 7-10, 2011 Novokuznetsk there passed XVIII International specialized exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Minijng”, recognized by an exhibition ¹1 in the world on technologies of a underground coal mining, and II specialized exhibition-fair “Protection, safety of work and ability to live”. Organizers of actions - exhibition company “Kuzbass fair”, working in exhibition business with 1992 and “Ìåññå Dusseldorf GmbH” (Germany). The high level of a coal forum proves to be true signs on the largest exhibition communities: UFI - the World association of the exhibition industry and RSVYA - the Russian union of exhibitions and fairs. With 2003 the exhibition passes under home nursing of Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation. The review of firms - participants of an exhibition “Ugol Rossii and Mining” and exhibits - the equipment presented at an exhibition is presented.

Mining equipment, mining firms, exhibition, safety.

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UDC 622.232.72 © S.A. Prokopenko, 2011

Prokopenko Sergey Arturovich
Director NPP “Siberian mining”,
professor YuTI TPU and KemRIPK, doctor tech. sciences

Development of bases of system of using by cutters in mines

The present low level of efficiency of use miner combine cutters in mines owing to absence of system cutters
is shown. The place and a role of system cutters among other systems of mine are certain. Substantive provisions of the system are developed, allowing to build technology modern cutters, to estimate a level of its efficiency, to organize information streams, purposefully to reduce the charge of cutters and expenses on mining.

Mine, combine, cutter, system, efficiency.

Contact information
phone: +7 (3842) 34-56-70, e-mail:


UDC 622.831.325.3 © Ju.M. Stefljuk, A.I. Polchin, N.N. Tytjuk, 2011

Stefljuk Jury Mihajlovich
Technical director of Coal department
of Company “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”

Polchin Alexander Ivanovich
Assistant to technical director on an aerogas management and the control
of Coal department of Company “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”

Tytjuk Nikolay Nikolaevich
Director of Company "Karmethane"

Application of complex decontamination at working off highly methane plentiful mine sites on layer Ê10 (at mining overlying layer Ê12) on mine “Abayskaya” of Coal department of Company “ArselorMittal Temirtau”

In article experience in the Karaganda coal basin on management methane is described at the ascending order of working off of layers, by calculations on an arrangement gas-drainage tunneling, to application decontamination rotational stations MDRS-180.

Experience, decontamination tunneling, calculations, optimization, decontamination rotational installation.

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UDC 697.532:662.653 © A.P. Burdukov, V.N. Elin, 2011

Burdukov Anatoly Petrovich
Professor, doctor tech. sciences
Institute of thermophysics it. S.S. Kutateladze of the Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science

Elin Vitaly Nikolaevich
Leader of a direction
Plasma technology of firing up and maintenance
of combustion in the coal-dust boilers of Company “R.V.S.”

Whether it is possible to refuse use of black oil for burning a dust and coal boilers?

Fuel of firing for coal-dust boilers and stabilization of processes of burning usually uses expensive black oil. The personnel of power stations for a long time is engaged in search of technologies which would help to lower a share of black oil in fuel balance of power station and to reduce clause of charges on liquid fuel. One of the most effective technologies of decrease in consumption of black oil is use mechanic-activated coals of a microgrinding for firing and stabilization of burning coal-dust boilers.


Fuel of firing for coal-dust boilers, mechanic-activated coals

Contact information
phone: +7(495) 797-96-92; e-mail:;

UDC 662.743 © M.P. Kulikova, V.I. Kotelnikov, 2011

Kulikova Marina Petrovna
Cand. chem. sciences,
TuvIKOPR the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,
Tyvinsky the state university, Kyzyl

Kotelnikov Valery Ilich
Director TuvIKOPR of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,
cand. tech. sciences

Prospects of use and potential of coals Ulug-Khemsky basin

In article prospects of use and potential of coals Ulug-Khemsky basin are considered. It is shown, that complex deep processing of coals of Tuva is represented higher technical step of manufacture and will be coordinated with principles ecologically sparing, socially-comprehensible of power policy.

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Rational use of coals, deep processing of coals, optimum use energy-resources the fuel, a full cycle of manufacture.



UDC 338.45:622.33.012.2:658.155 © A.V. Korchak, K.A. Jankevich, 2011

Korchak Andrey Vladimirovich
Rector Moscow state mining university (MSMU),
doctor tech. sciences, professor

Jankevich Konstantin Arturovich
Doctorant Moscow state mining university (MSMU),
cand. tech. sciences

Efficiency of functioning of the coal-mining company in view of economic value of the separate enterprises

In work the economic-mathematical model of maximization of an indicator of pure current value of the enterprise as a part of the coal company is offered. Realization of economic-mathematical model of formation of value of business taking into account growth factors allows to provide uniform development of all enterprises as a part of the company on the basis of realization of timely technical reequipment, without reducing general efficiency of manufacture on the company as a whole.

Coal industry, coal-mining enterprise, a property complex, efficient control, pure current value of the enterprise.

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UDC 338.45:662.6/.7:621.31:622.33(571.53) © J.L. Gavrilova, 2011

Gavrilova Jacqueline Lvovna
The senior lecturer of faculty “Management of the industrial enterprises”
National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, cand. econ. sciences

Investments into fixed capital reproduction at the thermal power station enterprises

In given article tendencies of development of coal branch, as in the world, and about the country are considered. Questions are discussed: presence of a raw-material base and capacities for maintenance of a long-term plan of development of coal-mining branch, including and across the Irkutsk region. Problems of export of coal and ways of the state support of the given branch are studied.

Coal, power, capacity, stocks, branch development, export, investments, fixed capital.

Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3952) 670-254

UDC 338.45:622.33.012.3(571.51):333:622.882 © I.V. Zenkov, E.V. Kardashova, 2011

Zenkov Igor Vladimirovich
Cand. tech. sciences (Krasnoyarsk centre of science of the Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science, Special design technological bureau "SCIENCE")

Kardashova Ekaterina Viktorovna
The post-graduate student of faculty “Economy and management”
GOU VPO “The Siberian state technological university”

The complex decision of regional economic problems in coal-mining areas of Krasnoyarsk region

In work tendencies in dynamics of rent payments for the grounds used in coal-mining sector of Krasnoyarsk region are stated. The mechanism of interaction of managing subjects in the coal-mining areas interested in restoration of the productive grounds for agriculture is presented.

Regional economic problem, coal pits, restoration of the grounds, agriculture.

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UDC 378.1:658.386:622.3 © A.L. Puchkov, 2011

Puchkov Alexey Lvovich
Head of program MBA MSMU,
senior lecturer, cand. econ. sciences, the owner of degree MBA


The program of additional vocational training ÌÂÀ (Master of Business Administration) for experts of the mining industry in a format of branch specialization begins “Financial management of mining”, which realization the Moscow state mining university (MSMU), corresponds to requirements on preparation of professional managing directors, and has orientation to submission of the profound knowledge in concrete area of the finance of mining.

New programs of training, program MBA, educational product.

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UDC 658.387.64:622.271 © E.E. Soboleva, 2011

Soboleva Elena Evgenevna
The controller of technological process
RU “Novoshahtinskoe” OJSC "Primorskugol"

Competition of professional skill, as one of ways of increase of efficiency of use of labour potential

In article value of competition of professional skill both for the person, and for the enterprise is considered. Are shown a reserve of increase of a production efficiency due to use of labour potential by improvement of the organization of work and a key role of technical officers in perfection of manufacture.

Professional skill, motivation, labour potential, internal evolution, the organization of work.

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UDC 622.74:502.174 © E.V. Dvornikova, 2011

Dvornikova Elena Vasilevna
The main expert of a department of thermal technologies
of Company “Gazprom promgaz”, cand. tech. sciences

Features of migration chemical dirts from underground gas-generator: minimization of ecological consequences

Experimental and settlement data about formation and distribution of an area of chemical pollution of underground waters during gasification of coal layers are considered. Research of pollution spent from sites operating and fulfilled gas-generators, and also from ground storehouse of a gas condensate. It is revealed ñîðáöèÿ chemical substances (phenols) coal-ground by a file that has caused decrease in concentration of phenols in underground waters on a way of migration of a stream of underground waters. The phenomenon of autopurification of underground waters and an insignificant degree of pollution of hydrosphere in conditions to Yuzhno-Abinskaya station proved.

Underground gasification of coals (PGU), an ecological estimation, influence PGU on an environment, migration çàãðÿçíèòåëÿ, hydro-geological conditions, phenols, sorbents properties of coal, minimization of consequences.

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