Original Paper
UDC 551.583; 504.054 © O.V. Tajlakov, E.A. Utkaev, A.V. Loginova, E.S. Snetova, D.S. Mikhalev, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, ¹ S12, pp. 129-134 DOI:
Tajlakov O.V.1,2, Utkaev E.A. 2 , Loginova A.V.2,3, Snetova E.S.2 , Mikhalev D.S.2
1 JSC «Scientific Center of VostNII for Industrial and Environmental Safety in the Mining industry», Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation
2 Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Coal Institute, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
3 T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU), Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Tajlakov O.V., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, General Director, Chief Researcher, e-mail:
Utkaev E.A., PhD (Engineering), Head of the Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Resources and Recovery Technologies, e-mail:
Loginova A.V., Leading Engineer, e–mail:
Snetova E.S., Leading Engineer, e–mail:
Mikhalev D.S., Laboratory Assistant, e-mail:
The articles discusses the measures taken to achieve carbon neutrality in the main coal-producing countries. An overview of the carbon markets, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emission quotas is given. The approach to calculating fugitive methane emissions in coal mining and subsequent operations with coal is proposed based on the application of modern digital technologies. A client-server solution is justified for designing the software suite. A description is given of the operation sequence to process the initial information and the order of forming the reporting documentation for the inventory of coal mine methane emissions.
Greenhouse gases, Carbon dioxide, Methane, Carbon regulation, Law, Energy, Fugitive emissions, Digital platform.
1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No 1228 as of Sep? tember 21, 2019, “On adoption of the Paris Agreement”. [Electronic resource]. Electronic collection of legal, normative and technical documents. Available at: (accessed 15.11.2023).
2. Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. Available at: https:// (accessed 15.11.2023).
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4. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No 296-ÔÇ as of November 04, 2020, ‘On reducing greenhouse gas emissions’. [Electronic resource]. Official website of the ConsultantPlus Company. Available at: http://www.consultant. ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_388992/ (accessed 15.11.2023).
5. Russian Coal Industry Development Program for the Period until 2035: Or? der of the Government of the Russian Federation as of June 6, 2020, No 1582-r.
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7. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation as of May 27, 2022, No 371 “On Approval of Methods of Quan? titative Determination of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Greenhouse Gas Absorption”. Official Internet Portal for Legal Information. Available at: http:// hyfxi524571327 (accessed 15.11.2023).
8. Tajlakov O.V., Zastrelov D.N., Smyslov A.I. et al. Quantitative assessment of greenhouse gas emissions at coal enterprises. Gornyj informatsionno-analiticheskij byulleten', 2018, Special Issue No 49, pp. 507-514. (In Russ.).
9. Saltymakov E.A., Utkaev E.A. & Snetova E.S. Development of a digital plat? form for quantitative assessment of mine methane emissions into the atmosphere. Vestnik Nauchnogo tsentra VostNII po promyshlennoj i ekologicheskoj bezopasnosti, 2023, (3), pp. 51-58. (In Russ.).
10. Utkaev E.A., Snetkova E.S., Loginova A.V. et al. Digital platform for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from coal mining. Vestnik Nauchnogo tsentra VostNII po promyshlennoj i ekologicheskoj bezopasnosti, 2022, (4), pp. 63-70. (In Russ.).
The research was carried out as part of the ‘Development and implementa? tion of complex technologies in the areas of exploration and extraction of minerals, industrial safety, bioremediation, creation of new deep conversion products from coal raw materials while consistently reducing the environ? mental impact and risks to human life’ Integrated Scientific and Technical Programme of the Full Innovation Cycle, approved by Order No 1144-ð of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 11, 2022 (Agreement No 075-15-2022-1196).
For citation
Tajlakov O.V., Utkaev E.A., Loginova A.V., Snetova E.S. & Mikhalev D.S. Regu? lating greenhouse gas emissions in coal-producing countries. Ugol’, 2023, (S12), pp. 129-134. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-S12-129-134.
Paper info
Received November 1, 2023
Reviewed November 15, 2023
Accepted November 30, 2023