Original Paper
UDC 622.272:516.02 © S.V. Cherdantsev, P.A. Shlapakov, S.I. Goloskokov, A.Yu. Erastov, S.A. Khaymin, 2022
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 1, pp. 26-32
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-1-26-32
Determination of the time intervals characterizing the various stages of combustion of the gas-air mixture in the mine working
Cherdantsev S.V.1, Shlapakov P.A.1, Goloskokov S.I.1, Erastov A.Yu.1, Khaymin S.A.1
1Join-stock company "Scientific centre VOSTNII on industrial and ecological safety in mountain industry" (JC "NC VOSTNII"), Kemerovo, 650002, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Cherdantsev S.V., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Chief Researcher, e-mail: svch01@yandex.ru
Shlapakov P.A., PhD (Engineering), Laboratory Head, е–mail:
Goloskokov S.I.,PhD (Engineering), Laboratory Head, е–mail: s.goloskokov@nc-vostnii.ru
Erastov A.Yu., Senior Researcher, e-mail: eractov_a_y@mail.ru
Khaymin S.A., Senior Researcher,е–mail: hsa007@mail.ru
An indispensable attribute in the underground mining of coal deposits is methane, the danger of which manifests itself in two ways. On the one hand, being a gaseous substance, methane negatively manifests itself in various aero- and gas-dynamic processes, first of all, souffle emissions from underground cavities and sudden emissions into mine workings, which traditionally refer to dangerous phenomena during the mining of coal seams. On the other hand, mixing with air flows in the atmosphere of mine workings, methane forms gas-air mixtures that are predisposed to chemical reaction, manifested in the form of gorenje or detonation, which in coal mines can lead to catastrophic consequences. In this paper, the problem of the non-stationary gorenje process of a gas-air mixture in a mining of circular cross-section is considered. When setting the problem, it is assumed that the temperature gradient inside the considered region is very small, which is why the spatial distribution of temperatures is not taken into account. In the course of constructing the solution to the problem, formulas were obtained for determining the various time intervals characterizing the combustion process of the gas-air mixture. Gorenje Graphs of the dependences of the ignition period of the mixture on a number of its parameters are constructed, and some patterns of their influence on the ignition period of the mixture are revealed.
Mining, Gas-air mixtures, Thermal conductivity equation, Newton's law of heat transfer, Rate of chemical reaction, Arrhenius law, Induction period.
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For citation
Cherdantsev S.V., Shlapakov P.A., Goloskokov S.I., Erastov A.Yu. & Khaymin S.A. Determination of the time intervals characterizing the various stages of combustion of the gas-air mixture in the mine working. Ugol’, 2022, (1), pp. 26-32. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-1-26-32.
Paper info
Received November 12, 2021
Reviewed November 24, 2021
Accepted December 15, 2021