Original Paper
UDC 622.271(73):550.814 © I.V. Zenkov, Trinh Le Hung, E.V. Loginova, G.I. Latyshenko, V.N. Vokin, E.V. Kiryushina, K.V. Raevich, A.A. Latyntsev,2022
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 1, pp. 59-62
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-1-59-62
Studies of surface coal mining dynamics in the Republic OF Mozambique using remote sensing data
Zenkov I.V.1,2,, Trinh Le Hung3, Loginova E.V.2, Latyshenko G.I.2, Vokin V.N.1, Kiryushina E.V.1, Raevich K.V.1, Latyntsev A.A.1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
2Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
3Le Quy Don Technical University (LQDTU), Hanoi,11355, Vietnam
Authors Information
Zenkov I.V.,Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Engineer, e-mail: zenkoviv@mail.ru
Trinh Le Hung, Phd (Engineering), Associate Professor
Loginova E.V., Phd (Economic), Associate Professor
Latyshenko G.I.,Associate Professor
Vokin V.N., Phd (Engineering), Professor
Kiryushina E.V., Phd (Engineering), Associate Professor
Raevich K.V., Phd (Engineering), Associate Professor
Latyntsev A.A.,Phd (Engineering), Associate Professor
The paper presents the results of remote monitoring of open pit mining development at coking coal deposits near the rural settlement of Cauirisa and the towns of Tete and Moatize on the territory of the Republic of Mozambique. Remote sensing studies and analytical calculations revealed the number of mining and haulage machines working in the coal pits, as well as determined the annual volume of overburden and coal excavation. The results of satellite observations helped to identify a steady trend to increase the volumes of coal mining.
South Africa, Republic of Mozambique, Deposits of coking coal, Open-pit mining, Coal pits, Annual coal production, Mining and transport vehicles, Remote sensing of the Earth from the outer space.
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The study was performed within the framework of international cooperation in expanding the use of remote sensing technologies
For citation
Zenkov I.V., Trinh Le Hung, Loginova E.V., Latyshenko G.I., Vokin V.N., Kiryushina E.V., Raevich K.V. & Latyntsev A.A.Studies of surface coal mining dynamics in the Republic of Mozambique using remote sensing data. Ugol’, 2022, (1), pp. 59-62. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-1-59-62.
Paper info
Received October 8, 2021
Reviewed December 10, 2021
Accepted December 18, 2021