Original Paper
UDC 622.271(73):550.814 © I.V Zenkov, Trinh Le Hung, G.I. Yurkovskaya,D.N. Suslov,V.N. Vokin, E.V. Kiryushina, K.V. Raevich, A.A. Latyntsev, Yu.A. Maglinets, P.M. Kondrashov, P.L. Pavlova, 2022
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 9, pp. 28-31
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-9-28-31
Zenkov I.V.1,2,Trinh Le Hung3,YurkovskayaG.I.2, Suslov D.N.2, Vokin V.N.1, Kiryushina E.V.1, Raevich K.V.1, Latyntsev A.A.1, Maglinets Yu.A.1, Kondrashov P.M.1, Pavlova P.L.1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
2Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
3Le Quy Don Technical University (LQDTU), Hanoi, 11355, Vietnam
Authors Information
Zenkov I.V., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher, e-mail: zenkoviv@mail.ru
Trinh Le Hung, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
Yurkovskaya G.I., PhD (Economic), Associate Professor
Suslov D.N., PhD (Economic), Associate Professor
Vokin V.N., PhD (Engineering), Professor
Kiryushina E.V., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
Raevich K.V., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
Latyntsev A.A., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
Maglinets Yu.A., PhD (Engineering), Professor
Kondrashov P.M., PhD (Engineering), Professor
Pavlova P.L., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
The paper presents the results of studying surface coal mining operations on the Island of Kalimantan in Indonesia. Remote sensing studies revealed the number of mining and haulage machines working in the coal pits. The annual volume of stripping operations and coal production were determined based on the results of analytical calculations. The results of satellite observations helped to identify a trend of slightly decreasing coal production.
Indonesia, the Island of Kalimantan, Surface mining, Coal strip mines, Annual coal production, Mining and transport machinery, Remote sensing.
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The study was performed within the framework of international cooperation in expanding the use of remote sensing technologies
For citation
Zenkov I.V.,Trinh Le Hung, Yurkovskaya G.I.,Suslov D.N.,Vokin V.N., Kiryushina E.V., Raevich K.V., Latyntsev A.A., Maglinets Yu.A., Kondrashov P.M. & PavlovaP.L. Technologies and features of surface mining of coal deposits on the Island of Kalimantan in Indonesia based on satellite imaging data.Ugol’, 2022, (9), pp. 28-31. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-9-28-31.
Paper info
Received June 27, 2022
Reviewed July 20, 2022
Accepted August 25, 2022