Original Paper
UDC 622.281(574.32) © V.F. Demin, S.B. Aliev, Kh.A. Yussupov, V.N. Dolgonosov, V.S. Portnov, S.G. Ozhigin, 2022
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 9, pp. 56-60
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-9-56-60
Demin V.F.1, Aliev S.B.2, Yussupov Kh.A.3, Dolgonosov V.N.1, Portnov V.S.1, Ozhigin S.G.1
1A. Saginov KarTU, Karaganda, 100027, Republic of Kazakhstan
2Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPKON RAS), Moscow, 111020, Russian Federation
3K.I. Satbayev KazNRTU, Almaty, 050046, Republic of Kazakhstan
Authors information
Demin V.F., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, e-mail:vladfdemin@mail.ru
Aliev S.B.,Аcademician of the National Academy of Sciences Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Senior researcher, e-mail: alsamat@gmail.com
Yussupov Kh.A., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, k.yussupov@satbayev.university
Dolgonosov V.N., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, vnd070765@mail.ru
Portnov V.S., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, vs_portnov@mail.ru
Ozhigin S.G., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, osg62@mail.ru
When maintaining workings during operation, work is carried out to eliminate the consequences of heaving of soil rocks that occurs during plastic deformations with extrusion of soil rocks into the working cavity under the action of contour rock pressure.
The revealed patterns of changes in the stressed-deformed state of carbon-bearing masses (displacements, stresses, cracking zones), depending on the main mining-geological and mining technical factors, made it possible to establish the optimal parameters for fastening soil rocks and develop technological fastening schemes that significantly reduce the occurrence of heaving of soil rocks in mine workings. The technology of anchor fastening of marginal rocks during mine workings on gentle and inclined coal seams was developed and tested in the mines of the Karaganda coal basin.
Underground mine workings, Stresses, Strains, Attachment parameters, Geomechanical processes, Rockbolt support, Process of support, Stability of rock outcrops, Heaving of the soil of the mine, Mining engineering factors, Coalrock mass, Mine working boundary, Convergence.
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For citation
Demin V.F., Aliev S.B., Yussupov Kh.A., Dolgonosov V.N., Portnov V.S. &Ozhigin S.G. Improvement of the technology of anchoring of the contour massif during mining excavations in coal mines. Ugol’, 2022, (9), pp. 56-60. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-9-56-60.
Paper info
Received July 13, 2022
Reviewed July 26, 2022
Accepted August 25, 2022