Original Paper
UDC 622.83:624.131 © S.B. Aliev, R.R. Khodzhayev, B.M. Kenzhin, Yu.M. Smirnov, P.V. Grechishkin, S.T.Assainov, 2022
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 9, pp. 61-66
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-9-61-66
Aliev S.B.1, Khodzhayev R.R.2, Kenzhin B.M.2, Smirnov Yu.M.2, Grechishkin P.V.3, Assainov S.T.2
1Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPKON RAS), Moscow, 111020, Russian Federation
2A. Saginov KarTU, Karaganda, 100027, Republic of Kazakhstan
3VNIMIs Kemerovo Division, Kemerovo, 650040, Russian Federation
Authors information
Aliev S.B., Аcademician of the National Academy of Sciences Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Senior researcher, e-mail: alsamat@gmail.com
Khodzhayev R.R., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, e-mail: nicgeomark@mail.ru
Kenzhin B.M., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, e-mail: kbmkz@mail.ru
Smirnov Yu.M., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, e-mail: smirnov_y_m@mail.ru
Grechishkin P.V., PhD (Engineering), e-mail:pv_grechishkin@mail.ru
Assainov S.T., PhD (Engineering), e-mail: nicgeomark@mail.ru
The objective of creating safe working conditions in coal mines can be classified as very challenging and multifactorial. The normative document base in the field of mining safety must be constantly updated and revised, taking into account the results of research conducted by research organizations. Issues related to gas and fire safety issues, gas- and geo-dynamic phenomena, rock pressure are particularly relevant.
The article considers one of the aspects of safe working conditions, namely, fire safety. The analysis of methods for predicting endogenous processes has been performed, the results of experiments aimed at determining the criterion signs of self-heating stages in coal mines of the Karaganda coal basin are presented.
Fire safety, Endogenous fire, Chemical activity of coals, Low-temperature oxidation, Self-ignition, Unsaturated hydrocarbons, Mined-out space, Isolated area.
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For citation
Aliev S.B., Khodzhayev R.R., Kenzhin B.M., Smirnov Yu.M., Grechishkin P.V. & Assainov S.T. Determination of temperature limits of coal self-ignition stages. Ugol’, 2022, (9), pp. 61-66. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-9-61-66.
Paper info
Received July 13, 2022
Reviewed July 26, 2022
Accepted August 25, 2022