Original Paper
UDC 622.822.22© V.A. Portola, O.I.Cherskikh, Protasov S.I., E.A. Seregin, I.A. Shvakov, 2022
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2022, № 12, pp. 54-60
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-12-54-60
Portola V.A.1, Cherskikh O.I.2, Protasov S.I.3, Seregin E.A.3, Shvakov I.A.2
1Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU), Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
2Solntsevsky Coal Mine LLC, Shakhtersk,694910, Russian Federation
3KUZBASS NIIOGR Innovation Company, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Portola V.A.,Doctor of Engineering Sciences,Professor, e-mail: portola2@yandex.ru
Cherskikh O.I., PhD. (Engineering), Director, e-mail: cherskikhoi@eastmining.ru
Protasov S.I., PhD. (Engineering), Director, e-mail: s.i.protasov@mail.ru
Seregin E.A., Chief Engineer, e-mail: eugene_s1976@mail.ru
Shvakov I.A., Head of the Coal Spontaneous Combustion Response Team, e-mail: shvakovia@eastmining.ru
Fragmentation of the coal seams activates absorption of oxygen by active centers and the generates heat, which can trigger spontaneous combustion. Treatment of coal accumulations with antipyrogens that slow the absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere can help to prevent spontaneous fires. Considering the broad variation of coal properties in different coal fields, it is necessary to experimentally select the most effective antipyrogen for the coal mined. Laboratory studies have shown that the treatment of non-oxidized brown coal with aqueous compositions significantly reduces the rate of oxygen sorption, while the addition of inert dust has almost no effect on this parameter. Distilled water, aqueous compositions of carbamide and calcium chloride demonstrated the greatest decrease in the oxygen sorption rate. The length of the incubation period of brown coal spontaneous combustion increased 1,6 times due to the wetting and reduction of oxygen sorption. Ageing of the treated samples for 40 days showed that some compositions can activate the sorption capacity of the brown coal over time. Such compositions include aqueous solutions of sodium silicate, calcium carbonate, ammonium chloride. However, an increase in coal moisture content after treatment with these compositions contributed to extending the incubation period of spontaneous combustion. A water composition with addition of 10% calcium chloride proved to be the most effective antipyrogen. Retreatment of the brown coal samples with these compositions after 40 days of air exposure showed that treatment with calcium chloride increases the duration of the incubation period of spontaneous combustion to the greatest extent, and the sodium silicate increases the rate of oxygen sorption.
Coal spontaneous combustion, Spontanuos fire, Antipyrogens, Oxygen sorption by coal, Incubation period of spontaneous combustion, Open-strip mine, Brown coal, Prevention of spontaneous combustion.
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For citation
Portola V.A., Cherskikh O.I., Protasov S.I., Seregin E.A. & Shvakov I.A. Research into effects of antipyrogens on the spontaneous combustion of brown coal. Ugol’, 2022, (12), pp. 54-60. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-12-54-60.
Paper info
ReceivedSeptember 29, 2022
Reviewed October 15, 2022
Accepted November 25, 2022