Original Paper
UDC 662.33 © V.P. Zubov, Than Van Duy, A.S. Fedorov, 2023
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2023, № 5, pp. 41-49
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2023-5-41-49
Zubov V.P.1, Than Van Duy1, Fedorov A.S.1
1Saint Petersburg Mining University, St Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation
Authors Information
Zubov V.P., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Mining Department, e-mail: spggi.zubov@mail.ru
Than Van Duy, Postgraduate Student, Mining Department, e-mail: thanduyvp@gmail.com
Fedorov A.S., Associate Professor, Mining Department, e-mail: plyton213@gmail.com
The paper argues that among the promising methods of mining thick (5-12 m) gently dipping coal seams there are methods of coal extraction from the top coal layer. Factors are considered that affect the efficiency of using these mining methods in the mines of the Quang Ninh coal basin (Vietnam) when mining seams with low strength properties. It is noted that mining of such seams is characterized by an increased intensity of spontaneous caving of large masses of coal from the top coal layer and the longwall face into the near-face zone, which has a significant negative impact on mining safety, productivity and costs of coal mining. Data is presented on the parameters of spontaneous coal cavings. It is shown that a significant impact on the intensity of coal caving from the longwall face and the top coal layer is caused by the stage of the deformation processes in the poorly caving rocks of the main roof and the advance rate of the longwall face. The process flow sheets are proposed for mining low-strength coal seams, which include water infusion into the coal seam ahead of the longwall face using mine water or solutions based on mine water.
Thick seam, Low strength properties of coal, Near-face zone of a longwall face, Top coal layer, Spontaneous coal caving, Water infusion into the seam, Process flow sheets.
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The research was performed at St. Petersburg Mining University as part of the 'Mining of Solid Minerals' scientific school.
For citation
Zubov V.P., Than Van Duy& Fedorov A.S. Technology of underground mining of thick coal seams with low strength properties. Ugol’, 2023, (5), pp. 41-49. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2023-5-41-49.
Paper info
Received March 9, 2023
Reviewed March 15, 2023
Accepted April 27, 2023