Original Paper
UDC 614.8:622.87 © A.B. Bekmambetov, Sh.K. Abikenova, L.K. Zhankulova*, A.R. Ensebaeva, Sh.T. Aitimova, 2024
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2024, № 3, pp. 117-122
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2024-3-117-122
A.B. Bekmambetov, Sh.K. Abikenova, L.K. Zhankulova, A.R. Ensebaeva, Sh.T. Aitimova
1 Republican State Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
e-mail: laurazh@mail.ru
Authors Information
Bekmambetov A.B.- PhD (law), Associate Professor, Acting Director General, Republican State Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Abikenova Sh.K. -PhD (Physics and Mathematics),Head of R&D: IRN VK11965728,Republican State Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: shabik_29@mail.ru
ZhankulovaL.K. - Master of Natural Sciences, Head of the Labour Ecology Sector, Republican State Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: laurazh@mail.ru
Ensebaeva A.R. - PhD (law), Head of the Social and Legal Research Department, Republican State Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: nel1212kz@gmail.com
AitimovaSh.T. - Doctoral student, Head of the Statistics Sector, Republican State Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: aitimova_80@mail.ru
This article provides recommendations on introduction of a new model of the compulsory insurance against industrial accidents (CIAIA) based on a comparative analysis of the experience gained in leading countries and in Kazakhstan. A search for scientific and technical information and data was carried out, as well as systematisation, specification and comparative analysis of the collected information and selection of specific features in the research direction of foreign countries.The authors used such methods as observation, factor analysis, and systematisation. Statistical data on occupational injuries (OI), occupational diseases (OD) and mortality, as well as employment in harmful, hazardous working conditions (HHWC) have been analysed as split by individual types of economic activity (TEA), obtained from the Bureau for National Statistics (BNS) of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK). With the purpose of scientific justification of the state policy to reinforce the role of the insurance mechanism in preventing job-related accidents and occupational diseases, the workplaces have been examined at enterprises that are characterised by a wide range of production factors that have a harmful effect on the workers' organism, and new insurance tariffs for health damage have been developed depending on these effects. Based on the results of experimental work, the need to develop a new classification of the occupational risks (OR) in the system of compulsory insurance against industrial accidents (CIAIA) was justified.
Occupational health and safety, Harmful working conditions, Safe work, Occupational risk, Insurance, Accident.
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For citation
Bekmambetov A.B., Abikenova Sh.K., Zhankulova L.K., Ensebaeva A.R., Aitimova Sh.T. A review of international insurance programmes against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. A reform proposed for Kazakhstan. Ugol’. 2024;(3):117-122. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2024-3-117-122.
Paper info
Received February 5, 2024
Reviewed February 15, 2024
Accepted February 26, 2024