Original Paper
UDC 004.42 © A.O. Rada1, K.I. Peters2, A.D. Kuznetsov, 2024
ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2024, № 6, pp. 87-91
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2024-6-87-91
A.O. Rada 1, K.I. Peters 2, A.D. Kuznetsov 1.
1 Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation
2 VZRYV GRUPP LLC, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation e-mail: radaartem@mail.ru
Authors Information
Rada A.O. – PhD (Economic), Director of the Institute of Digits of the Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation, e-mail: radaartem@mail.ru
Peters K.I. – Deputy Director for Advanced Development of DBO Technologies VZRY V GRU PP LL C, 650054, Kemerovo, Russian Federation, e-mail: k.peters@vgroup.one
Kuznetsov A.D. – Director of the Center for Aerial Photography, Geodesy and Cadastral Works of the Institute of Digits of the Kemerovo State University, 650000, Kemerovo, Russian Federation, e-mail: adkuz@inbox.ru
The article considers the relevance of the use of digital technologies for automation of drilling and blasting operations at enterprises engaged in open-pit mining, examines existing Russian digital solutions in the field of design and monitoring of drilling and blasting operations. In order to determine the effectiveness of using high-precision coordinate data to solve DBO problems, the experience of using aerial photography materials and aerial laser scanning of a coal mining site in the territory of the Kemerovo region – Kuzbass is demonstrated. The use of special software allows you to compare the data of the surveying survey with a three-dimensional model of the exploded block, identify collisions and design errors. The use of digital solutions in the design and control of the results of drilling and blasting operations will reduce the proportion of manual labor, increase the productivity of specialists, which will affect the improvement of the quality of the explosion while reducing its cost.
Coal industry, three-dimensional modeling, drilling and blasting operations, surveying, laser scanning, aerial photography, software, UAV, GIS.
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The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the agreement on the provision of grants from the federal budget in the form of subsidies dated September 30, 2022 No. 075-15-2022-1195.
For citation
Rada A.O., Peters K.I., Kuznetsov A.D. Design of drilling and blasting operations based on a 3D model of a excavation block. Ugol’. 2024;(6):87-91. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2024-6-87-91.
Paper info
Received May 6, 2024
Reviewed May 16, 2024
Accepted May 26, 2024