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Original Paper

UDC 622.271:622.1 c M.G. Mustafin, E.O. Valkova

ISSN 0041-5790 (Print) • ISSN 2412-8333 (Online) • Ugol’ – Russian Coal Journal, 2024, № 7, pp. 55-61

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2024-7-55-61




M.G. Mustafin, E.O. Valkova

Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation e-mail: i@evedernikova.ru

Authors Information

Mustafin M.G. – Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Engineering Geodesy,

Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation, e-mail: Mustafin_MG@pers.spmi.ru

Valkova E.O. – Graduate Student, Department of Mining Surveying, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation, e-mail: s215081@stud.spmi.ru


The existing approaches to the observation of deformations of the sides of quarries and the regulatory and technical basis on this issue are considered. The results of research aimed at solving the issue of determining the spatial position of a potentially dangerous landslide zone (DLZ) in an instrument array of rocks, which is important for improving the safety of work at quarries, are presented. The dimensions of the DLZ are determined, both along the side of the quarry and in the perpendicular direction, which take into account only the geometric parameters and physico-mechanical properties of a homogeneous rock mass. It is shown that the width of the sliding prism (collapse) is quite accurately determined by the stress-strain state of the instrument array and is confined to zones where tangential stresses are minimal. Based on the results of multivariate modeling of the elastoplastic problem, the conditions under which three scenarios of a landslide are realized are determined. Based on geomechanical calculations, schemes of surveying observations have been developed, taking into account the given scenarios for the development of landslide formation and using modern surveying and geodetic techniques.


Quarry sides stability, landslide, evaluation of stress-strain state, the landslide process scenarios, surveying observations, observation station scheme.


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For citation

Mustafin M.G., Valkova E.O. Surveying and geomechanical justification for the methods of quarry sides deformations observation. Ugol’. 2024;(7):55-61. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2024-7-55-61.

Paper info

Received April 21, 2024

Reviewed June 16, 2024

Accepted June 25, 2024


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