UDC 622.33.012.3«Tugnuysky».001.86 © A.I. Kainov, V.D. Krasikov, 2013
Aleksandr I. Kainov
Technical Director of JSC “Razrez Tunguysky”
Veleriy D. Krasikov
Deputy Technical Director for Mining of JSC “Razrez Tunguysky”
Organization of a High Performance Operation of Pit Viper Boring Rig at “Tugnuysky” Open-pit Mine
“Tunguysky” Open-pit Mine affiliated to JSC “SUEK” is one of the largest companies across the Siberian region and is fitted with state-of-the-art high performance equipment and cutting edge field working technologies. Owing to its competent management this company managed to create a team which is equal to the most exacting tasks. The article states the results of the operation of Blast Maker programming and engineering unit which makes it possible to determine the borehole depths while taking into account geological peculiarities of mining sections and a borehole charge distribution considering rock rigidities.
Investment program, High performance machinery, Boring, Pit Viper boring rig, Blast Maker programming and engineering unit, Efficiency, Management, Organization of production, Achievements.
Contact information
phone: +7 (301-43) 24-234 |
UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © Olga I. Glinina, 2013
Olga I. Glinina
Leading Editor of Ugol Magazine,
Mining Engineer
International Exhibition “MINExpo International 2012”.
Events. Facts. Summary
On September 22 to 29 in Las-Vegas, USA at the exhibition center the international exhibition “MINExpo International 2012” and Mining Industry Congress were held These vents were hosted by National Mining Association, USA. This long-expected event has become one of the biggest events throughout its history for all the leading machinery and equipment manufacturers for the global mining industry. This year the exhibition involved 90 000 specialists. “MINExpo International 2012” exhibition was housed in 11 halls and pavilions and a spacious open ground totaling 71 000 sq. m. The article gives an overview of this exhibition, exhibitors and exhibited equipment. A special focus is made on Caterpillar and its mining equipment.
Mining equipment, Mining companies, Caterpillar, Exhibition.
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UDC 622.817.47:622.411.33.004.8 © S.V. Slastunov, G.P. Yermak, 2013
Sergei V. Slastunov
Head of Department of MMSU, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Gennadiy P. Yermak
Head of Coal Industry Supervision Department of Rostekhnadzor
(Sate Engineering Supervision Body) of Russia,
Candidate of Engineering
Choice Substantiation of Efficient Implementation of Degassing Methods
in Case of Intensive Gas-bearing Coal Beds a Key Issue for Ensuring Coal
Mine Methane Safety
For Russia’s coal industry which develops coal beds while the mining constantly deepens and its natural gas content increases it’s highly important to eliminate an adverse effect of a “gas factor” on the basis of a substantiated choice and efficient implementation methods for degassing coal bed when these are intensively mined.
Coal bed methane, Intensive coal production, Maximum permissible loads for a breakage face per gas factor, Gas emission forecast based on the actual evaluation of properties and condition of coal & gas-bearing massif, Bed degassing, Condition and outlook for the use of bed degassing.
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UDC 622.831.325.3:621.659 © G.S. Levchinsky, 2013
Grigoriy S. Levchinsky
Director General of JSC “POISK, A.S.”,
Candidate of Engineering
Peculiarities of Using Liquid-packed Ring and Rotary (Dry) Pumps for Degassing
at the Active Mines
The article highlights the peculiarities of using liquid-packed ring and rotary (dry) pumps for degassing at the active mines. The analysis which was performed is based on the use of movable PDU-50M degassing units in active mine conditions during the period of 9 years and a long-term (over 50 years) operation of liquid-packed ring vacuum pumps.
Degassing, Liquid-packed ring and rotary vacuum pumps.
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UDC 622.81 © V.D. Nosenko, 2013
Vyacheslav D. Nosenko
Mining Engineer, Candidate of Engineering, Academician of MANEB
Why Does Methane explode in Mines?
(a version which is not considered in reports)
The article sets forth the causes of methane (and powdered coal) explosions in some mines. When the main roof collapses the open area releases gases featuring a high methane content and if there is an ignition source at this time a flash or explosion occurs. High methane contents at such moments may not be avoided using the existing technologies in principle. A crucial measure to ensure a complete fire and explosion safety in mines is the use of an artificial atmosphere inside them.
Mine, Methane, Explosion, Open area, Main roof, “Zyryanovskaya” and “Raspadskaya” mines.
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UDC 622.532:621.65/.68 © A.B. Sichev, 2013
Aleksei B. Sichev
Head of Pumping Equipment Department
of “Weir Minerals RFZ”
Open-pit Pumping Issues and Solutions.
Modern Pumps and Pump Units. Analysis of Equipment Used by the Companies
The article analyzes the pumping equipment used by the companies for an open-pit pumping and highlights the pumping equipment by Weir Minerals and namely high-lift pumps for pumping low shot concentration water.
Open-pit pumping, Pumping units, High-lift pumps.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 775-08-52; e-mail: |
UDC 359.4:662.6/.7:622.33(470):622.7 © I.D. Grachev, S.A. Nekrasov, 2013
Ivan D. Grachev
Chairman of Energy Committee of the State Duma of Russian Federation,
Doctor of Economics
Sergey A. Nekrasov
Junior Staff Scientist (United Institute of High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences),
Candidate of Engineering, Candidate of Economics
Innovation-sensitive Environment – The Basis For The Coal Industry’s
Transition to a Sustainable Growth
The article shows that going over from the export supply dependence which is now taking shape in the coal industry to a sustainable growth requires the implementation of business projects regarding a comprehensive use of coal and introduces a concept of the environment sensitive to technical solutions which are the basis of self-organization for the projects relevant to a fine processing of coal and involvement of concomitant resources in the economic cycle.
Coal consumption growth outlook, Improved coal processing technologies, Innovation-sensitive environment.
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UDC 658.8.012.12:622.33«313» © N.B. Izigzon, 2013
Naum B. Izigzon
Scientific Work Director of JSC “TsNIEIugol”,
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Can 2030 Program Be Implemented?
The article studies the possibility of implementation of resolutions adopted when developing Russia’s Coal Industry Development Program for a period of up to 2030 adopted in 2010 and approved by the Government of the RF on January 24 2012 No 14 in connection with the changes of financial and economic conditions globally and across the Russian Federation. Also analyzed is the demand for the power station coal for HPS’s, coal exports, transport costs and labor market.
Demand for power station coal, Coal exports, Transport costs, Labor market, Coal generation, Logistics.
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UDC 061.3:622.7 © Ye.L. Chanturya, Yu.B. Rubinshtein, M.V. Davidov, 2013
Yelena L. Chanturya
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of FGBOU “MGGU”
Yuliy B. Rubinshtein
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of JSC “IOTT”
Mikhail V. Davidov
Candidate of Engineering, Senior Researcher of JSC “IOTT”
International Meeting to Commemorate a Legendary Scientist I.N. Plaksin
On September 10 to 14 in Petrozavodsk at the premises of the Geology Institute of Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences regular Plaksin’s readings “Modern Methods of Technological Mineralogy in Comprehensive and Deep Mineral Raw Material Processing“. The article provides an overview of the main reports made at the meeting.
Coal Processing, Coal Benefication, Flotation, Ecology.
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UDC 061.3:622.7:622.33(100) © M.V. Davidov, N.Yu. Goltsova, 2013
Mikhail V. Davidov
Scientific Secretary of JSC “IOTT”, Candidate of Engineering
Natalya Yu. Goltsova
Assitant of Director of Coal and Peat Industry Department
of Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
Main Resolutions Adopted at the Second Meeting of the International
Organization Committee of the XVII International Coal Preparation Congress
In November 2012 in Istambul the second meeting of the International Organization Committee of the XVII International Coal Preparation Congress (ICPC) was held where a number of issues regarding the organization and preparation of the forthcoming and future Congress was considered.
ICPC, Organization committee, Coal Preparation congress, Coal beneficators.
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UDC 622.767.62: 622.7.017.2 © V.I. Novak, 2013
Vadim I. Novak
Director of Coal Department of
Caroline Engineering, Candidate of Engineering
Diluted Coal Mass Benefication
The article provides the scheme of installation for dry benefication of diluted coal mass based on Allair® dry pneumatic jig washer by Allmineral.
Dilution, Coal washibility, Dry jigging, Separation Curves, Ash level.
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UDC 622.771.6:621.928 © Uglev, 2013
Professor Uglev
Spiral Separators for a Fine Slurry Coal Benefication
The editorial staff of Ugol journal would like to offer you a new column which will be fully dedicated to benefication history, engineering, technologies and practices. This column will be hosted by Professor Uglev who is a collective figure but his publications and responses to the readers’ questions will be backed by the expertise of many experts who have devoted their lives to this absorbing and useful occupation both in this country and abroad. Every expert while aspiring to be the first among the equals industriously safeguards his/her professional secrets and does not realize that it’s only a continuous development that gives you a chance to be successful. A search for solutions based solely on your experience is likely to end up with re-inventing a wheel. On the other hand if you share your experience and borrow those of the other professionals this will serve as the basis for a constant and comprehensive growth. The purpose of this column is to bring the experts together in order to jointly find solutions to the existing tasks and communicate so as to ensure that no further problems may appear. Please send your questions to the editorial office of Ugol journal or email to Your questions and answers to them will be regularly published in this journal. The first publication is focused on the spiral separators for a fine slurry coal benefication.
Coal processing, Coal benefication, Coal benefication experience, Spiral separators.
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UDC 622.8:622.33.012 © Ugol, 2013
A.I. Dobrovolsky’s Defense: Higher Performance of Production Control
at a Coal Production Company Based on a Differentiated Approach
to the Personnel Injury Risk Reduction
The article details the main items of A.I. Dobrovolsky’s defense: “Higher Performance of Production Control at a Coal Production Company Based on a Differentiated Approach to the Personnel Injury Risk Reduction and sets forth the main stages of his defense: essence of work, answers to questions, speeches and the Council’s conclusions.
Performance of Production Control, Coal production company, Personnel Injury Risk.
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UDC 622.882:622.332.012.3(571.51) © V.P. Shorokhov, 2013
Vladimir P. Shorokhov
Deputy Technical Director
JSC “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”, Candidate of Engineering
Strategic Aspects of Solving Dislocated Land Reclamation Issues
at Open-pit Mines of JSC “SUEK-Krasnoyarsk”
The article recommends the technologies that ensure a creation of a root-inhabited layer on the reclaimed dumps, provides substantiations for efficient trends of reclamation of lands dislocated through the open mining and proposes the tools for accumulating financial resources to eliminate the consequences of mining.
Reclamation, Fertile and potentially fertile soil layers, Root-inhabited layer, Efficiency, Resources.
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UDC 622.831:622.281.742 © S.B. Aliyev, V.F. Demin, V.V. Yavorsky, T.V. Demina, 2013
Samat B. Aliyev
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Eurasian Economic Committee
Vladimir F. Demin
Professor of Mineral Field Development Department of KarGTU,
Doctor of Engineering
Vladimir V. Yavorsky
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Tatyana V. Demina
Senior Teacher of Mining Aerology and Job Safety Department
of KarGTU, Candidate of Engineering
Establishing Anchorage Parameters Depending on the Mining
and Technological Conditions of Excavation Operation
The article establishes the operating parameters of bolting in mine for fixing the bars in mine workings to ensure the mining safety.
Analytical modeling, Deflected mode, Technology, Edge rock massif, Mine working timbering.
Contact information
phone: +7 (7212) 56-26-19; e-mail: |
UDC 658.012.12:622. © A.V. Fedash, 2013
Anatoli V. Fedash
Associate Professor of Bedded Deposit Underground Mining Department of MSMU,
Candidate of Engineering
Principles of Establishing a Coal Production Company Project Quality
Management System
The article substantiates the following principles of coal production company project quality management system: quality of local and special projects not lower than that of a construction project, a company’s surpassed technological system safety quality figures compared to the quality specified by the normative documents; ensuring a company’s technological system quality through the use of latest achievement of fundamental and applied sciences; high level of project solution adaptivity to the deposit’s natural conditions.
Technological system of coal production companies, Management systems, Project quality management.
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UDC 550.83:622.33.012.2(571.17) © Ye.M. Zhukov, A.V. Kitayev, 2013
Yevgeni M. Zhukov
Director of “Ekspertnaya organizatsiya “Ekspertpromugol” Ltd
Artem V. Kitayev
Chief Geologist of Geophysical Department of
“Ekspertnaya organizatsiya “Ekspertpromugol” Ltd
Seismic Technologies — a Trend to Minimize Accident Risks and Economic
Losses at Coal Production Companies
The article highlights the issue of having to use seismic prospecting of a coal rock massif in mine conditions in order to obtain better information about the nature of distribution of physical properties of massif rocks and on this basis to evaluate to a larger extent the geological situation at the stage of working area preparation. The article also deals with the methods and results of seismic surveys carried out by “Ekspertnaya organizatsiya “Ekspertpromugol” Ltd at a number of mines in the south of Kuzbass. “Ekspertnaya organizatsiya “Ekspertpromugol” Ltd offers its services to coal companies regarding seismic prospecting and further studies in this sphere.
Geological factor, Coal rock massif, Industrial safety, Mine conditions, Geophysics, Geological prospecting, Seismic prospecting.
Contact information
phone: +7(3843) 73-63-28; ph./fax: +7(3843) 73-63-70 |