UDC 658.012.011.56ASU:622.233::622.235:622.271.3 © V.B. Artemyev, V.A. Kovalenko,
P.I. Opanasenko, A.B. Isaychenkov, 2012
Vladimir B. Artemyev
Deputy Director General – Director for Production Operations of Company “SUEK”,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Vitaly A. Kovalenko
Director of Communications & IT Institute Kirghis-Russian Slavic University,
Candidate of Engineering
Pyetr I. Opanasenko
Deputy Technical Director of Company “SUEK”,
Candidate of Engineering
Aleksandr B. Isaychenkov
Head of Department of Company “SUEK”
Preparation and Performance of BVR Using Advanced Information
Technologies at SUEK Coal Open-pit Coal Mines
The article gives some up-to-date information technologies which are used in preparation and performance of drilling and blasting operations (BVR) at open-pit coal mines of SUEK company.
Open-pit coal mine, Program-technical system, Automated drilling and blasting operation design systems.
Contact information
e-mail: |
UDC 658.012.12:622.232.8 © A.I. Sukmanov, V.V. Zotov, S.S. Kubrin, 2012
Aleksei I. Sukmanov
Project Manager of SPC “SpetsTek”
Vasiliy V. Zotov
Associate Professor of Mining Mechanics and Transport Department of FGBOU VPO MSMU,
Candidate of Engineering
Sergey S. Kubrin
Acting Head of Laboratory of IPKON of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Doctor of Engineering
Mine Breakage Plant Condition Assessment Methods
The article proposes some methods for a mine breakage plant condition assessment based on the criteria which characterize the operation of its main assemblies in order to prevent the equipment failures.
Surface miner, Condition assessment methods, Coal mines.
Contact information
phone: +7 (812)329-45-60; e-mail:;
e-mail:; phone: +7 (495) 360-07-35; e-mail: |
UDC 061.45:622.3(100) © O.I. Glinina, 2012
Olga I. Glinina
Leading Editor of “Ugol” Magazine,
Mining Engineer
Coal Industry Innovations and Development Strategies
Summary of XV Kuzbass International Coal Forum – “Expo-Ugol 2012”
On September 18 to 21 in Kemerovo the Kuzbass International Coal Forum “Expo-Ugol 2012” was held. It’s now the fifteenth year that this specialized congress and exhibition event has been held within the framework of a joint project of the Administration of Kemerovo region and that of Kemerovo backed by the Ministry of Energy of Russia, Chamber of Commerce of Russia, large scientific centers and mining engineering companies in terms of organization efforts.
The XV international specialized coal technology fair “Expo Ugol”, the XII specialized coal sale fair “Coal Supplies and Sales”; XIV international theoretical and practical conference «Energy Safety of Russia: new approaches to coal industry development”, the II meeting of Working Group for Coal within the framework of intergovernmental mechanism of energy cooperation in North-East Asiaè ESKATO UN and the meeting of the Council of the Educational and Methodical Association of Universities of the Russian Federation for Mining Education were held within the framework of the forum. The article provides an overview of participants and exhibits of the Expo-Ugol exhibition and some information about a scientific and business program of the forum and the meeting of the Working Group for Coal within the framework of intergovernmental mechanism of energy cooperation in North-East Asiaè ESKATO UN.
Mining equipment, Mining firms, Scientific and business program, International economic cooperation in coal industry.
Contact information
å-mail: |
UDC 622.33:331.452 © V.G. Kharitonov, A.V. Remezov, S.V. Novoselov, S.A. Panikhidnikov, 2012
Vitaliy G. Kharitonov
Director General of “UK “Zarechnaya” Ltd,
Candidate of Engineering,
Full Member of Mining Science Academy and Siberian Branch of MANEB
Anatoliy V. Remezov
Professor of RMPI PS Department of T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass STU,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Academician of MANEB
Sergey V. Novoselov
Academician of MANEB, Candidate of Economics
Sergei A. Panikhidnikov
Acting Head of Ecology and Social and Personal Safety Department of
Military Education Institute of Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich
St. Petersburg State Telecommunications University,
Candidate of Military Sciences, Retired Colonel
Requirements for Creation of Safety Systems for Multifunctional Mine Systems
The article sets forth the requirements for creation of safety systems for multifunctional mine systems.
Safety system, Multifunctional mine system.
Contact information
e-mail: |
UDC 622.831.325:622.33.012.2(470) © F.N. Voskoboyev, 2012
Fridrikh N. Voskoboyev
Professor of NMSU “Gorny”,
Doctor of Engineering, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation
Issues of Extending Conditions for an Efficient Development of Russia’s Coal Fields
The article states a solution to the issue of a safe and efficient development of coal field featuring difficult mining and geological conditions (hard falling rocks of the main roof and incompetent rocks of immediate roof, beds considered hazardous as regards blows and bounces, soil rocks prone to heaving or sudden fractures and highle gas-bearing beds) across Russia and gives some tasks and ways of solution: setting optimum parameters (spans) for hard falling rock failure, relieving the massif containing the excavations from high stresses, controlled and regulated safe methane concentration in the outgoing air flows, based on the sealing of the stripped area and the use of special ventilation schemes.
Difficult mining and geological conditions, Weakening, Relieving, Methane, Explosion, Safety, Efficiency.
Contact information
e-mail: |
UDC 681.51 © K.A. Ivushkin, V.F. Yevtushenko, L.P. Mishlyaev, K.G. Venger, 2012
Konstantin A. Ivushkin
Director General of “UK “SIBSHAKHTPROMSTROY” Ltd,
Candidate of Economics
Viktor F. Yevtushenko
Professor of FGBOU VPO “SibGIU”,
Doctor of Engineering
Leonid P. Mishlyaev
Prorector – Science and Innovative Development
FGBOU VPO “SibGIU”, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Konstantin G. Venger
Technical Director of OK “Sibshakhtstroi” Ltd
A Study of the Water-coal Fuel Effects on the Thermal Conditions
of a Swirling-type Furnace
The article details the results of an active experiment with combustion of water-coal fuel obtained from the coal cleaning waste in a swirl-type furnace. During the experiment the values of thermal conditions of fuel combustion process were recorded both dynamically and in a stable operation. The studies performed made it possible to obtain new results concerning the influence of characteristics of water-coal fuel on the thermal condition values of a swirl-type furnace required for the development of the process instructions about the performance of water-coal fuel combustion.
Coal cleaning waste, Combustion, Swirling-type Furnace, Automation, System, Measurement, Control, Regulation.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3843) 46-35-02 |
UDC 621.311.22:622.7.002.68:662.654 © S.P. Mochalov, I.S. Kozhukhovsky, K.A. Ivushkin, V.P. Baskakov, 2012
Sergei P. Mochalov
Rector of FGBOU VPO “SibGIU”, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Igor S. Kozhukhovsky
Director General of CJSC “Agenstvo po prognozirovaniyu balansov v elektroenergetike”,
Candidate of Economics
Konstantin A. Ivushkin
Director General of “UK “SIBSHAKHTPROMSTROY” Ltd,
Candidate of Economics
Vladimir P. Baskakov
Candidate of Engineering
Coal Generation Development Strategy:
Transition From Power Generating Systems to Energotechnological Systems
The article sets forth a strategy of creation and development of energotechnical modular systems which make it possible to produce a whole range of high value products with a high added value such as nano adsorbents, carbon molecular sieves, carbon nanofibers, engine fuel and a wide range of construction materials alongside with thermal power and electricity. These systems can use coal including a low-grade one, any kinds of solid fuel (peat and slate), coal production and coal cleaning waste and other kinds of man-caused waste as a feed stock.
Power generation systems, Energotechnical systems, Coal generation.
Contact information
e-mail:; phone: +7 (3843) 463-502 |
UDC 338.45:334.6:331.6:336.5 © A.M. Pyatkin, A.A. Rozhkov, 2012
Aleksandr M. Pyatkin
Doctor of Economics, Professor
(JSC “TsNIEIugol”)
Anatoly A. Rozhkov
Doctor of Economics, Professor
("INKRU” Ltd)
Partnership between the State and the Business in the Life
of Coal One-Industry Towns
The article states the main directions for improvement of state and business partnership in upgrading the living activities of the coal one-industry towns including the integration of interests of the state and business, the mechanism of implementation of the state and business partnership, problem orientation of the state and business partnership projects and practical implementation of state and business partnership in the coal one-industry towns.
State and business partnership, Coal one-industry towns, A great number of interests of the state and business, Public and local authorities, Business entities, Upgrading, Efficiency factors.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 777-18-71; phone: +7 (495) 691-23-32 |
UDC 331.87:622.33 (083.74) © Yu.G. Gribin, G.A. Yefimova, V.N. Popov, A.A. Rozhkov, 2012
Yuri G. Gribin
Doctor of Economics, Professor (JSC “TsNIEIugol”)
Galina A. Yefimova
Candidate of Economics (JSC “TsNIEIugol”)
Vladimir N. Popov
Doctor of Economics, Professor (JSC “TsNIEIugol”)
Anatoly A. Rozhkov
Doctor of Economics, Professor ("INKRU” Ltd)
About the Need for a System Approach to Designing Professional Standards
in the Coal Industry
The article deals with the issues of designing professional standards in the coal industry, highlights the principles of a system approach to the development of regulations and methods and proposes some technical approaches to the generation of standards while taking into account the peculiarities of the industry.
Professional standard, System approach, Structure and contents of a standard.
Contact information
phone: +7 (495) 777-18-71 |
UDC 331.6:65.016.18:622.33.012.2(470.61) © I.N. Sorokin, 2012
Igor N. Sorokin
Mayor of Novoshakhtinsk
Coal Industry Restructuring Consequences:
Issues and Solutions by the Example of the Development of Novoshakhtinsk
With a numver of inhabitants of close to 110,000 inhabitants Novoshakhtinsk is located in the western part of Rostov region. Its historical development is connected with the coal industry which has long been a sole industry for the town. It accounted for 90.8% of the total industrial production and 78.8% of all the people working in the economy of the town. The restructuring of the coal industry and a big man-caused accident at the Zapadnaya mine entailed a complete closure of the mines and auxiliary companies of the industry with over 23,000 workers made redundant as a result. Consequently the town has a difficult economic and social situation featuring a high unemployment rate. In order to correct the situation the authorities are looking to diversify the economy. Mayor of Novoshakhtinsk Igor N. Sorokin has summed up the results of the measures which have been taken in his interview.
Restructuring, Unemployment, Local development program, Investment projects, Governmental support, Small-scale business, New job creation, Diversification and reprofiling of the town’s economy, Social policy, Environment.
Contact information
phone: +7 (8639) 2-30-24 |
UDC 658.012.12:622.7(470) © V.I. Novak, 2012
Vadim I. Novak
Director of Coal Department of “Carolina Engineering”,
Candidate of Engineering
What’s the Reason Why not all Coal-preparation Plant Manage
to Reach their Design Objectives?
The article states the risks of the owners of Russian coal companies which have to do with construction and reconstruction of coal preparation plants, describes the ways how they can be minimized and details modern approaches ton implementing similar projects.
Coal, Cleaning, Coal concentrate, Coal-preparation plant design, ER-contract.
Contact information
e-mail: |
UDC 622.333 © V.P. Gurin, G.A. Dunayev, 2012
Valery P. Gurin
Director General of “Rostovgiproshakht” Ltd,
Candidate of Economics
Georgy A. Dunayev
Chief Expert of Research Department “Rostovgiproshakht” Ltd,
Mining Engineer, Candidate of Engineering
Coal Mine Design:
Do we need the Standard or any other Norm to Define the Composition
and Contents of Design Documentation and to Reflect Specific Peculiarities
of Coal Producers?
The article highlights one of the coal mine design problems – a composition of the design documentation sections and keeping them within the framework of official documents which do not reflect the peculiarities of coal production companies.
Mine design, Composition and contents of design documentation.
Contact information
phone: +7 (863) 264-59-46; fax: +7(863) 264-86-21; e-mail: |
UDC 622.831 © V.F. Demin, V.V. Yavorsky, V.V. Zhurov, T.V. Demina, 2012
Vladimir F. Demin
Professor of Mineral Field Development Department of Karaganda State Technical University,
Doctor of Engineering
Vladimir V. Yavorsky
Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Vitaly V. Zhurov
Senior Teacher of Higher Mathematics Department of Karaganda State Technical University,
Candidate of Engineering
Tatyana V. Demina
Senior Teacher of Mine Aerology and Occupational Safety and Health Department of Karaganda State Technical University,
Candidate of Engineering
The Influence of the Anchor Tilt Angle on the Deflected Mode
of Rock Massif around the Excavation
The article defines the parameters for the operation of bolting at mines for fixing the bars in the courses in order to ensure the mining safety.
Analytical modeling, Deflected mode, Technology, Edge rock massif, Mine working lining.
Contact information
phone: +7 (7212) 56-26-19 |
UDC 658.012.12:622. © A.V. Fedash, 2012
Anatoly V. Fedash
Associate Professor of Underground Bedded Deposit Development Department of MSMU,
Candidate of Engineering
Analysis Algorithm for the Coal Producer Project Quality
The article proposes the algorithm for the determination of the quality factor of the coal production companies’ projects while taking into account weight and multiplicative influence of factors, parameters and characteristics when the quality is assessed as per technological and economic criteria and social, environmental and industrial safety.
Coal production, Mine, Project, Algorithm, Safety.
Contact information
phone: +7 (499) 237-25-29 |